The ✨eXpLaNaTiOn✨: Campin’ (Journal- 8/22/2023)

I disappeared! I know; I’m sorry! But, believe me, you would’ve too after a three day camp, making so many connections, Messenger and Discord crashing with the plethora of pings, and getting sick. Which, by the way, is exactly what happened.

written: 8/18/2023~

finished: today~ :’D

Shhh, no, that was not an unannounced hiatus.

Wassup, peeps! I write this with a throbbing shoulder, an itchy throat, and burning eyes. Why? Because I put this off for a while. Why? Unimportant. Moving on.

OH MY GOODNESS, YOU GUYS. I survived three whole days of social interaction. With HUMANS. How? God’s providence. Let’s give Him a clap offering, y’all.

The event: a high school camping trip. The name’s trippy, considering there were cell phones and Wi-Fi. Also, we didn’t set up our tents and morph into stinky, cranky gorillas who smell like lake water. (“Where else were we supposed to take a bath, huh?!”)

The location was—oops! I almost revealed the specifics of where I live. Haha, nice try! All I’ll say is it was a recreation center with many tops. Spinning tops, not blouses. That’s all you’re getting from me.

Before I forget, let’s get into the details.

🚌 DAY 1- Nervous Feels 🚍

The time: 4:30 a.m.

Butterflies. Butterflies nervously fluttered in my tummy. I’ve been craving social interaction, but getting it was too much. I felt too horrified to go, but I was more terrified of being late. Guess who dragged my patootie out of the house? Good ol’ Mom. (Shoutout to Mom! <3)

After emotionally preparing for this, she would not let me sit this out. Nuh-uh. The payments had been dealt with, the bags were packed the day before, the sister was woken, and the transportation arrangements were made. There was no backing out of this one.

A little over 6 o’clock.

The meet-up: church. I was my awkward self. Half self-conscious, half-unabashed. If you think that balances things out, you are WRONG. There was no balance. None whatsoever.

There were so many PEOPLE, 96.67% of whom my sister knew. It was incredibly overwhelming. I wanted to curl up into a ball. Back at home. Studying. Or sleeping. I was usually sleeping at that hour, would you believe it?

I stood guard over the luggage (we were advised not to bring those, and instead a duffle or a backpack, but oh, well) since no one else seemed to be. Sister dearest was out making arrangements. How shameful. She was busy as a bee while I helplessly stood in the drizzling rain, weirdly leaning on some box donations.

If you couldn’t tell, she was a higher-up. I was a participant.

*whisper* But nepotism. *whisper*

7 o’clock something.

Boarding time.

Don’t die.

Don’t die.

Don’t die. Pretty please.

The other participants came flooding in. I didn’t know what bus I was supposed to be on. I could count the number of buses on my fingers, though. One, two, three, four. That was fun…if I had thought of it. What I did think of was not moving at all and just listening to whatever Mother beckoned. “Breanna, go here.” “Breanna, go there.” “Breanna, listen to your sister.” “Breanna, ask her first.”

I eventually ended up on Bus 1. The first few seconds of peaceful chaos were torture. I sat quietly because that’s what a good girl would do. Then I saw someone.

Someone I recognized.

It was a miracle!

I approached her, and she later told me my “eyes twinkled” as I confirmed her name and invited her to sit with me. Mind you, I hadn’t known her. I had seen her in a Zoom breakout prior in preparation for the camp.

She was most definitely extroverted. Thank the heavens. Within two minutes, we were the loudest pair on the bus that seated forty people or more. (There were not forty people, but it had the capacity for them.)

Five hours or more flew by in a snap. Of course, we were slightly drained by the first and only stopover, but mostly, the conversations did not run dry. In addition to that were bus games held by the other students in authority. I didn’t know them and still don’t, but God might let me in due time.

Arrival—time not logged.

Lunch—the word made my mouth water. Why hadn’t I bought anything at the gas stop? Oh, right. I had money, but I was underage and afraid of misusing it, not unlike the one-talented dude in that one parable of Jesus.

(I bought something by Day 2; don’t worry.)

The fatigue never really went away. There was a Welcoming Program, a Special Program, getting comfy in our rooms with our roommates, and the first of a four-part Bible Program. I was so ready to hit the sack.

A race. Wow. They were holding a race. Imagine the type of figurative fist pump I gave the air. An underwhelming one, that’s what. My underprepared patootie had a camp kit—each kid was given one—but hadn’t anticipated such a swift transition.

It had started. We were doing it. So, all throughout, I lugged a backpack chock-full of half the things I brought to a relatively straining sports event.

It was fun, honestly, and not that bad at all. But I was on the same team as a crazily talkative roommate, and she witnessed my not-so-pleasant side. I was cranky. I was sleep-deprived. I was at fault. I know. I apologized after, but…

Dinner first! My cabin leader engaged in small talk, and I cannot tell her how much I appreciated how she made us feel included. Plus, she had the same name as my sister, which was confuddling.

