Journal- 6/22/2024 (feat. A Reveal . . . But Not of My Face)

This is a rushed post to compensate for . . . something that happened. I’m making excuses for my absence again, so that’s fun. I’m also stalling unabashedly, even though no one forced me to write this. Yay!

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Journal- 4/30/2024: Look What I Did!

I started a story. No surprise there. But! I made a goal for said story and actually—get this—reached it before the deadline. Celebrations! Confetti! Champagne (but it’s actually apple juice)! Let me ramble about that contemporary short-story-that-might-become-a-novella real quick . . .

Guys! I cheated!

I finished it yesterday with a final WC of 10,022, but the story’s not over yet.

Okay, perhaps not entirely. I wrote 7,980 words out of my supposed 10,000 this month, but I started with 2,042 already written. The sad part is that 10k is half the original goal, but I get this confetti-sprinkled pop-up and a bunch of celebratory GIFs at the journey’s end, so what does it matter?

What Story Did You Win with, You Ask?

Why, thank you for such pleasant nosiness! [Su*cide Trigger Warning] It centers on a pastor’s kid and a girl who tries to jump off from her windowsill to end her . . . self. Surprisingly, it’s not as dark as I thought it would turn out, and the contemporary vibes are AGH. Primarily featuring Christian messages, finding your identity in the rubble, doing the right thing when the boundaries are murky, and, of course, goofy Christian friends.

If I ever doubted that contemporary was my favorite genre, my reaction to the scenes that work has sealed the deal for me.

I conceded to the idea on October 16, 2023—the date the Doc claims I began clickity-clackity-ing toward some semblance of a goal. After two days of minor updates, I left it alone until a random December day. I vaguely remember my dad coming home after saving this couple. The wife and her husband had been fighting, and she tried to k*ll herself, but my dad stopped them before she could and counseled them for about four to six hours.

My sisters and I prayed for them, and my heart went out to the couple. Somehow, it felt like God calling me to return to the story. But my lazy self was hardly consistent in that month. A passable excuse could be the hecticness of the season and my priorities being with school, extracurriculars, and another larger work-in-progress.

Time passed, and when I could’ve forgotten about this, I didn’t. I’m taking that as a sign, small as it might be.

Anyway, though I hit the goal, I’ll keep working on this lump of ideas and see where it goes. I may or may not mention it here since it makes me so darn happy in upcoming posts. Who knows? I would if I planned stuff. I don’t and therefore am as clueless as you. Speaking of planning . . .

I Outlined?

According to recent studies, I’m a pantser. Whenever I put my ideas to parchment, I realize even I wouldn’t read a story with that premise and then promptly lose enthusiasm.

The two lessons I need to learn:

  1. Make better premises.
  2. Remember that it’s just a rough replica.
  3. Experiment!

Yes, I can count. I didn’t consciously take note of the third point of that two-point list, but I still applied it in the outlining process somehow, also unconsciously. I have four Letter-sized scrap pieces of paper to prove it. They might all be hardly a fourth filled, but that counts!

This video by Ana Neu inspired me to at least give it a shot.

As she said in the intro, her guide isn’t exhaustive. Take what may compliment your writing style, and apply it how you please. I used the “brain barf” outline style and place plotting; they’re neat and messy, and I love them. It’s also refreshing to see a young writer (with an extreme yet very authentic Australian accent) being relatable, sharing encouragement and tips openly, and building such a supportive community. She’s Christian, too, and her vlog videos are as aesthetic as they come.

But Back to the Main Topic . . .

Here’s proof, people.

It was inspired by Justin Bieber’s song “Hold On.” How does one translate electric guitar feels into a story? I have no clue, so I opted out of that the first chance I got.

A cool song, nonetheless.

Sure, it says “novella” in incoherent writing on the top-right corner of the page, but will it ever really reach that point? I say no, but we, as always, shall see.

The Place Plotting section looks empty and soulless, but the real one’s on the other page, ye of little faith.

