The Strike-Out Challenge

Heidi’s such a dear. I asked permission this time, and she agreed. As you can see, no one can resist my charm.

Huh, interesting. No rules for this one. I believe that’s my cue to take liberty in going haywire.

Without further ado, have I ever…

Kissed someone – On the lips? And not as a threat to my younger sister? *police car noises blaring* [through megaphone] Absolutely not.

Gone to a rock concert – Hm. No.

Helped someone – …I want to say yes. No trick question here?

Gone fishing – Rue the day. Days? I did it thrice, but the most recent one was not fruitful, to say the least. A trio of rowdy kids don’t attract dem fishies.

Watched four movies in one night – Is that even possible?!

Lied to someone – No, I am an utterly flawless human being.

Failed a subject – A test, yes, but an entire string of them? My inner perfectionist could never.

Been in a car accident – My baby sister, who was a baby then but not anymore, did experience that in a minor sense. She came out with no injuries, so no worries there. The last time I checked, she was (is?) still alive.

Convo Insert:

Me (Breanna): “Hey, Chrisha, are you alive?”

Baby Sister: *stands and grabs a pillow with dramatic flair; walks over to me, stands ominously* “Did you just ask me if I’m alive? Huh?!” *raises pillow* “Hmmm?!”

Me: “But are you alive?” *grabs the pillow and hits her with it*

Baby Sister: *falls and dies*

Apparently not.

Or something like that. It’s hard to communicate without making it into its own story.

Been in a tsunami – No, but it’s only a matter of time, considering where I live.

It was a joke, Mom.

Me averting problems in life:

Watched someone die (including pets) – How depressing. No to that.

Been to a funeral Yep.

Burned yourself – Yes, again. Clumsiness for the win.

Run a marathon – Nah.

Spend over 10,000 bucks in one day – In dollars? Who’s got that kind of cash?! Definitely not this jobless minor. Nope.

Flown on an airplane – Oh, do you mean…✨”aErOpLaNe”✨? Flashback to Peppa Pig days, when we all had British accents. But in response to the question, yup, I have.

Written an 18-page letter (front & back) – I don’t quite see why one would do that. So, no.

Gone skiing – Nuh-uh. Have you seen the number of headlines of people dying from skiing accidents over the past 20 years? Me neither. But I’m pretty sure there were some. I’ll just stay in the comfort of my home, typing way and providing content for you all.

Lost someone you loved Yep. Sadly. But we’ll meet again one day.

Got into trouble for something you didn’t do – Willingly or involuntarily? If so, yes.

Stolen a book from a library – The answer is no, not even if I wanted to. I don’t have libraries to steal from.

Gone to a different country Mhm. Japan, Hong Kong, America, and Canada, in reverse order. I believe I’ve been to America and Canada twice each, but my memory fails me.

Gambled in a casino – EXCUSE ME, MA’AM. *police car noises return* My underage self could never.

Been in a school play I’m homeschooled, so…we might not have the same idea for that one. I had a separate organization for theatre, though, so if that’s what you mean, I give a fat thumbs up. Even as a sideline character, viewers said I stole the show. Viewers, as in the moms of my friends and the friends of my mom. Still counts.

Taken a lie detector test – Those things are fake. No, nor do I have plans to.

Voted for someone on a reality TV show – I’m so dull. Another resounding no.

Read more than 20 books a year – No, but this year I will! Five books left to finish before I can say I did this.

I’m getting in the groove. School’s been rocky, and I only picked up on reading because of blogging.

Update (10/9/2023): 23 books, and going strong!

Gone to Europe – Perhaps one day. 🥐

Had surgery Uh-huh. I had one for some vascular tumor on my head. I fell asleep halfway through.

Had stitches Ooh! Yeah, I did, for that benign tumor I mentioned. It left a ghastly hole, so they had to close that up. Don’t ask me why I’m excited to share this.

Ridden a tuk-tuk (autorickshaw) My country has its own version of this. We call ’em tricycles. I don’t know if that counts, but yes.

Had more than 5 IM conversations at once – Come on, guys. I’m not that famous.

Been in a fistfight – No, but I can be unintentionally aggressive, so it’s for the best.

Had a pet – Have a pet. 🐕👈🏻👍🏻

Petted a wild animal – Yup. Do lions count? He was part of a safari (caged, sadly), and I fed him milk. I didn’t touch him otherwise, but I’ll still say I did.

Had your own credit card & bought something with it – Haha! *cries in broke coz I don’t have my own money*

Dyed your hair – Nope. My hair color? Oh, it’s ✨natural✨.

Got a Tattoo – How Old Do You Have to Be to Get a Tattoo?

“…the minimum age requirement in the United States is 18…” US, as in YOU-S (as in, I’m not a US citizen), but I’ll take what I can get.

Had something pierced – Weird way to put it, but I have ear piercings and no recollection of how I got them.

