Bookish This or That? ~ with Diamond @I Have 12% of a Plan

I have been graced with the opportunity to collaborate with the stupendous & kind Diamond of @I Have 12% of a Plan and @Build A Bears Furever. Bonkers, right?!

Sure, I might’ve reached out, but her replying and agreeing is the same. Thank you, Diamond!!

As the title indicates, we’ll be answering This or That questions related to all things books because, really, is there anything better in life? (Open-ended question, you guys. Do not answer.)

The first five are my own, and the rest are Diamond’s. We’ll answer both on our respective blogs. Check out this link to see her post!

Narrower or broader books?

I curated this question, but it could be easily mistaken for something else, so it probably needs further clarification. Whoops!

Narrow as in brochure width and broad like if you placed it on your lap while sitting criss-cross applesauce, the front and back covers would poke out of your legs to each side. Does that make sense? Most likely not.

I associate the first with classics and the second with five-year-old-and-below nephews and nieces, both of which I’m fond of—one more than the other. (Take a guess. 😛)

I’ll say narrower books. Following a sentence is less overwhelming. Plus, it’s easier for this grandma’s eyes. But a healthy, bookish dose of both is a wise choice. Indeed. ☕

Smaller or larger print?


To a minimum.

But it’s better than smaller print any day.

Making me suffer doesn’t mean I’ll want it to. And I’m near-sighted. 🤓

Illustrations or fancy page embellishments?

I miss illustrations. Sadly, most authors don’t think an actual plot and pictures are coherent, at least from experience. But I suppose I am at the point where my imagination can supply images without additional help (sigh), and fancy page embellishments never hurt anyone.

The second one.

Decorative covers or chapter openers?

Striking covers attract you to a book, but creative chapter openers are always a delightful surprise. Of course, you can open Pinterest and get ideas on decorating within the pages yourself, unless that’s too much and/or you wish to enjoy the book as it is. Either or.

Decorative covers for me.

A narrator with a sense of humor or a hilarious character you can’t get enough of?

I’d rather have the hilarious character. The plot won’t need sprucing up if said character’s already carrying the entire thing on his/her shoulders. Am I right, or am I right? 😏

eBooks or audiobooks?

I’ve never tried either. Yet. Hmm.

I’ll say eBooks since that’s probably what I’ll try first from the two.

A pretty cover but boring story, or an ugly cover and amazing story?

Oosh, this one’s tricky. I could always display the book with the pretty cover on a shelf or convert its pages to bookmakers or other origami projects. But I do love stories done well…

Putting my resourcefulness aside, one ugly cover and an excellent story to go, please.

Paperback or hardcover?


Why? Why this torture? Are you angry at me and take pleasure in seeing me suffer?!

What bewilders me is that you slipped this in without me batting an eye. Goodness gracious.

*weighs floppy paperback in one hand and solid hardcover in another*

Paperbacks are convenient for travel, but hardcovers are personally more effortless to read with.

Hmm. Hmmm.

HMMMMM. But hardcovers cost moolah, and that I do not have.

Then paperbacks. *screeches in agony*

Would you rather read your least favorite trope done well or your favorite trope done poorly?

So, I have fallen prey to the first. Love triangles used to be a looming “absolutely not” for me, but I’ve seen authors execute them exceptionally, making me realize at the end, “Hey, I didn’t hurl!” Not that I’m on board with that bandwagon yet, though. I ain’t sold.

Then again, I’m stuck up, so I might just go for the last one. I could learn from another person’s mistakes and tell myself not to imitate them. Writer stuff, right?

Oh, darn it. I’m selfish and wish to be graced with an enjoyable book. Or perfect, if possible. Tiny things bug me. I pick my least favorite trope done well. It might just surprise me.

Would you rather have a TV show adaptation or a movie adaptation?

Movie adaptation because I’m impatient in nature.

Which leads me to inquire: Little Women the movie or Little Women the series? 🧐

Thank you for reading!

And a huge thank you to Diamond, too!

My fellow love lover and swiftie with out-of-this-world blogging skillz and amazing book recs that have me searching Goodreads for titles more often than what’s healthy. 🫶

Go read her part now.

Author: ☁ Breanna ☁

(If I commented on your post at a suspiciously early/late time, it's because I live far, far away.) Greetings and salutations. 'Tis I, Breanna! I am a homeschooled Christian teen whose heart is bursting with praises to her almighty King. I hope your day is going fine and dandy. If it is or isn't, I'd recommend visiting my blog for a laugh or possible new learnings. But beware, no grouches allowed! I love art, books, baking and cooking, school (who doesn't?!), family, Jesus, and meeting new people (hint hint!). Please stop by. In reading this, you know me but not I to you! THE CURIOSITY IS TORTURE!