Okay, That’s Basically It.

Nearly all my academic, extracurricular, and other-ish work is complete. I know, it’s a shock to me, too. I want to say the stress is easing out and making way for a more chill phase, but that would be a lie. A blatant lie.

How was your Camp NaNoWriMo? If you don’t know what that is or didn’t participate, how well did April treat you, and what’s up with writing?

Art And Other Things (jk it’s js art)

Sketching generic girl faces and figures, plus a lot of side comments. I’d like to think I’ve improved since the last dump, but if you don’t agree, be brutally honest in the comments. I mean it.

I recently reread comments under my posts and am wondering why I skimmed over the encouraging compliments some kind souls left. That’s odd of me. I’ll make a mental note to bask in that later.

But that’s not what you came here for. Behold!

A Subtle Improvement

I believe I was going for a baseball fit, like something cute you can wear to a baseball . . . viewing. (I have no idea what it’s called. Bear with me.) But fun fact: I know nothing about baseball, except that it has a song with something about four strikes, and apparently, neither do I possess knowledge about the human eyelashes since I sure did go out all with the those the of above girl.

But I like her lone star earring and cap—both of which I’m surprised I didn’t mess up—and the fact that she looks genuinely happy. Good stuff.

Expect all my drawn characters to have a tooth-decaying joy on their faces.

And I still can’t draw men. PAIN.

Inspired by an Instagram post by a superb artist whose account name I forgot. I lost the link to where I got this, which is annoying.

I’m a bit irked that the details on her face are smudged, but that’s probably my camera’s fault. I wanna steal her jacket.

Did you notice where her headphones are connected? Yup. #stolenidea

An attempt at proportions. I cringed.
Baby fingers.

I’m not too proud of these, but I once heard bad drawings are part of the process, so there.

Aurora fanart

I love the stylized way Aurora was drawn in the 1959 movie. Sure, she didn’t get as much screen time as her fairy godmothers, but did she still slay?

All the way, peeps. All the way.

Anastasia fanart

She’s basically a Disney princess now! I love how the animated movie portrayed Anya. She isn’t quirky, but her character still jumped off the screen. She wasn’t a girlboss but was still confident and assured. And she’s voiced by Meg Ryan, so what more do you need, am I right?

Ignore the weird muck on her elbow.

This one was an experiment with a slight style change, and I’m pretty happy with it.

But a side note: ballerinas don’t touch the curtains like this. What was I thinking? 😭

Ta-da! The last one’s from Pinterest, by the way. Something about a dancing reference.

Inspired by a Pinterest thing.

That Writer Friendâ„Ē told me this was how she imagined Odette, and I’m relatively flattered. I nailed the swoosh of her dress, but the lizard-long neck? Goodness no. I’m satisfied enough with her face, but the angle killed me. I had to erase and redraw that seventeen times. Er, ten. Twenty? Somewhere there.

Edit: Okay, looking at it again, that neck is . . . something else. It might have taken away from the rest of her body, which is why the parts below her shoulders look so cramped.

Unfinished Swan Lake art.

What do you think? Should I finish it? 👀

Moon girl on top; 2000s side character vibe girl on the bottom.

Inspired by Marilyn Monroe. If you squint your eyes, you might just see the resemblance.

codename: Cassandra

Round face represenatation! The revolver and hand are a yes for me. *chef’s kiss*

feat. my fingers

I got her proportions right on paper, but they didn’t translate. Tragic, I tell you. An absolute tragedy.

Her upper half, though.âœĻ But her hair looks a bit wonky. Let me fix that—

Perks of working with a pencil. 😎

Thank you for reading!

Imposter syndrome is more merciful in my art than my writing, which is reassuring and confuddling.

Share what you think, and [inserts what I usually say in these posts]. Yeah, I’m out of practice.

Ta ta! Have a lovely day, folks.

Let’s Try This Daily Prompt Thingy

Popping back in with a late daily prompt. My well of ideas is bone-dry, so forgive me. 🙏

What’s your dream job?