Our cabin room had an icebreaker game—two truths, one lie. And my, oh my. Thirteen-year-olds sure liked dating. I wasn’t one of them, being unkissed and hardly talking to guys. I made friends with them (though some I vibed with more within the coming days), but that was draining. Goodness, me. Tea. Tea everywhere.

I was ready to hit the sack. So ready. Born ready.

“Congratulations, campers! Next on our list is a one-hour and ten-minute Open Mic night, where we homeschoolers showcase our incredible talent!”

(That’s the time in the flyer, but in reality, it came later and was prolonged.)


Do you know how talented homeschoolers are?


This was going to be a long night.

And you can’t go on saying I was selfish. Half my roomies backed out thirty minutes shy of the end, me included. I hadn’t showered. Is this what being a rogue teen felt like? Sleeping at midnight, partying in the late hours? If so, I wanted nothing of it.

Healthline, my love, er, my most trusted health source, said, not ad verbatim, “Sleeping with wet hair is bery bad.” That advice was thrown out the window coz when my newly washed head slammed on my pillow, I was as good as knocked out.

That’s when I knew I was an introvert. Eh, ambivert. Whatever.

And guess what? There were two more days just like that. No, they were more eventful. And I would have made a separate post about them, but I’m WordPress-ed out; thank you very much.


My cabin mates have been texting their hearts out at 100+ messages/per minute. Is that average speed? I have no clue. I am very uncultured in Gen Z lingo. Fr.

Author: ☁ Breanna ☁

(If I commented on your post at a suspiciously early/late time, it's because I live far, far away.) Greetings and salutations. 'Tis I, Breanna! I am a homeschooled Christian teen whose heart is bursting with praises to her almighty King. I hope your day is going fine and dandy. If it is or isn't, I'd recommend visiting my blog for a laugh or possible new learnings. But beware, no grouches allowed! I love art, books, baking and cooking, school (who doesn't?!), family, Jesus, and meeting new people (hint hint!). Please stop by. In reading this, you know me but not I to you! THE CURIOSITY IS TORTURE!

11 thoughts on “The ✨eXpLaNaTiOn✨: Campin’ (Journal- 8/22/2023)”

  1. Haha🤣 It sounds like a blast! Also, call me old fashioned but 13 is to young to be dating and kissing! You are barely over barbies at that age! I still sleep with my stuffed bears and we will just ignore the fact that I have 3 years on those aforementioned kiddos who have been kissed (unlike me, but no complaints AT ALL). Still, I bet at was a fun game!😂
    Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re amazing, Corrie, and possibly a mind-reader, because during one of the plenaries, the pastor’s wife answered a question—”Can twelve-year-old’s start dating?”—with an unmovable NO. The entire hall erupted with claps and cheers, me included. She used the same reasoning as you but in my native language, “You’re still babies!” There was an exception: “Crushes are okay, but only crushes. Nothing more.” 😂 Yes, definitely. That fact will be overlooked. (I have one year on them. Yeesh.) It was, haha! 😂 Thank YOU for reading. 💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh Oh Oh! At the youth group I went to last year, we had this “panel” of six kids from the group (me included) and we were asked dating questions by the youth pastor and I was literally the only kid who said dating was not really a good idea till you were over 16. All the other kids started talking about their past boyfriends and girlfriends ect… There was one boy that agreed with me on some stuff, he was like 14 though so he thought young dating was ok. Andddd At one point the pastor asked if 16 was ok to date, and I said like I don’t really think so in most cases (because come on, you barely have your driver’s license) and the pastor’s son yelled at me “Yeah? Only cause you can’t date!” And my sister responded with “Yes she can! Papa’s rules say 16 is ok for us”😂😂

        And yeah, crushes are gonna happen, but don’t act on them. They can be pretty funny at that age. My sister had a crush on a certain elf with pointy ears from LOTR when she was like 7… Does she ever get teased now😈😂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. HAHAHA 😂 I love that story, but just so you know, if I were on that panel, I would’ve agreed with you wholeheartedly. No dating until 23 for me! 😂 But that’s admirable, Corrie—you’re forging your own path and finding what time and age is preferable for you on your own. Personally, I think teen years is school stage and a relationship would be a distraction and an unnecessary source of temptation.

        So true! I had (have?) a crush on the mini version of Ryan Reynolds from The Adam Project. 😭 He was really cute, and I’m a sucker for banter and witty remarks, but the fact embarrasses me now. Mwahaha, I didn’t know you could be so evil, Corrie. But yes, teasing our sisters should be its own love language. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Personally, I don’t think I would date until at least 30😂 23 is good though😁😁
        Yeah, teen years are really tough and relationships of a romantic nature just makes it more stressful.

