🦢Swan Lake Ramblings🏹💗

For those who don’t know, Swan Lake—which I might call SL or A Swan Lake Retelling—is the romantasy novel I’ve been working on. It follows Siegfried and Odette as they navigate through an arranged marriage and a rocky past. But circumstance isn’t the only thing out of them; it seems a vengeful outcast wants more than just freedom . . .
Narrated by a rambling, elusive sorceror. A story of love, magic, and . . . well, swans & lakes.

Drafted and Forgotten: 12/22/2023

Yep, Swan Lake. That WIP I started earlier this year and didn’t take seriously at first. I am now working to complete it to say I wrote a novel once in my lifetime.

Boy, did all those articles I read do nothing to prepare me for the absolute joy and horror of writing the first draft. 11 chapters in, I’ve executed virtually zero out of a thousand things I aim to convey. The high of typing the words on the keyboard; the low of accidentally rereading your brain barf and finding a million and one plot holes. The bursts you get after imagining what its polished version would look like. The slumps where you can’t get more than 300 words on the page in one sitting—it’s different when you actually experience it.

In short, the journey’s been wild, you guys.

I’ve wanted to share glimpses of the bumpy ride for a while, but they didn’t come out enough for the regular length of a blog post each, and I didn’t think you’d like reading two sentences passed up as a post.

But I delivered! I scrounged up a few to reach a reasonable length, so I hope you enjoy it.

rambling #1

The frustration of knowing who your characters are to the T and dying to show your audience how lovable or horrible they are when you’re not yet at the scene where there’s the reader’s determining that “Oh, yeah, I definitely like/hate him/her” hits hard.


I created a NaNo account to track my progress and force myself to reach deadlines to form some semblance of achievement. The most recent deadline I’ve been working on is hitting the 30K mark by December 31, which was a foolish decision. It’s the Christmas season, and I can’t—cannot—lose my streak. I have relatives from abroad coming over, impromptu trips, school deadlines, and what was I thinking?!

But it wasn’t too terrible an idea because yesterday I came home at 11PM after going to a theme park where I realized my athleticism needs a lot of work (but I’ll deal with that later; right now, I need to shut myself in a room and just write—) and attending a family dinner get-together. I was dead tired but slogged away for 20 minutes and got 321 words onto the page, so yay. That’s 321 words closer to The End. *fist punches air weakly*

NaNo Stats as of December 24 (in the website’s words)

  • “total words: 13948/30000”
  • “8 days in a row”
  • “The early bird gets the worm! You write the most between 11:00AM and 12:00PM!”
  • “You’ve written mostly at home!”
  • “On average, you write 181 words per day!”
  • “At this rate, you’ll be done on March 23, 2024!” (Ouch.)
  • “Your average writing speed is 10 words per minute!”
  • “Nice! Looks like you felt pretty good working on this goal!”

The NaNo site has got to be perky and overuse its exclamation points while it reminds me of how much the opposite of on-time I am with my novel, huh? Isn’t that fun?

My profile: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/brebs

rambling #2

I don’t recall when I realized Swan Lake would essentially be a romance fantasy story if I played my cards right, but I did some time ago. I was this close to abandoning it. 🤏 A tiny pinch. But I pep-talked myself out of it and discovered my aversion to romance was a front. Those romance novels I’ve been reading did something, after all.

Oh, but writing a romance is a whole different story. I don’t know how I feel about that.


Fantasy is tiring to write. Thank goodness I’m only learning the ropes because I’ll turn over in my grave before releasing this less than a decade after I finish the draft and improve myself as a writer. And the improvement must make you guys gasp and wonder if it’s even me.

I’m serious. I think.

It’s imperfect. So much so that I hardly even glance at the words as I type them because I have to get it over with while I’m still in the fEeLz.

rambling #3

Writing is messy. I once woke up believing I’d finished writing a chapter, only to discover I did . . . but in my head.

Internal pain. Suffering. Tears I shed in my imagination.

RIP to that chapter because I’m avoiding getting it done at all possible costs for no justifiable reason.

rambling #4

I’m bound to that streak. It’s Duolingo all over again. (Plot twist! After I lost my 52-day streak, he captured me, and I’ve been writing from his basement ever since. I can hear his flippers waddling in threat above me. SOS!)

rambling #5

The pain of knowing those who meet your children, or, er, I mean, characters, might not love them as much as you do is unbearable. 🤧 I’ve nursed these people into being, you heartless creatures. What more dost thou require?!

rambling #6

Looking back at previous chapters, I noticed that my writing style changed. (That’s looking back, but not reading through it since my ego has endured enough already. Thank you very much.)

The (tedious? lengthy?) journey to finalize this reads like a fictitious documentation of my growth as a writer, which makes it painful to even skim through, but nevertheless. I remember updating my Docs right after getting discouraged from a ballet class and working on it cheered me right up.

Maybe even if I don’t finish this by my set time, I’ll leave with something I worked hard on—finished or unfinished, polished or unpolished.

But I’ve come too far to even try giving up. And I have an issue with giving up, so in your face, procrastination!

Thank you for reading!

And after that venting, this is still pretty short. Man, I should write down my weird ramblings when they come.

Let me know if I should do a part two with those and some others coz your friendly blogger here has much work to do this ho-ho-holiday season. 😛

PS I’ve been out of practice, and you’ve probably noticed. Oopsie. Sorry if this flowed more chunkily than my other posts. I’m working to release better and more consistent content, so don’t you worry, my fine fellows.

PPS It’s giving Tumblr, not gonna lie.

