Would You Rather? [Reader Edition]~ (1 of 3 part Collab w/ The Texas Lass)

I’m pleased to announce that this is the first of three posts in collaboration with the one and only Texas Lass! Her blog is filled to the brim with well-written, entertaining posts and is very much deserving of a follow. Don’t take my word for it! See the bright blue text? Click it.

Collaborating with her is now one of my favorite blogging experiences. She was easy to coordinate with, and our message thread is packed with her good humor. We exchanged sappy remarks already, so I’ll keep it to a minimum here.

Now to the actual post. Miss Texan graciously and mercilessly compiled a handful of Would You Rather questions for the reader, who is me.

I’m a ninny (Miss Texan used that word once. I love it), so my answers may be preposterous and appalling to the reader community. If so, educate me in the comments, please.

Remember, my posts are not half as polished as Miss Texan’s, so forgive me.

Would You (Which is “I” for Me, but “You” for You) Rather…

1. Read a physical book or an e-book?

Physical book, hands down. Am I the only one who associates comfort with the smell of well-loved books’ pages?

Besides, I have yet to read an e-book, digital cover to cover.

2. Have to read your least favorite book every month, or never read your favorite book ever again?

Read my least favorite book every month, except it must be squeaky clean. Crazy? I think not. I wouldn’t give up my favorite book for the world. (Don’t take me literally on that. One shouldn’t take me literally often.)

3. Read fantasy or science-fiction?

OH, MISS TEXAN! That’s painful. Must you do this to me?

All right, so I’ve attempted to write a sci-fi short story with chapters. It never got as far as planning the plot, getting the characters down, and finalizing a scene. Nevertheless, that single scene I wrote (mind you, it wasn’t a chapter but one teeny scene) is the best I’ve ever formed. I’m enormously proud of it.

On the other hand, I’m drafting a fantasy novella, and I have all these ideas that seem so fantastic (see what I did there?)…in my imagination. The brutal truth is my writing process can be summed up in this one statement: “This sounded better in my head.” I’m willing to dedicate time and love to it because I like finishing what I start, but the results have been discouraging.

But that’s one major detour. This is about reading, not writing. But knowing about the behind-the-scenes (or, more accurately, behind the misconception that making the book was ” a piece of cake!”) is helpful, don’t you think?

I’d have to say…fantasy. Because of Chronicles of Narnia. Because I likely can’t keep up with all the time traveling, scientific, space, futuristic, technological whatnots. And fantasy has, what, 50 subgenres? That will keep me occupied. Thank goodness these are mere Would You Rather questions. Following through with my answers would be the death of me.

4. Read a book with a cliffhanger ending, or a heartbreaking ending? 

A heartbreaking ending, without hesitation. (This is assuming there’s no continuation of the cliffhanger ending in, say, a series. But some series leave a book at a cliffhanger and then abandon it completely. Who does that?! The audacity!) Besides, my heart needs to learn how to cope. That’d teach her right.

Also, cliffhanger endings cause chronic brain-consuming-itself illness. It’s an author promising to take us on a journey just to leave us stranded on a deserted, uncharted island without food, water, or means of survival. Change my mind.

But, I have to admit, cliffhanger endings have fanfics that may even be better than the original, so heartbreaking ending wins by a small percent.

5. Read only one genre forever, or never repeat the same genre after reading it once? 

Oh, goodness. This may be the worst one yet.

Upon my quick search of fiction and nonfiction genres, I found numerous kinds and much variety. Plus, for each genre, there are subgenres. (The subgenres had better count, or Natalie is a sadist.) Then again, there’s not quite enough for one genre per two weeks. By the time I reach 20, I’ll have run out of genres!

I’ll have to read only one genre forever. Authors will continually replenish the book supply of the genre, and constant reading in it would make me exceptionally knowledgeable. I’d have to choose my genre wisely, though. Fiction or nonfiction, maybe? No, that’s cheating.

6. Dog-ear your books, or never mark your place?

Never mark your place, definitely. I side with Miss Texan. Dog-earring a book is a crime.

7. Secretly love a book everyone hates, or secretly hate a book everyone loves?

Secretly love a book everyone hates. I’ve done it before, making doing it hypothetically much easier.

Besides, if I hate a book everyone loves, I’ll be sure to rain on their parade, or, at the very least, judge the book lovers with my eyes. In love, of course. In loving judgment.