        I have no idea who you are talking about but I’m sure he’s probably……………cute?😅
        Oh I can be much more evil. I’m pretty sure it’s an automatic love language that older sisters are born with.

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      4. HAHAH 😂 Sorry, Corrie! The movie was popular on Netflix when it came out. You can search it if you’d like, but PLEASE DON’T—er, I mean, it was a good movie, one of the few ones I genuinely enjoyed watching last year, but I’d like for the face of the actor I mentioned to remain a mystery to you for my peace of mind. 😂 OH MY GOSH. Now I know that you’re an older sister! Well, that accounts for the sadistic attitude. I’m sure my older sister would agree with you. 😂👌


  2. My gosh, I have never been so emotionally invested in a blog post before. What a rollercoaster that was! By the time I got to the end I think I was just as exhausted as you were, through sheer vicariousness. I wouldn’t listen too much to Healthline, because they once told me I had cellulitis of the eyeball when it was just a pathetic little stye. At least it wasn’t cancer, like Google suggested. In conclusion, I will just say that when I read this:

    “Do you know how talented homeschoolers are?


    …I cackled with no shame at all, and my cat thinks I’m having an aneurysm.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s an honor, knowing you were emotionally invested in this.😌 (A tiny rant, but I took a Reedsy quiz earlier this year that told me I was best suited for writing self-help books. So, of course, I changed my entire writing career. Nah, I’m kidding. I disregarded it and kept with fiction. But I suck at that, as you can tell, and excel more in writing conversational nonfiction and whatever blog posts are. Perhaps the quiz was right in one thing: Fiction’s not for me. Then again, my first blog posts were horrid, and it took two years for me to find my footing, so maybe I should just keep going… I’m confuddled. This is a cry for help. Anyway.)
      I should’ve been thinking about writing about it when it was happening. That might’ve made everything more bearable.🤔 Probably. I’ll take note of it next time. Chances are you’re right about Healthline, but it’s just so versatile. And reviewed and checked by medical professionals? I’m a sucker for that. It’s fine; I’m just checking it for healthy snacks and why washing your face four times a day can make you age twice as fast.
      Well. *flips hair gracefully over shoulder* You already knew that, so I’m just relaying the information back. But it’s true, and no one can deny it. Poor cat, putting up with the antics of her crazed human. Apologize to her for me. My writing is just that good.

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      1. My ears perked right up when I saw the word “quiz”. On the slightest chance I wanted to take it myself, what would one look for when googling? Not that I’m going to, because I’m not addicted to online quizzes at all. That would be strange. If you don’t want to be trapped in a future career of writing self-help books, I wouldn’t worry. Everybody sucked when they started writing whatever they’re good at now, I guarantee it – as proven by how fun and engaging your blog posts are now as opposed to the “horrid” ones of two years ago. What I’ve read of your fiction is pretty darn great, and even if you do think you’re awful at it, that means you can only get better. Immense self-doubt is part of the creative process.
        WebMD and Healthline have gotten me through a whole lot of hypochondria episodes and started a whole lot more. 😂 Still, they’re an absolute goldmine if you’re looking for medical details to put in a story. Or, y’know, trying to age yourself twice as fast overnight.
        It is true, so I should have been expecting it. I have no excuse for being caught off-guard. I can only try to do better the next time, and make sure I stay 1000 feet away from my cat when I’m reading your blog posts.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ugh, my memory fails me. Something about a book genre. They ask you about your personality and translate it into what genre suits you best. But, unfortunately, I’m the same; I may have gone to Reedsy for writing advice, but I always left with a bunch of emails entitled “Your quiz results are in!” Okay. Okay, I—I think I understand. I’ll keep going, wait a year or so, and see what happens. If self-doubt could fuel creativity, I might just be on the right track. Man, thanks for expounding on that. I’m just asking for advice left and right, aren’t I? 😂
        Hey, I never considered that! Don’t mind me; I’ll just be using that in my next project.
        1000 ft., huh? That’s a whole lotta ground, about twenty of me’s, but it seems just about enough. Your posts get me snorting too many times to be sane, but at least I don’t have a cute cat nestled between my legs, so no danger there.

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      3. Eh, I’ll find it. I’ve put my mind to it, so I won’t be able to rest until I’ve discovered what genre of writing is best suited for me. Maybe I’ll have an epiphany and write some self-help books of my own. It feels as if every time I clean out my inbox, half the emails are Reedsy quiz results. Will that stop me from taking more quizzes? Of course not. That’s pretty much the formula. Nothing’s overnight, so practice and see what it gets you. And don’t worry, I’m full of unsolicited advice. You’d get it even if you weren’t asking for it.
        Yeah, I’m always poking around on there, discovering new and obscure medical conditions to work into ideas. My search history is terrifying.
        Any closer and she’d be within range of my cackling. You really ought to try the whole cat-in-lap thing sometime. There’s nothing like jolting the poor thing awake with whatever unholy noise you happen to be making.

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