Journal- 10/3/2023 (OH, MY HOLY FRITTATAS)

The writer discusses the significance of a Filipino-Chinese writer publishing a YA novel under Penguin Random House, expressing excitement about the promised cultural exposure. After purchasing the novel titled “Chloe and the Kaishao Boys”, the narrator details a shopping trip for birthday celebrations and school supplies, where they also find some books from their to-be-read list. In anticipation of a busy day, the narrator plans to start reading during the weekend.
~generated by AI

Do you know how big of a deal a Filipinoβ€”half Pinoy, half Chinese, no lessβ€”residing in the Philippines publishing a YA novel under Penguin Random House, the most wide-reaching publishing house in the world, is?

A ginormous deal.

The synopsis seems promising, and judging from the excerpt I viewed, I will drink up the writing style. It will be delicious. (Hm. Sounds oddly predatory, doesn’t it? No matter.)

Readers can also expect to learn about the protagonist’s colorful culture, with expressions in the author’s native languagesβ€”Tagalog & Phokkien, which are mine, too! Which means I’ll probably be incredibly biased. Look out for that when I review this because, as expected, I must get the book.

The title: Chloe and the Kaishao Boys

I’m curious. Have you heard of it before?

Shopping πŸ›

I write this with a full tummy after a birthday meal with the fam. Don’t give out greetings yet. The birthday isn’t mine; it’s my dad’s.

My older sis needed school stationery, so we went shopping. With the memory of my TBR still fresh, I gravitated toward the book aisle. It was subconscious. Not even a year into bookishness, and here we are. Be proud of me!

The titles were mostly unfamiliar, but Love, Theoreti– *wretches* Love, Theoretically was there, an unmistakable smooching on the cover.

Disappointment. A book entitled Tall Story intrigued me, and the price was reasonable, so I held on to it.

It was fine. (It was not.) I had my pens and those sample papers National Bookstore always has, anyway.

Graffiti-looking, isn’t it? My doodles are the Korean phrasesβ€”Duolingo’s been pestering me after neglecting my lessons for nearly two years πŸ₯΄β€”and the solution to a math equation I found previously scribbled.

To my chagrin, my answer had the wrong sign. I confused myself to the point where I forgot that positive 3 minus 2 equals positive 1. In other words, 3 – 2 = 1. UGH. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

I’ve gotten rusty.


There! Much better.

Of course, someone may come across the answer and get befuddled. *sigh* We can’t have it all, can we?

I picked out some green pens and markers because you can never have too many of your favorite color. I also convinced myself I needed a pink dual-sided felt-tip pen with a thick and thin end since the ink flowed so well, and I hadn’t gotten a new one, fancy or not, since I was 8 or 9. What consolation I didn’t find in buying a novel I found in my new pens. Yay!

I revisited the book aisle in case a book decided to spontaneously materialize.

Apparently, I was roaming around the Wattpad and adult romance books. (I didn’t see the names. Please believe me. And why are there books from that site, anyway? Anvil Publishing, I expected better! πŸ₯²) I’d missed the teen section, whereβ€”Oh, my holy frittatas.

TWO books from my TBR were there! No idea why Six Crimson Cranes was under Teen Sci-Fi. GASP. Unless it plans to surprise me. You won’t hear any complaints from me if it does.

By the way, during this part of the collaboration with The Texas Lass , I said I’d pick fantasy over sci-fi. It was foolish of me. I love both and still do, but now a fraction more than the other.

Book Haul! Or…not?

Then it struck me: Chloe and the Kaishao Boys. Chloe. And. The kaishao boys.


Pssh. I’ve dealt with it before. Very recently.

But would dear parents agree?

Long story short. They did, and finally, my most anticipated book of the year is in my possession!

*🌟 angelic music🌟*

Sorry, Six Crimson Cranes, but two full-length novels in one shopping spree isn’t prudent on my part. Some other day.

Ice Cream Celebration! 🍨


This is the life. But obviously, I can’t begin my book yet because tomorrow will be incredibly hectic, and school and time forbid me to finish it in one day, so I won’t be able to relish it properly.

Farewell, beautiful book. When the weekend comes hither, we shall meet again!

And if you decide to transport me into your pages to whisk away and immortalize me, be my guest!

Any time now.

A-Any time.




Anyway, I arrived home, so here are some clear pictures.

Gorgeous. Simply exquisite. *chef’s kiss*

It’s so close. I can feel it!

Still waiting. πŸ˜ƒ

But while I do, can you believe how Filipino authors in the Philippines releasing books like this could pave the way for future native writers comfortable in their current location? And if God wills it, I may be one of them! This is so thrilling. *claps hands*

Also, the reviews on BTTM and Caraval are coming in hot! Keep your eyes peeled. πŸ‘€

Author: ☁ Breanna ☁

(If I commented on your post at a suspiciously early/late time, it's because I live far, far away.) Greetings and salutations. 'Tis I, Breanna! I am a homeschooled Christian teen whose heart is bursting with praises to her almighty King. I hope your day is going fine and dandy. If it is or isn't, I'd recommend visiting my blog for a laugh or possible new learnings. But beware, no grouches allowed! I love art, books, baking and cooking, school (who doesn't?!), family, Jesus, and meeting new people (hint hint!). Please stop by. In reading this, you know me but not I to you! THE CURIOSITY IS TORTURE!