Hmm, I have been thinking about this recently.

My answer is a full-time fiction author. Shocking, isn’t it?

Then again, dreaming and taking initiative are two things altogether, and just thinking about the work to get there makes me want to curl up into a ball and fall asleep until December 2024.

But I’ll hold my horses and focus on putting one foot ahead of the other. And finishing school.

Anyway, with my family background and the job-related normality in my country, I expect writing will become a side job or a hobby when I grow older, paired with a career in the office. Or medicine, perhaps? I have no idea, and I’m eagerly waiting to see where God will open doors of opportunity.

Okay, that was super short.

But I must write something brief to let you all know I’m alive while not getting burned out with starting a post but never pushing through to posting it. Repeatedly.

I know I disappointed you, but it’s better than nothing, right? <:D

How have you all been?

Journal- 10/3/2023 (OH, MY HOLY FRITTATAS)

The writer discusses the significance of a Filipino-Chinese writer publishing a YA novel under Penguin Random House, expressing excitement about the promised cultural exposure. After purchasing the novel titled “Chloe and the Kaishao Boys”, the narrator details a shopping trip for birthday celebrations and school supplies, where they also find some books from their to-be-read list. In anticipation of a busy day, the narrator plans to start reading during the weekend.
~generated by AI

Do you know how big of a deal a Filipino—half Pinoy, half Chinese, no less—residing in the Philippines publishing a YA novel under Penguin Random House, the most wide-reaching publishing house in the world, is?

A ginormous deal.

The synopsis seems promising, and judging from the excerpt I viewed, I will drink up the writing style. It will be delicious. (Hm. Sounds oddly predatory, doesn’t it? No matter.)

Readers can also expect to learn about the protagonist’s colorful culture, with expressions in the author’s native languages—Tagalog & Phokkien, which are mine, too! Which means I’ll probably be incredibly biased. Look out for that when I review this because, as expected, I must get the book.

The title: Chloe and the Kaishao Boys

I’m curious. Have you heard of it before?

Shopping 🛍

I write this with a full tummy after a birthday meal with the fam. Don’t give out greetings yet. The birthday isn’t mine; it’s my dad’s.

My older sis needed school stationery, so we went shopping. With the memory of my TBR still fresh, I gravitated toward the book aisle. It was subconscious. Not even a year into bookishness, and here we are. Be proud of me!

The titles were mostly unfamiliar, but Love, Theoreti– *wretches* Love, Theoretically was there, an unmistakable smooching on the cover.

Disappointment. A book entitled Tall Story intrigued me, and the price was reasonable, so I held on to it.

It was fine. (It was not.) I had my pens and those sample papers National Bookstore always has, anyway.

Graffiti-looking, isn’t it? My doodles are the Korean phrases—Duolingo’s been pestering me after neglecting my lessons for nearly two years ðŸĨī—and the solution to a math equation I found previously scribbled.

To my chagrin, my answer had the wrong sign. I confused myself to the point where I forgot that positive 3 minus 2 equals positive 1. In other words, 3 – 2 = 1. UGH. ðŸĪĶðŸŧ‍♀ïļ

I’ve gotten rusty.


There! Much better.

Of course, someone may come across the answer and get befuddled. *sigh* We can’t have it all, can we?

I picked out some green pens and markers because you can never have too many of your favorite color. I also convinced myself I needed a pink dual-sided felt-tip pen with a thick and thin end since the ink flowed so well, and I hadn’t gotten a new one, fancy or not, since I was 8 or 9. What consolation I didn’t find in buying a novel I found in my new pens. Yay!

I revisited the book aisle in case a book decided to spontaneously materialize.

Apparently, I was roaming around the Wattpad and adult romance books. (I didn’t see the names. Please believe me. And why are there books from that site, anyway? Anvil Publishing, I expected better! ðŸĨē) I’d missed the teen section, where—Oh, my holy frittatas.