8. Read a series as it comes out, or wait until all the books have been published to binge them?

Read a series as it comes out because I’m an impatient bean. Reading a book series after a good 17 years is a considerable option as well. (*cough* The Secret Series *cough*)

9. Live in your favorite character’s world, or have your favorite character live in your world?

I’m a shameful, evil human. Have my favorite character live in my own wretched world. I will force my problems upon him. I’d like to see how his “I’ve got it all covered” persona holds out when I introduce him to this magical thing called taxes.

10. Get locked in a library, or locked in a bookshop? 

I have a confession: I don’t know how libraries work.

I don’t have accessible libraries where I live, but it sounds like heaven. So, get locked in a library.

On a related note, consider signing this petition for libraries in my dear ol’ third-world country. Have compassion, will you?

Thank you for reading!

And many thanks, Miss Texan, for these questions! They were plenty of fun to answer.

Check out Miss Texan’s post for this part of the collab here.

Prepare for an exciting something on the 3rd and final part of this collab!

Author: ☁ Breanna ☁

(If I commented on your post at a suspiciously early/late time, it's because I live far, far away.) Greetings and salutations. 'Tis I, Breanna! I am a homeschooled Christian teen whose heart is bursting with praises to her almighty King. I hope your day is going fine and dandy. If it is or isn't, I'd recommend visiting my blog for a laugh or possible new learnings. But beware, no grouches allowed! I love art, books, baking and cooking, school (who doesn't?!), family, Jesus, and meeting new people (hint hint!). Please stop by. In reading this, you know me but not I to you! THE CURIOSITY IS TORTURE!

18 thoughts on “Would You Rather? [Reader Edition]~ (1 of 3 part Collab w/ The Texas Lass)”

  1. Ooh, I was hoping these questions would make you squirm a little. Excellent answers! I think I would have picked the same ones myself, except maybe sci-fi instead of fantasy. Maybe. And yes, I absolutely am a sadist, but I’ll let you have the subgenres. As somebody who’s written a few “fix-it” fanfics in response to cliffhangers or unsatisfactory endings, it can be kind of fun to put all the pieces together. Still, I don’t want to constantly be cleaning up after the author. They shouldn’t have started writing all that if they weren’t planning on finishing it! Libraries are really just like bookshops, only they don’t try to sell you anything. Lastly, how dare you with that link. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for that, Miss Texan! Since sarcasm is challenging to communicate through the screen without subtext, my statement is half genuine and half glaring daggers. Understandable; sci-fi or fantasy was a low blow, Miss Texan. Low. I’m still wheezing. You know, I picked up on that, but thank you. Someone’s gotta teach the author that their writing is so spectacular one can’t bear to see the cliffhanger abandoned, but they’re so horrendously awful at it since they can’t finish a story well to save the world. Also, the noble fanfic writers are the backbone of said author’s career, but they have their limits. Ah, thanks for the explanation. I abide by my answer for the libraries, then. Shhh, you’ll blow my cover! But I dared very well, thank you very much.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Don’t worry. I’ve grown so fluent in sarcasm that I can even sense it in text now. To be entirely honest, I’m just glad I didn’t get asked that question myself, because I’m not sure I could have answered it, even if I directed all my powers of sadism on myself. I tell you, I’ve read some stories in my time that make me wonder how they even got published, cliffhangers or no. We fanfic writers have to fix those, too. Do our struggles never end? Libraries and bookshops are both great, but I’d still pick the former. I hope you get to experience one for yourself someday, so of course I’ve signed your petition!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. That petition…you know, I pretty much always can spot a rick-roll, but I must admit, you’ve caught me off guard!

    Anyway, I pretty much agree with all of your answers! Great collab!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I would rather wait till a series is finished before reading it so I don’t have to wait for the next to come out. I’ve had that probs before and it sticks😂
        and secretly hate a book everyone loves. I kinda already do this, although I don’t hate books.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ah, good points. Both are great, really. In fact, I’m doing that method now for this series I really like. You know, I’ve done that one much more, just not “secretly.” 😆 True, it’s nearly impossible for book lovers to hate a book merely because of its bookiness.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. The best way, then you don’t have to wait forever. Waiting is no fun.
        Yeah, I end up just being mad at the author or the characters if there’s something in it that I don’t like.

        Liked by 1 person

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