Art, Art, Art, and MORE… art

Please note that all this I wrote in a British accent. ☕️
Also, click the title.

*sigh* You’re probably tired of this.

“Too much art, dear,” you say. But, my, are you in for a treat because there can NEVER be too much AHT!

My big-brained self has conjured up the probability that some of you may be new here. 🧐 (OHR you did NOT check out my previous art posts. 🤨 What is one to do?!)

See them first so you may delight in my improvement! (That doesn’t sound too proud, does it? 😬)

‘Tis the posts ⤵️

ENOUGH TALK! Let’s art. ✍️

The Art…. actually, WAIT.

Before we begin, there’s something I must explain: I forgot my art style. I viewed many different ahtists absolutely scrumptious renditions and original works, and… I got discouraged. Seriously and very deeply discouraged. How could one ever reach the bar they’ve set?

I snapped out of it by God’s grace! I would say that figuring out some stuff about myself through the lens of the Word of God was also beneficial. BUT THAT’S MUCH TOO DEEP FOR NOW.

Related: Monthly Wrap-Up (Feb 2023), which is more of a mid-month wrap-up since FeB’S NOT OVER YET. (But no one reads mid-month wrap-ups, amirite, dearies? 😏 )

BEFORE the Breakdown


I have this horrid tendency of not taking care of the scraps of paper which I use for certain drawings. Being, y’know, MYSELF, I love drawing on scratch paper! 😃

[The one to the right] Not my PROUDEST creation but a creation nonetheless.

I feel it’s important to note that I filter out some of my sketches since some of them are 🤢… too revolting to share. I hope you understand. 😅

DURING the Breakdown

Someway, somehow, past Breanna knew of her dilemma. At the back of her mind, she was aware of the disappointment her drawings brought. They just weren’t good enough. She just wasn’t good enough.

So she stopped.

No drawing.

No sketching.

No art.












After the Breakdown 😎

Ehehehe, I’m definitely over-exaggerating my past situation because on the same day of the “breakdown,” I made these lovelies. 👆

(inspired by Cameron Mark Art, my idol 🤩)

Or… 🤔

OH WAIT, NOW I get it. The picture during the breakdown was actually after a big hiatus I took from art. (If you ever feel overly pressured from something, consider taking a break!) Apologies for the misunderstanding! 😃

DEN I read some articles on how to draw. Sometimes you need to return to the basics. 👌

Good 👍

Not so good 👎

A huge shoutout and thank you to Cameron Mark Art. (MA DUUUUUDE!) Thank you for showing your art to the world so amateurs like me can imitate and acquire motivation from them.

When I hit a block, I genuinely tried discontinuing my art journey. But I couldn’t. It was a chunk of me that couldn’t be removed.

No matter how terrible I believe I am, I can’t stop. I won’t stop. And no human deter me.


… Lez move on

(I revealed my hand to remind you aliens that I’M NOT A BOT.)


HARUMIIII inspired by the 13th to the last sketch of this post by Bea

Her body proportions are WHACK. But I attempted to fix it the best I could, so whack it shall stay.

Allow me to take a moment to explain who Harumi is.

Rumi/ HarumI

In a series called Ninjago, Harumi was (take note: was) this perfect princess. White hair adorned her head, and her lips were always cherry red. (RHYME!) The first time the ninja—Surprise, surprise, Ninjago is about ninjas!—met Harumi, she wore her royal gown and crown, face lathered in the required make-up of the Jade Princess (another name of hers).

(Ninjago fans, I’ll skip some backstory cuz I’m kinda sus about her.) Lloyd, one of the main characters, identified with her since she also felt like a bar was set for her (as a princess but for him as the Green Ninja)—a bar she felt she could never reach. *cough* She was also adopted. *cough*

Lloydie-toydie develops a crushy-wushy, cuz he’s a BIG OL’ BABY! (That’s a half-meant joke. 😏 Watch Ninjago to understand!) She’s aware of his feelings…

⛔️ Warning: MAJOR SPOILER! Do not read if you wanna watch the show. ⛔️




What did she want, you ask? Well, dearies, you’re in for a treat: Lloyd’s father was overcome by evil and therefore detained in a place, not part of yet still sort of part of their LEGO world. Yes, it’s lego. Hard to wrap your head around, but let me continue: Before he was “fully” evil, he stopped this ginormous snake from destroying all of Ninjago. The people credited the victory to Lloyd’s father, Garmadon, despite the ninja doing most of the work.