TWO books from my TBR were there! No idea why Six Crimson Cranes was under Teen Sci-Fi. GASP. Unless it plans to surprise me. You won’t hear any complaints from me if it does.

By the way, during this part of the collaboration with The Texas Lass , I said I’d pick fantasy over sci-fi. It was foolish of me. I love both and still do, but now a fraction more than the other.

Book Haul! Or…not?

Then it struck me: Chloe and the Kaishao Boys. Chloe. And. The kaishao boys.


Pssh. I’ve dealt with it before. Very recently.

But would dear parents agree?

Long story short. They did, and finally, my most anticipated book of the year is in my possession!

*🌟 angelic music🌟*

Sorry, Six Crimson Cranes, but two full-length novels in one shopping spree isn’t prudent on my part. Some other day.

Ice Cream Celebration! ðŸĻ


This is the life. But obviously, I can’t begin my book yet because tomorrow will be incredibly hectic, and school and time forbid me to finish it in one day, so I won’t be able to relish it properly.

Farewell, beautiful book. When the weekend comes hither, we shall meet again!

And if you decide to transport me into your pages to whisk away and immortalize me, be my guest!

Any time now.

A-Any time.




Anyway, I arrived home, so here are some clear pictures.

Gorgeous. Simply exquisite. *chef’s kiss*

It’s so close. I can feel it!

Still waiting. 😃

But while I do, can you believe how Filipino authors in the Philippines releasing books like this could pave the way for future native writers comfortable in their current location? And if God wills it, I may be one of them! This is so thrilling. *claps hands*

Also, the reviews on BTTM and Caraval are coming in hot! Keep your eyes peeled. 👀

Before the Review (?)â€Ķ

A filler post between my assumptions and a review on “Better than the Movies” by Lynn Painter.

(Please tell me if I did the story widget right and save me the embarrassment.)

Gosh-dingy-dangit, you guys. What has this book done to me?

I was wrecked. I caught myself smiling and shifting in my seat from pure delight. Romance drunkenness—what it does to people. Goodness me.


I might need a second to process. Varying emotions and all.

*turns on Wes & Liz’s soundtrack*

Also, this is the first book I tracked my progress with on Goodreads, and believe me, I felt like a granny, clicking and pressing—”Why did the button turn yellow?”—as I was. If some member clicked on my profile and saw how weird my reading activity looked for that book…I wouldn’t know either way, so it doesn’t matter.

The question mark in the title is because I’m not settled on if I’ll make a review, so wait and see, my patient readers. Wait and see.

Shoo! Off you go.

Wes and his You Belong With Me vibes. ✊😞 (“So what if it’s popular? It matches!” -me explaining to my diehard swiftie friend, who thinks only liking Taylor’s well-known songs makes you fAkE ((but I’m one to talk—I got the Fearless lyrics wrong after claiming it was my favorite song, so ÂŊ\_(ツ)_/ÂŊ)))


Really just me rambling. If you’re reading this, know that I AM GRATEFUL TO YOU. Thank you SO MUCH. You’re a gem. 🙌ðŸŧ

Check with me. (Or don’t if you think this is a ploy to get more views. If that’s what you’re thinking, you’re pretty pessimistic. I call it reader interaction. But your choice.)

Go to my homepage. Scroll down. No, no, no! Not to the bottom. That’s too much! Two scrolls of your mouse (or one flick of your finger if you’re reading from a phone) is just about enough. Do you see the small button? The one that says…



How is that even possible?

Wait, let me inspect it again…


Okay, inhale. Exhale.

My next question: Why?

Are this [censor]-year-old’s ramblings somehow comprehensible? And why would you be so kind-hearted as to embark on this journey with me?

Am I really that charismatic? (alt text: rizzful, girl vers.)

With a year of blogging on my back, I have (somewhat) sufficient experience to make this claim: There are a bunch of inaccurate blogging stereotypes out there.

