A Dump of Art

In which I give a brief show of art, which I’m hoping you’d give feedback on (hint hint) with lots of explanations and extra notes, and showcase something I think is stupendous.

It’s me again. Tired of it yet?

This is going to be a brief post; worry not. Before I continue, remember that post where I said I’d put some reviews up? No? Well, scratch that. I recently discovered that I don’t like giving reviews on things. Not everything can be summarized in a few stars, and I got a little overwhelmed with the idea of doing so with books I’m not sure how I feel about.

Anyway, this week was a rollercoaster, but not to toot my own horn, but I’m pretty sure I succeeded in keeping my priorities straight. Er, sort of.

Enough detouring. Behold!

My Artistic Improvement! (Including a Very Special Fanart Piece)

From February 19, the date I most recently posted a dump, to today, I polished my skills quite a bit, or I’d like to think so. See for yourself.

Let’s arrange this by date.

Odette…sort of
My imagination of Odette’s appearance shifted from a blonde, fair-skinned young lady to a tanned, brunette girl in planning my version of Swan Lake.
Pouty pout
I’m not happy with this, but it’s better than most. See? I can be candid.
“I’ve got my arms on my hips, and my background is a poor attempt at perspective. It was given up on.”
The settings automatically changed this picture (I don’t draw horizontally), but I’m too lazy to change it, so tilt your head a bit if you want to enjoy it.
Halle Bailey before I knew it was Halle Bailey, which is why it doesn’t look like Halle Bailey
This is a rendition of Halle Bailey without her illustrious fins and sequins. Funny, I didn’t know I was drawing her when I did this because the reference photo was another rendition of her, so I accidentally did a celebrity fanart. Hmm.

Related: Journal- 6/7/2023 (Movie Reviews, Brain Dumpings, and the Search for Clarity)

Alessia but lopsided
Ugh, it’s lopsided.

Pooping back in to add: Meet my character, Alessia, from That One Fantasy Story I’ll Probably Never Get Around to Do™. She’s a 5’1, 14-year-old female with a hint of Asian descent (which is extremely broad, I know—I should know) who resides in a humble village in a world where Vikings, kings, half-creatures, and iPhones co-exist. She wants nothing more than to please the people she loves, admires, and holds dear, not consisting of her friends. She keeps them at arm’s length; vulnerability is a weakness, and she won’t permit it to ensnare her.

Related: Get to Know My WIPs!

“i’Ve GoT tHe WiNd iN mY hAiR aNd A firE witHiN aNd ThE fUn’S oNlY sTaRtiNg”
I forgot whom I used as a reference, but the artist was on Instagram. I’m pretty sure she was recreating objects as humans and their outfits; yes, it sounds as cool as it is.
Smirk 😏
Just a random smirker with a headband.
She’s happy with something
A random, dimpled girl with—I imagine—pink highlights at the tips of her hair.
Animated girl and selfie chick
The one to the left is a sketch in which I tried a new style. I’m not too proud of it, but it looks fine. The one on the right is a selfier whose hands I am extremely irked with. They look…tentacle-y and bony—not what I was going for.
The difficulty of tying a ponytail - an artwork
I have a love-hate relationship with ponytails: I love the ponytail, hate tying it.
Medusa as a mermaid (?)
“Part of that wooorrld” ~credits to Olaf
Arabesque with dramatic arms and no proportional lower legs
I HATE that her legs aren’t proportional. I used another Instagram reference for this sketch—a human, non-sketch one.
I’m…not sure who this is. Let’s call her “a random girl with poofy hair that was a pleasure to draw.”

AND! Drumroll, please.

A special appearance from an outstanding piece of work! Please welcome…

Charlotte Ford from Natalie/The Texas Lass’s novella, Reciprocity!

Look, it’s Charlotte!
I worked very diligently on that rifle and apologize for forgetting one doodad or thingamabob. I tried, okay?! Also, I was too lazy to draw her tac vest, as slaving on her weapon took a significant chunk of my time working on the overall result. She wasn’t supposed to have the gun, but I had to put it in. I had to. Well, whaddya think?

(Look. At. Her. HANDS. Then look away right after because they’re not that good.)

(And I don’t know what’s going on with her hair either.)

This is my version, so it might not match how you imagine her when reading the snippets.

…unless you haven’t read it yet. And my, oh my, are you in for a treat!

