Check These Stuff Out!~A Purely Promotional Post~

Hear ye! Hear ye! I am… fresh out of creative ideas.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t advertise other people’s works under the guise that I’m helping them. Ta-da! Fun, right?

This is an advertisement. I had to let you know before you continued.

And yet, you still proceeded to read this. What a shame.

Actually, no. No, it is not, merely because what I have to feature is self-promotional, sure, but also other-people-promotional. Isn’t humility and selflessness such a lovely thing?

I wouldn’t know.

What do you mean it’s still July?!

The pandemic stole two years from my life. Yes, I am using that as an excuse for my immaturity. But come on, nobody told me this year would be like the Earth outlet was switched back on. It was slow at first, but then it all came crashing down as if time were nipping you in the heels.

Just me? ‘Kay.

In simpler terms, July was a busy month.

My ideas well had run dry, so what better time to substitute some original stuff with unoriginal stuff, right?


For Ye Mystery Lovers

Chaos We Unravel centers on the close-knit lookalike sisters whose personalities couldn’t clash more. It’s Independence Day, and Chelsea and Michelle expected a stress-free hang-out. With their older brother, Justin, and Jenna, the plan was 1) snacks and 2) enjoying the show. But when a fire and a gunshot ring out, another mystery finds them yet again. Now they just have to follow it.

synopsis by moi

Amanda and Anita, the writers behind this excellent work, share the clues email-by-email and encourage you to interact, sniffing out the clues and revealing your hunches. It tested my deductive skills, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Plus, the best friends are incredibly, well, friendly.

The mysteries aren’t murder-levelβ€”a relief for me, who has difficulty finding clean onesβ€”and lean more toward being realistic. As a relatively jumpy person, they have not kept me up at night, thank goodness, and will probably not haunt you whenever you’re alone with your thoughts.

Note: I probably discovered Hours We Regret, the predecessor of Chaos We Unravel, and the main book by Amanda and Anita, from Virginia @Books by Virginia, but I’m not quite sure since I can’t find the post where she promoted it. But visit her blog, you guys.

For Christian Teens

I’m so blessed to have discovered The Rebelution.

Being a teen in this day and age is hard. It’s always been. But with temptations amplified by the widespread impact of the internet, it’s even more challenging. People look down on us, judging us as inadequate and not skilled enough before we even prove ourselves. Sometimes, even we see ourselves that way.

But it’s not about us. It’s about God, and He can use teenagers where we are. We can learn about Him and know Him during this confusing stage. Developing Christlike character isn’t just for adults. We can start now, and the Reb will help you grow.

The link leads you to their site, where articles that benefit you as a writer and a young Christian are published weekly. And I highly recommend joining their weekly newsletter, from which you get 27 book recommendations…for free. Now, that’s a good deal.

Thank you for reading!

Out of curiosity…

And if you’re wondering why that was so incredibly short, then…

*runs away but with 100x more dramatic flair*

Author: ☁ Breanna ☁

(If I commented on your post at a suspiciously early/late time, it's because I live far, far away.) Greetings and salutations. 'Tis I, Breanna! I am a homeschooled Christian teen whose heart is bursting with praises to her almighty King. I hope your day is going fine and dandy. If it is or isn't, I'd recommend visiting my blog for a laugh or possible new learnings. But beware, no grouches allowed! I love art, books, baking and cooking, school (who doesn't?!), family, Jesus, and meeting new people (hint hint!). Please stop by. In reading this, you know me but not I to you! THE CURIOSITY IS TORTURE!

16 thoughts on “Check These Stuff Out!~A Purely Promotional Post~”

  1. And since we’re already here, lookie at these blogs!
    1. Emily Charlotte @/
    2. Clean Memes @/
    3. Imperial Scribis @/

    Did you know that you could just select the link text, right-click, and press “Go to” for whatever you highlighted, and BAM, you’re there? No need to type everything out. You can do this for words as well; for example, I say, “We use tricycles a lot in the Philippines.” Highlight “tricycles,” right-click, and press “Search Google for ‘tricycles.'” See? You learn something new every day.

    Anyhoo, reply to this comment with the link to any underrated (or not, even) blog you follow. Let’s support each other, shall we?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Mysteries, you say? Well, I know what link I’m clicking. And even though I miss the definition of “teenager” by a skinny year or two, nobody can stop me from looking at the Reb, either. So there. And what do you mean, you’re out of creative ideas? You had awesome recs, you had a poll, you had that GIF of Snow White being dumb what always makes me crack up when I see it. What more do you need?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sure do! I hope your email can handle another one. Oh, well, I’m sure we can make exceptions. The Reb is for the young at heart too, after all. Unless you’re 93, according to Nat King Cole. Why, I guess you’re right. And Snow White is a crackhead, but aren’t we all?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Actually, through a fabulous stroke of serendipity, I spent yesterday unsubscribing from things I never read, so my inbox is all clean and sparkly and ready to be overwhelmed again. I like to think of myself as an old soul, but not that old, so it still counts. Snow White is me when I have so many projects to procrastinate on, I don’t know where to procrastinate first. So I flap my arms and run off into the woods like a lunatic. Works every time.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Lovely. Nothing better than a squeaky clean inbox. So do Iβ€”as in, I think of you as an old soul, tooβ€”but it was more of old soul stuck in a young-ish body. That sounds like a splendid idea; I’ll try that next time, once I find a woods to run away to. Who knows, perhaps when I do, this Snow White’ll become a Little Red Riding Hood in destiny. Er, denouement.

        Liked by 1 person

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