Take it from me. If you search Google with, say, “how to start a blog” (which, by the way, is what got me going, so no hate to the results) and see a featured image of two people being productive and a title similar to “10 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog,” don’t get caught up with following that number by number.

I’m sure somewhere in the abyss of the internet, there’s a statement that advises against asking too many questions in one post or being self-deprecative. Kinda like, “Why are you guys following me?!” And you probably can tell that not everyone follows those.

As something I used to view as complex, blogging has become something akin to a hobby. If, of course, you consider stressing about posting twice a week a hobby.

(I’m kidding.)

I never would’ve guessed my writing could improve like this. Heck, I like writing blog posts better than stories. But have you seen my stories? *shudders* Not even a month later, and my flash fiction’s already making me cringe.

Wait…what was I saying?

Oh, yeah. Thank you all so much for 53 followers! The support is a marvelous encouragement and my fuel for pressing on. Juggling school, this, extracurriculars, and life in general isn’t easy, but God provides us with strength. And, as always, all praise and glory to Him alone!

(Huh, when’d I start talking about blogging advice? That’s weird.)

And Lastly…

I have a new blog opening on September 9th titled A Christian Kid’s RANT Page, whose idea I got from a classmate. If you’re interested, submit a confession/rant through this form. Worry not; aside from your pseudonym, I won’t know who you are. Mysterious, right?

Once the blog opens, I’ll post one confession every Saturday. Honestly, I don’t expect the blog to amass a following or anything close to it. I’ll probably run it for a month or two and see what happens. Perhaps it’ll just be something that exists. But I don’t want to underestimate what a confession page can do, so who knows?

…I’m double-guessing myself. Is this a good idea? I’m not sure anymore.


Thanks for Reading (And Following)!

You guys are amazing. Toodles!

Until next time.

Check These Stuff Out!~A Purely Promotional Post~

Hear ye! Hear ye! I am… fresh out of creative ideas.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t advertise other people’s works under the guise that I’m helping them. Ta-da! Fun, right?

This is an advertisement. I had to let you know before you continued.

And yet, you still proceeded to read this. What a shame.

Actually, no. No, it is not, merely because what I have to feature is self-promotional, sure, but also other-people-promotional. Isn’t humility and selflessness such a lovely thing?

I wouldn’t know.

What do you mean it’s still July?!

The pandemic stole two years from my life. Yes, I am using that as an excuse for my immaturity. But come on, nobody told me this year would be like the Earth outlet was switched back on. It was slow at first, but then it all came crashing down as if time were nipping you in the heels.

Just me? ‘Kay.

In simpler terms, July was a busy month.

My ideas well had run dry, so what better time to substitute some original stuff with unoriginal stuff, right?


For Ye Mystery Lovers

Chaos We Unravel centers on the close-knit lookalike sisters whose personalities couldn’t clash more. It’s Independence Day, and Chelsea and Michelle expected a stress-free hang-out. With their older brother, Justin, and Jenna, the plan was 1) snacks and 2) enjoying the show. But when a fire and a gunshot ring out, another mystery finds them yet again. Now they just have to follow it.

synopsis by moi

Amanda and Anita, the writers behind this excellent work, share the clues email-by-email and encourage you to interact, sniffing out the clues and revealing your hunches. It tested my deductive skills, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Plus, the best friends are incredibly, well, friendly.

The mysteries aren’t murder-level—a relief for me, who has difficulty finding clean ones—and lean more toward being realistic. As a relatively jumpy person, they have not kept me up at night, thank goodness, and will probably not haunt you whenever you’re alone with your thoughts.

Note: I probably discovered Hours We Regret, the predecessor of Chaos We Unravel, and the main book by Amanda and Anita, from Virginia @Books by Virginia, but I’m not quite sure since I can’t find the post where she promoted it. But visit her blog, you guys.

For Christian Teens

I’m so blessed to have discovered The Rebelution.

Being a teen in this day and age is hard. It’s always been. But with temptations amplified by the widespread impact of the internet, it’s even more challenging. People look down on us, judging us as inadequate and not skilled enough before we even prove ourselves. Sometimes, even we see ourselves that way.

