Art And Other Things (jk it’s js art)

Sketching generic girl faces and figures, plus a lot of side comments. I’d like to think I’ve improved since the last dump, but if you don’t agree, be brutally honest in the comments. I mean it.

I recently reread comments under my posts and am wondering why I skimmed over the encouraging compliments some kind souls left. That’s odd of me. I’ll make a mental note to bask in that later.

But that’s not what you came here for. Behold!

A Subtle Improvement

I believe I was going for a baseball fit, like something cute you can wear to a baseball . . . viewing. (I have no idea what it’s called. Bear with me.) But fun fact: I know nothing about baseball, except that it has a song with something about four strikes, and apparently, neither do I possess knowledge about the human eyelashes since I sure did go out all with the those the of above girl.

But I like her lone star earring and cap—both of which I’m surprised I didn’t mess up—and the fact that she looks genuinely happy. Good stuff.

Expect all my drawn characters to have a tooth-decaying joy on their faces.

And I still can’t draw men. PAIN.

Inspired by an Instagram post by a superb artist whose account name I forgot. I lost the link to where I got this, which is annoying.

I’m a bit irked that the details on her face are smudged, but that’s probably my camera’s fault. I wanna steal her jacket.

Did you notice where her headphones are connected? Yup. #stolenidea

An attempt at proportions. I cringed.
Baby fingers.

I’m not too proud of these, but I once heard bad drawings are part of the process, so there.

Aurora fanart

I love the stylized way Aurora was drawn in the 1959 movie. Sure, she didn’t get as much screen time as her fairy godmothers, but did she still slay?

All the way, peeps. All the way.

Anastasia fanart

She’s basically a Disney princess now! I love how the animated movie portrayed Anya. She isn’t quirky, but her character still jumped off the screen. She wasn’t a girlboss but was still confident and assured. And she’s voiced by Meg Ryan, so what more do you need, am I right?

Ignore the weird muck on her elbow.

This one was an experiment with a slight style change, and I’m pretty happy with it.

But a side note: ballerinas don’t touch the curtains like this. What was I thinking? 😭

Ta-da! The last one’s from Pinterest, by the way. Something about a dancing reference.

Inspired by a Pinterest thing.

That Writer Friend™ told me this was how she imagined Odette, and I’m relatively flattered. I nailed the swoosh of her dress, but the lizard-long neck? Goodness no. I’m satisfied enough with her face, but the angle killed me. I had to erase and redraw that seventeen times. Er, ten. Twenty? Somewhere there.

Edit: Okay, looking at it again, that neck is . . . something else. It might have taken away from the rest of her body, which is why the parts below her shoulders look so cramped.

Unfinished Swan Lake art.

What do you think? Should I finish it? 👀

Moon girl on top; 2000s side character vibe girl on the bottom.

Inspired by Marilyn Monroe. If you squint your eyes, you might just see the resemblance.

codename: Cassandra

Round face represenatation! The revolver and hand are a yes for me. *chef’s kiss*

feat. my fingers

I got her proportions right on paper, but they didn’t translate. Tragic, I tell you. An absolute tragedy.

Her upper half, though.✨ But her hair looks a bit wonky. Let me fix that—

Perks of working with a pencil. 😎

Thank you for reading!

Imposter syndrome is more merciful in my art than my writing, which is reassuring and confuddling.

Share what you think, and [inserts what I usually say in these posts]. Yeah, I’m out of practice.

Ta ta! Have a lovely day, folks.

Author: ☁ Breanna ☁

(If I commented on your post at a suspiciously early/late time, it's because I live far, far away.) Greetings and salutations. 'Tis I, Breanna! I am a homeschooled Christian teen whose heart is bursting with praises to her almighty King. I hope your day is going fine and dandy. If it is or isn't, I'd recommend visiting my blog for a laugh or possible new learnings. But beware, no grouches allowed! I love art, books, baking and cooking, school (who doesn't?!), family, Jesus, and meeting new people (hint hint!). Please stop by. In reading this, you know me but not I to you! THE CURIOSITY IS TORTURE!