13 thoughts on “Bookish This or That? ~ with Diamond @I Have 12% of a Plan”

  1. Thank you for collaborating with me, Breanna! You’re super sweet…
    I enjoyed reading your answers!
    *gasp* you’ve never read an eBook or listened to an audiobook? I’m so excited to hear what you think of them when you give them a try. At this point…I think I listen to more audiobooks than I read actual books.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My pleasure! 🫶 Hah, you’re one to talk. (In literally the best way possible HAHSHAJS)
      *hides in shame* *peeks out* I-I’ve heard lots about it but never got around to trying. Very un-bookish of me, I know. Same here! I wonder what my overly dramatic reaction will be…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Omg this was hilarious, I mean seeing you agonise over two choices-😂😂 priceless✨✨
    Jokes aside, this was a brilliant collab, both of you! The questions were fun and so were the answers! I haven’t tried an audiobook either, I mean I have..(one chapter 🙈) and i honestly prefer reading them though..I think if you’re like me you’d like e-books more lol.
    And the taylor gif at the end 😻

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s my charm. 😌/j Haha, glad you enjoyed witnessing it as much as I did agonizing. 😜
      Aw, tysm!! At least you tried it at all. This lady over here (MOI) doesn’t even have an Audible account! 😭 Of course, there’s an undeniable magic of smelling and flipping the pages, eyes trailing over and soaking in each word, but I’d say audiobooks are good for speeding things up and for more auditory—whaddya know?— learners. Hey, look, I’m convincing myself to try it! 😂 I REALLY have to get an eBook. Very soon. Very, very soon. -me putting it off
      Ikrrr! Her curly hair is so gorgeous tbh. (Gasp! Uncalled for pun/song reference??? 😱) Wait, how’d my reply become so long…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Truly, your highness, an exquisite charm to possess😂✨🌻
        Me neither. There are a lot of book both audio and e-books which you get free online lol, I usually read from there..
        Hahaa, that was on point!
        Loll, the longer the better

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Surely the only proper response! 😂👑
        Free, you say? 👀 I’m definitely going for those. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that! Thank you!
        Totally, but we can’t forget her staticky concert hair. 😂 Magnificent.
        Right?! I LOVE long comments, but short ones are good, too.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Ooh, a collab! Don’t mind me, making notes about hilarious characters and love triangles. I have the former, but I’ve never tried the latter. Someday, perhaps.
    You mean to tell me you’ve never tried an audiobook in your life? Girl, you haven’t lived! I grew up on Hank the Cowdog, Rowan of Rin, and Focus on the Family’s audio adaptations of The Chronicles of Narnia. Find yourself a good audiobook and let me know how it goes. Sometimes they’re masterfully done and sometimes the narrators sound like it’s their first time speaking out loud, so you have that added degree of suspense, finding out which you get.
    I can’t answer the Little Women question. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an adaptation of it, film or TV. (I have listened to the audio dramatization, though. Does that count?)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. *sigh* Writer life. That’s very real of you. I mean, with people single around the world, does one person really need two romantic options at the same time? No idea. Romance is not my forte.
      Does Adventures in Odyssey count? No, you’re right, I haven’t lived. But I am going to sniff out some free ones and see what happens from there and definitely not going to search all of those titles up later and add “audiobook” to the end as a starting point. Definitely. Yes, ma’am. Well, if there’s suspense, then sign me up. Who knows, I might even write something up about it when I get the chance, considering my this blog is heavily leaning toward the bookish-writing side now, which I didn’t see coming.
      GASP. B-But Greta Gerwig!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Love triangles aren’t really my cup of tea, either, but now I feel challenged to make one that’s worth reading about. Maybe that’s why we’re all still single and lonely; everyone else is hogging two romances instead of one, and there aren’t any left for the rest of us.
        Well. . .I suppose, if I’m being generous. I’m glad you’re definitely not going to look any of those books up. Be forewarned, Hank the Cowdog has 71 books in entirety and the author is *still* writing them, but that won’t be a problem because you aren’t going to check them out whatsoever. I’d be interested to see what you write up when all’s said and done. Blogs never behave like they should; mine was supposed to be about TV shows and look where we are now.
        Well, she’ll have to make do without me. After googling I’m headed straight for the 1994 one with Christian Bale.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Ack, thank you so much, Issabelle! Haha, right?! I know people say the younger gen has such short attention spans, but puh-LEASE. (I thought I was the only one!!! Literally, people writing pages long essays on why the series was better, and I’m sitting here, thinking, “Huh?” HAHA)


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