Here’s the kicker: Harumi’s parents died because of the destruction the snakey caused. From then on out, she “worshiped” Garmadon, and dedicated her life to resurrecting him. On the other hand, she loathed the ninja and vowed to annihilate them. (Or at least torture them until they wish she had.) She spent years upon years undercover, forming a band of bandits to bend upon her will. Lloyd crushing on her only helped her cause. (LLYOD, WHY?)

The only thing that fueled her was her hatred of the ninja. But somehow she gets over that…

…but not before dying. 🙂

Just… just watch it.

HENCE THE SKETCH! She’s a sassy boss, which I would have been okay with had…had she not emotionally manipulated Lloyd. Ya.

Thank You for reading!


Applaud me, aliens. 👏 👏 👏

Oh, and if ever you read this again, do it out loud in your best British accent. Thank you.

Author: ☁ Breanna ☁

(If I commented on your post at a suspiciously early/late time, it's because I live far, far away.) Greetings and salutations. 'Tis I, Breanna! I am a homeschooled Christian teen whose heart is bursting with praises to her almighty King. I hope your day is going fine and dandy. If it is or isn't, I'd recommend visiting my blog for a laugh or possible new learnings. But beware, no grouches allowed! I love art, books, baking and cooking, school (who doesn't?!), family, Jesus, and meeting new people (hint hint!). Please stop by. In reading this, you know me but not I to you! THE CURIOSITY IS TORTURE!

11 thoughts on “Art, Art, Art, and MORE… art”

  1. “I viewed many different ahtists absolutely scrumptious renditions and original works, and… I got discouraged. Seriously and very deeply discouraged. How could one ever reach the bar they’ve set?” Dearest Breanna, I have done the same with my writing! Stop doing that; stop comparing. You are very talented in your own right, and don’t think for a minute that some of those “great artists” have not been there too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, yes—one of the easiest ways down a spiral to depression. I know, Linda! I must stop, halt, and cut off the habit entirely! I’ll add it to my personal prayer list. Definitely one of my most challenging struggles. 😔

      Thank you so much! All by God’s grace. Thank you, thank you, thank you, dear faithful follower! (I to you as well! 😁)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. There are few things more enjoyable than looking at your art over time and watching yourself improve. I love these pictures! There’s so much expression in every face. As a fellow artist and a writer (and a perfectionist!), trust me, you’re going to hit those awful slumps where everything you do sucks and you’re nothing but a big pile of discouraged mistakes. I just got through one myself and I know I’m going to hit another one. But look at what you’ve accomplished already. Plus you wrote this entire post on a phone and didn’t lose your mind in the process…girl, after that, there’s nothing you can’t do. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. *sheds a tear* That was beautiful. Also, let me tell you a secret: I don’t post my art because they’re good. Never! Perfectionism, as you know, will never permit us to reach satisfaction. I like sharing my tiny sketches for the rambles in between—the backstories, burnouts, and lessons learned. But, truthfully, it’s less of that and more of the advice and encouragement of kind souls who stumble across my blog. Like you!

      The writing and art community are fantastic yet as strong as each member. We aren’t competition; we understand the struggles and slumps no one is free of and seek to build each other up. The thought warms my heart, and so does this comment. Thanks for stopping by! 💚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Why, thanks very much. It’s some of my best work! Yeah, it took me a *long* time to come to terms with the fact that, shockingly, not everything I’m going to do is perfect. I post pictures on my blog and Ko-fi that have warts and mistakes and just one crooked line I can’t fix no matter how I try…but that’s okay. I’m constantly improving, and my “awful” drawings these days look amazing compared to the “awful” drawings of five years ago. And in five years, they’ll have changed again.

        There’s nothing quite like it, is there? We’re all at different points with different skills. I have more experience than one person, and another person has more experience than me, and we all get to help each other out. I’m glad my comment could do you some good. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go poke around this blog of yours some more. . .

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