19 thoughts on “Art And Other Things (jk it’s js art)”

  1. You’re such a good artist! I think that’s why you critique such gorgeous drawings so heavily. You know, we’re our own worst critic kinda thing?

    I’m not very articulate today.

    anyway! You’re doing great, love your the drawings, such a fun and funny post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh, thank you so much! So true, I can never bask in my own creative genius. 😭

      Lol, that’s so real. 😂 Don’t worry, I understood!

      Don’t beat yourself up coz this comment definitely put a smile on my face. Thanks for the support! Appreciate it. 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  2. How do you draw such expressive, symmetrical faces? How? I thought the Marilyn Monroe one was good, and then I saw the gal with the revolver. I cannot for the life of me draw poses like that without making them look absurdly stiff and unnatural. And is that the rough beginnings of a man I see in that collection of drawings after the ballerina? For someone who can’t draw the male of the species, he looks suspiciously good so far.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Marilyn’s one of the exceptions, coz if you count them, you’ll find that the girls with their faces angled slightly away outnumber the ones facing the imaginary camera. That’s coz I’m lazy, and sometimes my perfectionism only lets me draw half a passable eye. But I’m not one to snub anyone’s praises, so thank you kindly. Pinterest is my saving grace for the poses, though the necks and legs can be stretched out to inhuman lengths if I don’t watch out (who am I kidding? That’s even if I do 😂), but I’m learning the basics so I can graduate to drawing my own story characters. For some reason, they never look quite right. Why, how could you tell? Mr. faceless is probably going to remain an unpolished outline, along with the ballerina’s weirdly circular skirt, since I don’t have it in me anymore. But he served his purpose, so all is right with the world. :DD

      Liked by 1 person

      1. See, what you’ve got to do here is embrace the imperfections and tell anyone who points them out that it’s artistic license. That’s what I do. Besides, hardly anybody’s got a perfectly symmetrical face; one of my eyebrows sits higher than the other. If you had any idea the absurd amounts of poses I’ve got saved on Pinterest…that place has got everything. 😂 You make the necks too long, I make the heads too big. I’d say you’ve got the basics most of the way down by now, but I know how difficult it can be to be satisfied with your own work. Being able to draw your OCs is one of the coolest things in the world, so I wish you luck. Mr. Faceless looks nice enough for, y’know, how he looks. Being faceless and all. I’ve seen worse.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. 😍this was amazing. I’m positively mind blown.

    I’ve never known someone with this particular art style.. it’s gorgeous, you should totally make more of these! Maybe you could draw it out on iPad!? I’ve seen people on internet doing that with colours and stuff..

    I’m mostly used to watercolors and haven’t much tried drawing like this. I vaguely remember drawing a lot of outfit styles but proper humans were always hard. I somehow get portraits fine but when the full body comes, I mess things up. So I understand how hard it might be and good job critiquing your art!! I feel it’s actually fun and helpful as long as you’re not too hard on yourself! When I was nine or ten, I seriously graded my art on 10 😂 it’s so funny, with remarks and everything! Your post reminded me of that..

    But lemme say this, your symmetry is ✨ immaculate ✨ looking forward for more such posts💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Niv! Ooh, there’s an idea. I’ve always wanted to do digital art, but when I heard most of the apps had to be paid for, I convinced myself I’d be satisfied with traditional art. 😂 I’ll check ibis paint out and report back. 👀

      Ack, watercolors is the dream! I’ve got to get into that. And hey, did you and I have the same childhood? All my notebooks from 2015-17 were either filled with me pretending I’m a news anchor or drawing block-headed ladies with poofy sleeves and random swirls & dots on their dresses. Extra points for jelly limbs on a full-body portrait. You’re right; critiquing is fun, except when you’re happy with something then return to it to find 101 ways you could’ve done it better. 😂 Perhaps the 10-rated drawings were so spectacular you had to toot your own horn. Can’t say it hasn’t happened.

      Thanks, though there is a cheat code. 😆 And thanks again for leaving this kind comment! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  4. You are a amazing artist! It’s cool seeing how you improved from the first ones to the more recent ones. As you continue to draw you will be getting even better. I really liked your drawings!

    Liked by 1 person

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