Got a straight A – As one does.

Taken pictures with a webcam – Nerp.

Gone to sleep with music on – I find silence a better companion.

Isn’t it funny? When required to tag, I don’t, but when I don’t need to, I do. The power of lack of pressure.

Tag, You’re It!


Natalie @The Texas Lass

Corrie S.P. @Mirculus Homeschool

Niv @Niv’s Nook

Liesl @Quote, Unquote

…consider yourselves tagged! And if you’ve done it before, you have no choice but to do it again. Or ignore this. That’s fine, too.

For Copy-Paste Purposes:

Kissed someone – 

Gone to a rock concert – 

Helped someone – 

Gone fishing – 

Watched four movies in one night – 

Lied to someone – 

Failed a subject – 

Been in a car accident – 

Been in a tsunami – 

Watched someone die (including pets) – 

Been to a funeral – 

Burned yourself – 

Run a marathon – 

Spend over 10,000 bucks in one day – 

Flown on an airplane – 

Written an 18-page letter (front & back) – 

Gone skiing – 

Lost someone you loved –

Got into trouble for something you didn’t do – 

Stolen a book from a library – 

Gone to a different country – 

Gambled in a casino – 

Been in a school play – 

Taken a lie detector test – 

Voted for someone on a reality TV show – 

Read more than 20 books a year – 

Gone to Europe – 

Had a surgery –

Had stitches –

Ridden a tuk-tuk (autorickshaw) – 

Had more than 5 IM conversations going on at once – 

Been in a fistfight – 

Had a pet – 

Petted a wild animal – 

Had your own credit card & bought something with it – 

Dyed your hair – 

Got a tattoo – 

Had something pierced – 

Got a straight A – 

Taken pictures with a webcam – 

Gone to sleep with music on –

That’s all for me.

Man, I opted for silly today, didn’t I?

Author: ☁ Breanna ☁

(If I commented on your post at a suspiciously early/late time, it's because I live far, far away.) Greetings and salutations. 'Tis I, Breanna! I am a homeschooled Christian teen whose heart is bursting with praises to her almighty King. I hope your day is going fine and dandy. If it is or isn't, I'd recommend visiting my blog for a laugh or possible new learnings. But beware, no grouches allowed! I love art, books, baking and cooking, school (who doesn't?!), family, Jesus, and meeting new people (hint hint!). Please stop by. In reading this, you know me but not I to you! THE CURIOSITY IS TORTURE!

6 thoughts on “The Strike-Out Challenge”

  1. What’s this? I’ve been officially tagged? Well, you’ve saved me the trouble of snurching, which is exactly what I was going to do the second I was done reading your post. Dang, you’ve been more places than I have. I didn’t know it was possible to be so well-traveled. And do you mean to tell me you’ve never been in a fistfight? Girl, you haven’t lived! Of course, neither have I, because I also haven’t been in one. Sounds like too much effort. I loved all these answers, though. Don’t ask me why blog tags like this one are so absurdly fun, but they are.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As one would. You’re welcome. Perhaps such tremendous knowledge when it comes to travelling across the globe gives me the permission to say, ahem, “it’s a small world, after all.” I really haven’t lived, have I? Oxygen is overrated. Ah, thank the heavens. I would’ve required a sizeable explanation for why and how and when you did. And why. I know; it’s a good thing they’re absolutely, entirely, & irresistibly inescapable. I’ve reached my adverb quota for the day. Oh, and the reason for my tardiness is on its way.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re practically qualified to write a memoir at this point, what with all that globe-hopping. Remember me when you become famous. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of people I’d like to get in a fistfight with, but it takes too much motivation to get to that stage. You recharge your adverbs while I wait impatiently for that reason you mentioned. More globe-hopping, perhaps? Going to the moon on a commercial flight?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. This was SO fun to readd😂❤️ and tysm for tagging me!!!! I’m so pumped to do this tag!!
    Gosh, this was actually so hilarious bcz 90% of the questions can’t even be applicable to us minors😂 but it was really entertaining nevertheless.
    And the surgery sounds painful, but as you were asleep I’m guessing, you don’t remember any of it?
    I absolutely love your lighthearted writing💛
    It’s been quite long since I read your posts, I’ve been so so busy. I’ll catch up with your posts asap✨🙃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thanks for reading! Of course, of course. 😉
      Oh my goodness, that’s nearly EXACTLY what I told Heidi over on her blog. It’s bonkers! We shouldn’t be worried ’bout the youth; what are those people 18 and up doing nowadays?! 😂
      I was sort of half asleep, half awake, so I remember the procedure in bits and pieces. The doctor was pretty shocked I was able to relax while she was doing it, though. *hair flip
      Ack, that makes me so happy! I love your writing style too, girly. 😉 Believe me, take your time. Mental health over being a content-creating machine any day. 💚
      Hope you like ’em!

      Liked by 1 person

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