But it’s not about us. It’s about God, and He can use teenagers where we are. We can learn about Him and know Him during this confusing stage. Developing Christlike character isn’t just for adults. We can start now, and the Reb will help you grow.

The link leads you to their site, where articles that benefit you as a writer and a young Christian are published weekly. And I highly recommend joining their weekly newsletter, from which you get 27 book recommendations…for free. Now, that’s a good deal.

Thank you for reading!

Out of curiosity…

And if you’re wondering why that was so incredibly short, then…

*runs away but with 100x more dramatic flair*

SPOTLIGHT: Katherine Perry’s Starting Her Solo Blog!

BLOG SPOTLIGHT! And my first one, too! Katherine from TWN decided to stem out, starting her own blog (while not abandoning TWN, worry not). You can expect DIY, lifestyle, and a whole lot of writing on her blog. Read the post for more details!

Ayo, peeps! Today’s post will be slightly different because I have an exciting announcement: Katherine, one of the three lovable authors of Teen Writers’ Nook, has launched her blog! And almost equally exciting is the opportunity for me to promote it here! And go crazy with the exclamation points!

Let’s support her, shall we?

Stay alert for the giveaway at the end, and feel free to participate!

Spotlight Info



Displaying Katherine Perry.jpg
credit: Issabelle Perry

Social links:

Giveaway Info

The giveaway will run from July 1st through July 11th. Enter by commenting on the tour’s Welcome post (at and then earn extra entries by commenting on any post in the tour. Anyone under 18 must have their parent’s permission before entering. 

US entrants will be entered for a chance to win a free pack of summer-inspired stickers!

International entrants will be entered for a chance to win free printable bookmarks!

(This is my first blog spotlight, so correct me if I’m doing it wrong.)

Don’t forget to visit her site, spread love, and join the giveaway!

Congratulations, Katherine! ðŸĨģ I pray God will open doors for you to glorify Him through your writing!

In other news, can you believe June is over?! How was your month? I write this with swollen cheeks after my two wisdom teeth were extracted a few days ago. Oversharing? Well…yeah, I guess so. But this is a safe space. Judgment free, guaranteed.

Did you hit any blogging milestones? Did you finish that story you’ve been putting off? Coffee, tea, or water? Have you any weird writing tips to share? I heard you can type a story out in white color to silence your inner critic.

A Dump of Art

In which I give a brief show of art, which I’m hoping you’d give feedback on (hint hint) with lots of explanations and extra notes, and showcase something I think is stupendous.

It’s me again. Tired of it yet?

This is going to be a brief post; worry not. Before I continue, remember that post where I said I’d put some reviews up? No? Well, scratch that. I recently discovered that I don’t like giving reviews on things. Not everything can be summarized in a few stars, and I got a little overwhelmed with the idea of doing so with books I’m not sure how I feel about.

Anyway, this week was a rollercoaster, but not to toot my own horn, but I’m pretty sure I succeeded in keeping my priorities straight. Er, sort of.

Enough detouring. Behold!

My Artistic Improvement! (Including a Very Special Fanart Piece)

From February 19, the date I most recently posted a dump, to today, I polished my skills quite a bit, or I’d like to think so. See for yourself.

Let’s arrange this by date.

Odetteâ€Ķsort of
My imagination of Odette’s appearance shifted from a blonde, fair-skinned young lady to a tanned, brunette girl in planning my version of Swan Lake.
Pouty pout
I’m not happy with this, but it’s better than most. See? I can be candid.
“I’ve got my arms on my hips, and my background is a poor attempt at perspective. It was given up on.”
The settings automatically changed this picture (I don’t draw horizontally), but I’m too lazy to change it, so tilt your head a bit if you want to enjoy it.
Halle Bailey before I knew it was Halle Bailey, which is why it doesn’t look like Halle Bailey
This is a rendition of Halle Bailey without her illustrious fins and sequins. Funny, I didn’t know I was drawing her when I did this because the reference photo was another rendition of her, so I accidentally did a celebrity fanart. Hmm.

