Let’s Try This Daily Prompt Thingy

Popping back in with a late daily prompt. My well of ideas is bone-dry, so forgive me. πŸ™

What’s your dream job?

Hmm, I have been thinking about this recently.

My answer is a full-time fiction author. Shocking, isn’t it?

Then again, dreaming and taking initiative are two things altogether, and just thinking about the work to get there makes me want to curl up into a ball and fall asleep until December 2024.

But I’ll hold my horses and focus on putting one foot ahead of the other. And finishing school.

Anyway, with my family background and the job-related normality in my country, I expect writing will become a side job or a hobby when I grow older, paired with a career in the office. Or medicine, perhaps? I have no idea, and I’m eagerly waiting to see where God will open doors of opportunity.

Okay, that was super short.

But I must write something brief to let you all know I’m alive while not getting burned out with starting a post but never pushing through to posting it. Repeatedly.

I know I disappointed you, but it’s better than nothing, right? <:D

How have you all been?

Author: ☁ Breanna ☁

(If I commented on your post at a suspiciously early/late time, it's because I live far, far away.) Greetings and salutations. 'Tis I, Breanna! I am a homeschooled Christian teen whose heart is bursting with praises to her almighty King. I hope your day is going fine and dandy. If it is or isn't, I'd recommend visiting my blog for a laugh or possible new learnings. But beware, no grouches allowed! I love art, books, baking and cooking, school (who doesn't?!), family, Jesus, and meeting new people (hint hint!). Please stop by. In reading this, you know me but not I to you! THE CURIOSITY IS TORTURE!

13 thoughts on “Let’s Try This Daily Prompt Thingy”

  1. Oh, good. I was hoping somebody else would try this prompt thingamabobber out before I did so I could see how it worked. πŸ‘€ I would have had the same answer, only I think I’m too dumb to go into medicine. Maybe I’ll just marry an incredibly good-looking guy who’s going into medicine and he can support my authoring dreams. Anyhoo, it’s good to see you’ve made it to February 2024 in one piece! The post burn-out is real. I have a thousand and two drafts that just need a teensy bit of tweaking…but the motivation, she ain’t there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Probably going to use this thingamabober for those days I’m a writing zombie. The list of people who achieved my dream flashed in my head as I wrote it, and said list included you, but I agree, the well-off, handsome husband is still a good idea. And ever since you mentioned it, it has become the ideal situation in my delusions. How dare you tailor to my innate laziness like that?
      One month down, eleven more to go! Oh, a writer’s love-hate relationship with editing. Mine might be worse, considering I have a monthly wrap-up of March 2023 somewhere in my draft pile. Somewhere.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. All I am is a writing zombie these days, so those prompts may come in handy. πŸ˜‚ Make no mistake, I’m not exactly rolling in the dough just because I threw a book out on Amazon…that’ll probably come next week, in a totally spontaneous manner. And what can I say? The husband back-up plan never fails. Probably. I haven’t field-tested it yet.

        Oh, yeah, we’ve got a whole year ahead of us! If I last until April without pulling my own hair out, I’ll be utterly stunned. But at least I won’t be bald. Are you planning on posting that monthly wrap-up? It can be a throwback to what you were doing a year ago. The fans will rave.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Nah, the monthly wrap-up is a no-go with my memory. Fishing out life lessons from nearing a year ago is beyond my abilities. I mean, I haven’t tried, but I also will not, so it’s the same thing. Look what you’ve done to me. Looking forward to baldness in the coming months. Cheers to our hairless scalps!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Alas. Maybe you can do a monthly wrap-up for this month next year instead. That gives you more time to forget what you want to write about. No hair means less time wasted in the shower trying to wash it, which means more time can be spent fretting over our writing projects. Wins all around!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve been…okay? Life is hard sometimes lol

    I would love to go into medicine except the mere thought of needles and drawing blood makes me want to pass out and…that’s a part of medicine. So right now I want to be a genetic counselor. Needle-less.

    Hey—a short post is better than no post! I enjoyed it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Valid. 😭 The life-ing grind is 24/7.

      Man, good point, but I’m just dreaming. And here I was thinking getting through a Chemistry course would be that hardest part. :’D Ooh, nice, a genetic counselor! Cheering you on. πŸ₯³

      That’s what I’m sayinggg πŸ˜‚ Thanks!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Heeeyy
    I agree this was short but it was undoubtedly wholesome😭❀️, can I just say I have the exact thoughts-?! Atleast, I used to have. Idk how or why but I thought being a fiction author was super simple because I loved writing and what could possibly go wrong?πŸ˜‚

    But even maintaining a blog has become so hard and tiring with all the dips in motivation and writer’s block and whatnot..so writing will most probably stay as a hobby or something as you said.

    And girll, I’m seriously in a burnout to start writing a post, (it’s so so horrible) so cheers to you for taking the initiative!!!! And no this wasn’t disappointing, quite the opposite actually. You should write more of such daily prompts, I could definitely make time to read them in my study breaks lol

    Answering your question, i’ve been at a stagnant place. I’ve this very important set of exams coming up in exactly 19 days and no matter how much or less I study I feel it ain’t enough so I end up doing useless stuff like watching shorts for 4 hours straight😭 (which is so unhealthy)
    How have you been!?!?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awwwwww, you’re too sweet, Niv, I can’t. πŸ˜­πŸ’— And that’s so true! Managing a blog really forces you to be consistent despite not wanting to, and I think it’s a great practice for developing discipline. If writing never quiet does become top priority for us, at least we can leave better & stronger, right? πŸ’ͺπŸ˜‰

      Eek, glad to hear it! I’ll be doing more of these and mini posts from now on. Thanks for the input!! :))

      DUDE. THAT. IS SO REAL. Almost like knowing you have so much to do triggers procrastination? 😭 WE NEED TO STOP. (Help, the watching shorts for 4 hours straight is meeee. AAAAA)

      Literally stuck on Swan Lakeβ€”with ballet irl and my draft. I’m double-guessing everything. 😭 And I also have exams piled up, so that’s super fun. *eye twitches*

      Liked by 1 person

    1. So true! But ah, yes, that’s understandable. Truth be told, I doubt I could snag such a dreamy job for myself, too, but I can’t deny I’ve fantasized about it before. Kinda still holding on to the hope, though . . . πŸ˜‰πŸ€ž

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Breanna

    You are very inspiring how you keep pressing

    β€œpublish”! Keep going girl! I know you’ll find your way to more inspirational moments because you’re not a quitter!πŸ’›

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