Or a trick. It’s a two-way street.

And now I’m faced with a predicament: To tag Miss Texan’s posts or not? I intended this to be a surprise, hence, not wanting to notify her, but she deserves her recognition. What to do…

Oh, well. Credit where credit’s due, I guess.

No, wait! Here’s her website link: The Texas Lass — Reflections, Reviews, & Random Writings

Listen carefully, all right? You will be directed to her homepage. Scroll down and click anything with the word “Reciprocity” in the title. I’d advise the announcement post, but start with the first chapter if you’re impatient (and self-aware).

Of course, you might not like zombies and apocalyptic stuff, but I didn’t either. And trust me, stepping out of your comfort zone is worth it in this situation.

That would be a perfect segue into why you should follow my advice, but I’m so avid that I might run my mouth. No need to get into the eerie feels, well-communicated urgency, and exquisitely planned out backstories—you’ll have to see it for yourself. Which will be a rabbit hole to another thing and the thing after that, which is…

Heyyy! And that’s me running my mouth, kids. Gosh, you’d think the girl would learn.

That’s all for today.

I definitely nailed that abrupt ending.

Author: ☁ Breanna ☁

(If I commented on your post at a suspiciously early/late time, it's because I live far, far away.) Greetings and salutations. 'Tis I, Breanna! I am a homeschooled Christian teen whose heart is bursting with praises to her almighty King. I hope your day is going fine and dandy. If it is or isn't, I'd recommend visiting my blog for a laugh or possible new learnings. But beware, no grouches allowed! I love art, books, baking and cooking, school (who doesn't?!), family, Jesus, and meeting new people (hint hint!). Please stop by. In reading this, you know me but not I to you! THE CURIOSITY IS TORTURE!

12 thoughts on “A Dump of Art”

  1. Oh, my gosh!! If this isn’t the best surprise I’ve had in a lifetime, I don’t know what is. Charlotte looks amazing! She’s ready to kick butt and take names, and you even remembered the freckles. The rifle is awesome, and you’re a lot braver than I am for including it. I tried a few sketches like that and gave up. Is this what it feels like when people do fanart of your work? Why did no one tell me sooner? I think I need to go lie down before I keel over. 😂 Seriously, though, this is beautiful and I was absolutely not expecting it. Thank you so much! 😭

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Phew, I’m glad you like it! I kept trying to add stuff here and there, but it always turned out worse than before. I definitely see a lot of points where she coulda looked better, but at least I got done what I wanted to do. Surprise! I kinda wasn’t counting on you being so supportive and reading this so soon. 😂 Of course, I remembered the freckles! She also has a miniature cut on her lips, which turned out less visible than I’d hoped. Fanart exists for stories that deserve it, and Reciprocity deserves a LOT. If you find the right people—the readers who care—they will love it as much as I do, which is to an unhealthy degree. 😂 You’re welcome, Miss Texan, and thank you! (Hopefully that does NOT communicate closure because you haven’t seen the last of me yet!)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Of course I like it. I love it. Maybe you see some problems with her, but she looks perfect to me. The only reason I found this so fast is because I was bumming around in my email trying to clean out spam and saw the notification for your post. I always enjoy your stuff, but I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it this much. 😂 But I do see that cut! Nice detail. Here’s hoping I do find the right people so they, too, can be blown away by my literary skills and zombie-shooting prowess. As for closure, you’d better stick around. You’re too awesome to just up and disappear on me.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Just remember, there’s no shame in obsessively using reference pics from Pinterest to make sure you get the proportions right, or else you’ll have to redraw the legs about seventeen times. Not that I’ve ever had to do that. Good to know my comment will be immediately lost to the sands of time, good to know. . .

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You read my mind! I was thinking about how many references I’d have to stitch together while I was typing that. It’s got to be perfect, so expect me to take my sweet time as I painstakingly obsess over it, and we both know how long that can take. I’ll have to read Reciprocity again first, of course, and pick which scene I’ll remake. (Does that mean more than one character in the fan art? o.O *faints*) All in all, I now have more things to do, and I’m buzzing with anticipation.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I myself just finished a drawing that required no fewer than seven reference pictures haphazardly pieced together, so I understand your pain. Take your sweet time! I’m not going anywhere. If necessary, just draw one person to completion and make everybody else stick figures. Nobody will even notice…

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