Related: Journal- 6/7/2023 (Movie Reviews, Brain Dumpings, and the Search for Clarity)

Alessia but lopsided
Ugh, it’s lopsided.

Pooping back in to add: Meet my character, Alessia, from That One Fantasy Story I’ll Probably Never Get Around to Doâ„Ē. She’s a 5’1, 14-year-old female with a hint of Asian descent (which is extremely broad, I know—I should know) who resides in a humble village in a world where Vikings, kings, half-creatures, and iPhones co-exist. She wants nothing more than to please the people she loves, admires, and holds dear, not consisting of her friends. She keeps them at arm’s length; vulnerability is a weakness, and she won’t permit it to ensnare her.

Related: Get to Know My WIPs!

“i’Ve GoT tHe WiNd iN mY hAiR aNd A firE witHiN aNd ThE fUn’S oNlY sTaRtiNg”
I forgot whom I used as a reference, but the artist was on Instagram. I’m pretty sure she was recreating objects as humans and their outfits; yes, it sounds as cool as it is.
Smirk 😏
Just a random smirker with a headband.
She’s happy with something
A random, dimpled girl with—I imagine—pink highlights at the tips of her hair.
Animated girl and selfie chick
The one to the left is a sketch in which I tried a new style. I’m not too proud of it, but it looks fine. The one on the right is a selfier whose hands I am extremely irked with. They look…tentacle-y and bony—not what I was going for.
The difficulty of tying a ponytail - an artwork
I have a love-hate relationship with ponytails: I love the ponytail, hate tying it.
Medusa as a mermaid (?)
“Part of that wooorrld” ~credits to Olaf
Arabesque with dramatic arms and no proportional lower legs
I HATE that her legs aren’t proportional. I used another Instagram reference for this sketch—a human, non-sketch one.
I’m…not sure who this is. Let’s call her “a random girl with poofy hair that was a pleasure to draw.”

AND! Drumroll, please.

A special appearance from an outstanding piece of work! Please welcome…

Charlotte Ford from Natalie/The Texas Lass’s novella, Reciprocity!

Look, it’s Charlotte!
I worked very diligently on that rifle and apologize for forgetting one doodad or thingamabob. I tried, okay?! Also, I was too lazy to draw her tac vest, as slaving on her weapon took a significant chunk of my time working on the overall result. She wasn’t supposed to have the gun, but I had to put it in. I had to. Well, whaddya think?

(Look. At. Her. HANDS. Then look away right after because they’re not that good.)

(And I don’t know what’s going on with her hair either.)

This is my version, so it might not match how you imagine her when reading the snippets.

…unless you haven’t read it yet. And my, oh my, are you in for a treat!

Or a trick. It’s a two-way street.

And now I’m faced with a predicament: To tag Miss Texan’s posts or not? I intended this to be a surprise, hence, not wanting to notify her, but she deserves her recognition. What to do…

Oh, well. Credit where credit’s due, I guess.

No, wait! Here’s her website link: The Texas Lass — Reflections, Reviews, & Random Writings

Listen carefully, all right? You will be directed to her homepage. Scroll down and click anything with the word “Reciprocity” in the title. I’d advise the announcement post, but start with the first chapter if you’re impatient (and self-aware).

Of course, you might not like zombies and apocalyptic stuff, but I didn’t either. And trust me, stepping out of your comfort zone is worth it in this situation.

That would be a perfect segue into why you should follow my advice, but I’m so avid that I might run my mouth. No need to get into the eerie feels, well-communicated urgency, and exquisitely planned out backstories—you’ll have to see it for yourself. Which will be a rabbit hole to another thing and the thing after that, which is…

Heyyy! And that’s me running my mouth, kids. Gosh, you’d think the girl would learn.

That’s all for today.

I definitely nailed that abrupt ending.

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