Journal- 6/22/2024 (feat. A Reveal . . . But Not of My Face)

This is a rushed post to compensate for . . . something that happened. I’m making excuses for my absence again, so that’s fun. I’m also stalling unabashedly, even though no one forced me to write this. Yay!

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A Noble Princess Cover Reveal!!

Hello, humans! I bring wonderful news. It could’ve been a surprise without the title, but guess what’s coming this November?

Sure, Thanksgiving, too, but you have one more thing to be grateful for, which is. . .drumroll, please ðŸĨ. . .Saraina Whiteney’s The Goose Girl fairytale retelling! This story will be a part of the SUMMER novellas for the Cornerstone Series, which include Books 5 – 8. Aside from Miss Saraina Whitney, you’ll see the works of authors Rachel Kovaciny, Abigail Kay Harris, and Madisyn Carlin.

And what do I have to do with this? Again, my uncreative title gives that away, but to clarify, I’m aiding in the cover unveiling of the wonderful Saraina’s novella. Without further ado, behold the details!


What happens when duty and love tear you in two opposite directions?

Full blurb coming soon.

A Noble Princess is an NA Christian fantasy Goose Girl retelling.

Book #5 in the Cornerstone Series


Release Date: November 5, 2024

Genre: nonmagical Christian fantasy fairytale retelling

Book Length: Novella

Publisher: Bellator de Lux Publishing

Cover designer: Mountain Peak Edits & Design


About the Author

A devoted Christian storyspinner, Saraina Whitney’s one weakness is poignant stories threaded with hope. That and the color olive green. Her passion is sharing stories of hope finding broken hearts, pointing back to the Greatest Love Story of all. Known as the quietest of her family of fourteen (…except when she’s singing), she’s a homeschool grad and lives in the windy Illinois countryside, blessed with a magical view of sunsets and stars. When not volleying around obscure inside jokes with siblings, she spends her free moments authoring, falling down research rabbit holes, reveling in the musical perfection of her favorite songs, and daydreaming about a wardrobe that could transport her to her characters’ worlds.



16 Christian fantasy fairy tale retellings filled with faith, clean romance, danger, and courage from authors Laurie Lucking, Kirsten Fichter, E. G. Bella, Jewel Windall, Saraina Whitney, Rachel Kovaciny, Abigail Kay Harris, Madisyn Carlin, Lucy Peterson, Anna Augustine, Olivia Godfrey, Kendall Hoxsey, K. R. Mattson, C. K. Heartwing,  Kendra E. Ardnek, and Katja H. LabontÃĐ.

Pre-order the series!


And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for.

Oh, the suspense! Oh, the agony!

Just show the cover already! you plead.

Now, now. Remember, good things come to those who wait.






























And wait.




























And wait some more.
















































I can now type consecutive periods and enter at lightning speed. Very fun. Highly recommend.























































All right, enough of the scrolling.






Doesn’t that look lovely?

All promising covers, don’t you think? 👀 We have much to look forward to in November through December.

Preorder A Noble Princess

Add on Goodreads


*clicks Want to Read on Goodreads*

I’m surprised I didn’t do that sooner. If you’ve been here a while, you know I worked on a fairytale-ish retelling of my own, so I can understand a teeny fraction of the diligence you’d need. I have much respect for the author. 😊

Stay on your toes for the upcoming blurb, and let me know what you think! I’ll catch you on the flip side. *salutes and does an Aladdin off the balcony*

*magic carpet whisks me away*

20 Writer Memes You May or May Not Relate to

What’s something good in this world? Memes. And what else? Writing—and sandwiches. With this information, what must one do? Sandwich writing and memes together, and boom! Amazingness.

After one month of inactivity, I’m resurfacing with a post of referenced ideas. As one should.

A gap formed within the blogosphere during my absence, and you surely felt it. The lack of pizzaz & empty egotistical talk. I apologize for my impromptu leave—you missed me, no doubt—but life . . . You know the gist. Yada-yada-busy. Let’s get on with it.

If you blog, you write. Cue the duh. That’s perfect because I encountered a gold mine of Pinterest writer memes while I was gone, and despite my initial gaslight, girl boss, gatekeep methods, I decided sharing is caring. (Note: I’m not sharing a link to my account or board overflowing with pins. I haven’t gotten over the gatekeeping just yet.)

For those of you who don’t have a Pinterest account, I’m pasting the screenshots of the memes. It’s extra work (since apparently, WordPress can’t embed Pinterest links?! Pish posh, I tell you), so be grateful.

You’re tired of my yabbering. Let’s get on with it!

1. (first, a serious one)

Pin it yourself!

writing: somewhere between torture and fun

2. Procrastinating? I prefer “dilly-dallying.”

Pin it yourself!

procrastination? what's that?

3. “This is fine.”

Pin it yourself!

"this is fine"

4. Eyes to yourself, please.

Pin it yourself!

5. You never quite know, you know?

Pin it yourself!

idk what i've done

6. I’ll need a second to make it coherent.

Pin it yourself!

writing dialogue>>>writing descriptions

7. Hit the breaks on the stakes!

Pin it yourself!

all the single ladies!!

8. O plot twist, plot twist, wherefore art thou, plot twist?

Pin it yourself!

emo keanu reeves

9. See, Belle gets it.

Pin it yourself!

cross-eyed belle

10. A magician never reveals—IT’S ALL A LIE.

Pin it yourself!

there is no plan

11. Burn it to the ground.

Pin it yourself!


12. A befuddling mush of vibes.

Pin it yourself!

"compels me though"

13. A liiittle stir-crazy.

Pin it yourself!

going a lil stir-crazy there

14. “Where was I going with this?”

Pin it yourself!

I had a point.

16. Dandy. Simply dandy.

Pin it yourself!


17. Cue visible signs of pain.

Pin it yourself!


18. Plans are overrated, anyway. *eye twitch*

Pin it yourself!

planning is overrated anyways

19. For âœĻCharacter DevelopmentâœĻ

Pin it yourself!

âœĻcharacter developmentâœĻ

20. W Em Dashes

Pin it yourself!

w em dashes

And That’s a Wrap!

Hopefully, you found some of these funny, or else my humor is broken. I might be the only one who enjoys taking a break from writing for a laugh, but these were made by people I’ve never met, so there’s still a possibility you can relate. Let me know!

Toodles, humans.

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