20 thoughts on “Journal- 10/3/2023 (OH, MY HOLY FRITTATAS)”

  1. Hey, that’s cool! You’re living the life out there, aren’t you, with your violently blue ice cream and neat literary finds? I await the day when the next book coming out of the Philippines is yours. Let me know how many copies I should buy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Life truly is being lived. 😌 The violently blue ice cream sure did pack a punch! Gee, that makes me happy. Honestly, the fact that people know that this place isn’t populated with uneducated monkey-humans and completely lacking electricity is good enough for me, but if you insist, perhaps a good 5000 will do. That might knock me up the NTY bestsellers chart, and I could probably coax some loved ones to donate to it. All in good will.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Only 5000? I was expecting something more than that paltry amount, but if that’s all you want me to buy, I’ll clear out a bookshelf or two in anticipation. You mean to tell me you’ve got electricity? I thought you just logged onto a coconut every evening to update your blog. National Geographic has lied to me. Set them straight with your NYT bestseller influence.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. By all means, if more copies happen to be lying about, shove ’em in your cart. I can neither accept nor deny that coconuts are how I connect to glory of ✨the internet✨, but we do have electricity. Last I checked. We expected more from you, Mr. Geographic. πŸ˜” Will do! My unnamed, yet-to-be-drafted book will knock their socks off, for sure.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I had a feeling you wouldn’t stop me. πŸ˜‚ National Geographic has always been a bit dubious, I suppose. They make it seem like all Texans wear cowboy hats and exist on a diet of tacos. I’m not saying we don’t, but still. I’m sure the mere concept of your book is so fabulous you won’t even have to write it before getting a million-dollar contract. Lucky!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooh, Korean-learning buddy! 🫢 Turn your eyes away from my sorry excuse of written expressions. 🫣 But perhaps this comment is my final nudge for giving it another go. I’ll go off and friend you now. 😁 (If I can remember my password-)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Excuse my tardiness. 🫣 My hasty decision to take up Korean was during the peak of my BTS obsession. I heard a ton of ARMY success stories, some lucky enough to even talk to the members in straight Korean, and thought, “Gee, I’ll be speaking up a Korean storm if I get myself to start!” I’d completely forgotten about my Duolingo account until writing this post, honestly. How about you?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay for books! That one looks gorgeous…you’ll have to let me know if it’s any good!
    I recently read Six Crimson Cranes and I LOVED it! Ngl, I was a bit disappointed you didn’t pick that one up this time around! (But I’m sure you’ll get to it eventually…😊)

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Late reply, but IT IS. Well, truthfully, I had to reread some parts to really see it in full glory, but if you’re fine with a sprinkle of LGBTQ, some swearing (still a lot tamer than BTTM, though), and present tense, first person point-of-view, might as well check it out! I thought the romance was adorable. It’s been criticized for being tropey, but I overlooked it in favor of the Southeast Asian representation. If you’re looking for a light read that highlights Pinoy nationalism from a middle class POV (which is much simpler than it sounds), this is definitely it. In fact, I’m planning on making a post about it! Man, this paragraph could be a one itself. Sorry ’bout that, haha.
      You know what? God truly has a spectacular sense of timing because somehow, someway, I was able to acquire Six Crimson Cranes from the same bookstore. I’m looking forward to devouring every bit of it. πŸ˜„

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I love this genre of posts from youuu. My life personally has been on the plain, mundane side after a horrible slump (midterms, I’m looking at you) so this post gives me so much fun vibes❀️🌻
    You know Korean!?!?!? Whoa. Huge respect. That’s REALLY COOL. I mean, being able to understand those complicated letters is a huge feat indeed!
    And is bubblegum flavoured ice cream nice?πŸ‘€ I mean, it looks delish, but is it like cotton candy? Oof, my eyes just can’t take away from the blue bluee shadee.
    Since I’ve never heard about the books you mentioned, I don’t know what to sayπŸ˜‚
    Love this fun lil life update ❀️
    And sorry for being so awfully late to this post. I’m a lazy person who is lazy to come up with decent excuses-

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ack, thank you! Aw man, sorry to hear that. I’d say we’re on both extremesβ€”me getting overwhelmed with senior high prep for next year and ballet stuff. :’D We’ll get out of them eventually. πŸ«‚
      Do I? I hardly do, honestly. Thanks! But knowing which letters are what don’t help much with understanding whatever in the world the word is. πŸ˜‚
      It is pretty blue, isn’t it? It stained my tongue and lips, and my sister had a laugh out of it. Bubble gum, ice cream, and cotton candy raised a child, and it was that flavor. It wasn’t too shabby, actually. I’ll get it again if I return. 10/10, would recommend!
      DON’T APOLOGIZE! Come back years later, and I’ll still appreciate it. 🫢

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow. You do ballet as well😭✨
        I see, that’s interesting- Korean looks aesthetic tho! Btw, are you ARMY?
        EEE, SOUNDS FUN! next time, I’ll try bubble gum if I get the chance. Lol, your description is amazing πŸ˜‚

        Liked by 1 person

      2. HAHAJSHS πŸ˜†
        I know, right?! Yup, but the full-throttle enthusiasm has waned over the past two years. I’d say I still am, though. The quality of their songs and their improvement over the years still deserve admiration. Plus, watching them is so entertaining! HAJWSH, I’m rambling. How about you??
        GLAD TO HEAR ITT! It might just be my new favorite flavor. HAHA, not bad, if I do say so myself.
        β™₯️ 🫢

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I was ARMY but rn not a hardcore stan..yeah, esp their solo debuts but tbh, I like their prev songs, DNA, Boy With Luv and such..
        Exactly. Their random videos draw me more than their music lolπŸ˜‚
        I see!

        Liked by 1 person

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