Author: ☁ Breanna ☁

(If I commented on your post at a suspiciously early/late time, it's because I live far, far away.) Greetings and salutations. 'Tis I, Breanna! I am a homeschooled Christian teen whose heart is bursting with praises to her almighty King. I hope your day is going fine and dandy. If it is or isn't, I'd recommend visiting my blog for a laugh or possible new learnings. But beware, no grouches allowed! I love art, books, baking and cooking, school (who doesn't?!), family, Jesus, and meeting new people (hint hint!). Please stop by. In reading this, you know me but not I to you! THE CURIOSITY IS TORTURE!

14 thoughts on “🦢Swan Lake Ramblings🏹💗”

  1. I’m working on my first book, so I can relate to the struggle! Anyway, writing a book is *hard*… way to go! And this WIP sounds great! I’m not exactly familiar with the story of Swan Lake, but a retelling of a ballet sounds amazing! 💛

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow, good for you! It’s a trip, isn’t it? 😆 I’m glad you’re intrigued! That’s a part of what I wanted to achieve with this—introducing a ballet story to non-ballet fanatics. 😉 Thank you for reading, Maddie!! 💚

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The brain dump style is so accurate to real writing…
    Also trying to write a romantasy, but I’m trying to make it more rom-com. It’s an experience.
    Rambling #1 is so real 😭
    Please write more of these. It makes me feel better. The chaos of this comment is accurate to my real writing process.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Right? I had to replicate it somehow. 😆
      Ooh, sounds like a challenge. But a (clean) rom-com is a nearly instant yes for me. Tell me how it goes!
      If only they just knew. 😭 Of course, there are those twist characters you can play with. It’s a win-lose. 😂
      Sure! Glad to know you asked for it, mwahaha. Appreciate the comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Okay, I think I wrote that whole list of ramblings. They all resonated, of course, but the one about writing romance is. . .well, hitting home more than I’d like. I mean, “enemies-to-lovers” is a bunch of fun, but when we get to the just “lovers” part, then what? “Lovers-to-enemies” and start all over again? If I’d taken five minutes to research I wouldn’t be crying blood right now.

    Also I had no idea NaNo had accounts and stats and stuff. I thought it just magically appeared every November and vanished for the rest of the year. Pardon me while I make an account out of pure, morbid curiosity.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I believe I borrowed your brain cells while drafting this. They were really helpful—thanks, by the way. Gosh, that’s so true. My writing sessions basically end once I’ve written a remotely flirty line because I need all night for the swirling in my guts to settle. I think my gen calls it cringe…? Eh, whatever it is. We won’t be romance writers, that’s for sure.

      Same here. Please do, because you’ll then make an account, so friend me or I believe it’s called that buddy thing. Pretty sure my username is “brebs,” and I don’t know why it is. No one calls me that.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Is that where they went? Keep them, you’ll put them to better use than I can. I believe “cringe” is what the kids are calling it these days, and I have written my fair share. I’ll write one kind of lovey-dovey-ish line, leave it, and return a day later to edit it into oblivion because I can’t stand what I have created.

        I’ve gone and made the account, so expect somebody with a William Barret Travis profile picture to turn up on your doorstep. Brebs sounds like a name for a parakeet. Were you a bird in a former life?

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Also, relating to your researching the recipe for enemies-to-lovers, would you mind sharing the secret ingredient(s)? Somehow, Reciprocity’s was more tease-y—like I knew it was going to happen, but I was mostly focused on the plot and kept it at the back of my mind. I mentally asked, “When?” a few times. Then it happened, and I squealed a note only dog’s hear and stayed jumpy for days. There’s this dissatisfaction in feeling it wasn’t enough, but it’s the kind I ease up by reminding myself you might follow it up with a lil’ sumthin’ else. *cough*

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Do you want a wall of text? Because this is how you get a wall of text. I’m not sure there are secret ingredients, but one thing that I think is crucial is giving the characters good reasons to be enemies. I’ve seen too many stories where A and B “just don’t like” each other, and it’s never elaborated on, before or after they fall in love. That works in real life–sometimes you just don’t get along with people–but in fiction I prefer there to be an actual explanation.

        For example, from the get-go, Adam is too rebellious for Charlotte and she’s too self-righteous and uptight for him. So there’s friction. Of course, their being on opposite sides also helps fuel that, but their initial personality clash only exacerbates it. In their case, external forces make them rely on each other despite that, so they have to learn to get along because their lives literally depend on it. Their sniping turns to mean teasing that turns to *not*-mean teasing, and I will freely admit at that point I copied a character dynamic I have from another WIP of two best friends who are always poking at one another.

        Oh, don’t worry about the unsatisfying part. They may have been about to fall in love then, but they’re darn sure in love now. Also, the sumthin’ else I have planned is by no means lil’. It has reached heights of disturbing magnitude. Help me.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Rambling #5 is SO true. It’s just so hard seeing somebody not really like a character you’ve spent so much time creating and treat like he’s your own child.😢 But anyway, I enjoyed this post and would love to see you do another one like it!! Good luck writing your Swan Lake retelling!! And don’t stress too much about how long it’s taking. It took me two years to write the first draft of my first novel. It sounds like you’re already moving at a quicker pace, and I’m confident you will finish it! I’m cheering you on!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, nice to know I’m not the only one. 😅 Perhaps they’ll learn to love them when I’ve dragged my dear children through soul-crushing hardships that reveal their true character… Thanks, that’s good to hear, and with the positive feedback, I do plan to make a part 2. 😁 Much appreciated! It gets a bit disheartening, hearing about other writers completing theirs in 3 months or less, but baby steps. Awww, thank you so much!! 😊

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