Really just me rambling. If you’re reading this, know that I AM GRATEFUL TO YOU. Thank you SO MUCH. You’re a gem. 🙌ðŸŧ

Check with me. (Or don’t if you think this is a ploy to get more views. If that’s what you’re thinking, you’re pretty pessimistic. I call it reader interaction. But your choice.)

Go to my homepage. Scroll down. No, no, no! Not to the bottom. That’s too much! Two scrolls of your mouse (or one flick of your finger if you’re reading from a phone) is just about enough. Do you see the small button? The one that says…



How is that even possible?

Wait, let me inspect it again…


Okay, inhale. Exhale.

My next question: Why?

Are this [censor]-year-old’s ramblings somehow comprehensible? And why would you be so kind-hearted as to embark on this journey with me?

Am I really that charismatic? (alt text: rizzful, girl vers.)

With a year of blogging on my back, I have (somewhat) sufficient experience to make this claim: There are a bunch of inaccurate blogging stereotypes out there.

Take it from me. If you search Google with, say, “how to start a blog” (which, by the way, is what got me going, so no hate to the results) and see a featured image of two people being productive and a title similar to “10 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog,” don’t get caught up with following that number by number.

I’m sure somewhere in the abyss of the internet, there’s a statement that advises against asking too many questions in one post or being self-deprecative. Kinda like, “Why are you guys following me?!” And you probably can tell that not everyone follows those.

As something I used to view as complex, blogging has become something akin to a hobby. If, of course, you consider stressing about posting twice a week a hobby.

(I’m kidding.)

I never would’ve guessed my writing could improve like this. Heck, I like writing blog posts better than stories. But have you seen my stories? *shudders* Not even a month later, and my flash fiction’s already making me cringe.

Wait…what was I saying?

Oh, yeah. Thank you all so much for 53 followers! The support is a marvelous encouragement and my fuel for pressing on. Juggling school, this, extracurriculars, and life in general isn’t easy, but God provides us with strength. And, as always, all praise and glory to Him alone!

(Huh, when’d I start talking about blogging advice? That’s weird.)

And Lastly…

I have a new blog opening on September 9th titled A Christian Kid’s RANT Page, whose idea I got from a classmate. If you’re interested, submit a confession/rant through this form. Worry not; aside from your pseudonym, I won’t know who you are. Mysterious, right?

Once the blog opens, I’ll post one confession every Saturday. Honestly, I don’t expect the blog to amass a following or anything close to it. I’ll probably run it for a month or two and see what happens. Perhaps it’ll just be something that exists. But I don’t want to underestimate what a confession page can do, so who knows?

…I’m double-guessing myself. Is this a good idea? I’m not sure anymore.


Thanks for Reading (And Following)!

You guys are amazing. Toodles!

Until next time.

Author: ☁ Breanna ☁

(If I commented on your post at a suspiciously early/late time, it's because I live far, far away.) Greetings and salutations. 'Tis I, Breanna! I am a homeschooled Christian teen whose heart is bursting with praises to her almighty King. I hope your day is going fine and dandy. If it is or isn't, I'd recommend visiting my blog for a laugh or possible new learnings. But beware, no grouches allowed! I love art, books, baking and cooking, school (who doesn't?!), family, Jesus, and meeting new people (hint hint!). Please stop by. In reading this, you know me but not I to you! THE CURIOSITY IS TORTURE!

13 thoughts on “HOLY GUACAMOLE. 50 FOLLOWERS? HUH?! + Announcement”

  1. Hey, congratulations! You’re getting up in the world. You went into this blogging business a whole lot more prepared than the likes of me, who didn’t even look up how to start a blog because I thought, meh, how hard can it be? *eye twitch* So now you’re not only going to have this blog, but another one? And keep up with them both? You may be the most ambitious individual I’ve ever seen. I look forward to September 9th. 👀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. People keep telling me they love the layout of my blog, but little do the know the turmoil I endured to get here. And here I am doing it again! Honestly, maybe going in unprepared was a better idea. I had learn all of the knowledge and promptly unlearn it. Might’ve saved me the time and effort. But look where you’ve come! I call that a win.

      (Sidenote: There may be a slight possibility I already started running it…but there’s an equal possibility I’m afraid of anyone from here seeing, so I probably won’t share the link.)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah, I understand that well enough. I just had an existential crisis combined with a nervous breakdown trying to figure out dropdown menus on my own blog, the design of which had me yanking my hair out by the roots when I first started. But mine looks good and yours looks good, so who are we to complain?

        (No shame in that…I didn’t advertise my blog in the beginning because I didn’t want anyone to bear witness to me trying to iron out all the kinks. Now I don’t advertise it because I’m lazy.)

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Lindaaa! I’m so blessed by your presence and hope everything’s been going well. âĪ That's so true. Recently, I've been a been down in the dumps about it, but thank you so much for the reminder. It really is God, not me. âĪ


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