A Noble Princess Cover Reveal!!

Hello, humans! I bring wonderful news. It could’ve been a surprise without the title, but guess what’s coming this November?

Sure, Thanksgiving, too, but you have one more thing to be grateful for, which is. . .drumroll, please πŸ₯. . .Saraina Whiteney’s The Goose Girl fairytale retelling! This story will be a part of the SUMMER novellas for the Cornerstone Series, which include Books 5 – 8. Aside from Miss Saraina Whitney, you’ll see the works of authors Rachel Kovaciny, Abigail Kay Harris, and Madisyn Carlin.

And what do I have to do with this? Again, my uncreative title gives that away, but to clarify, I’m aiding in the cover unveiling of the wonderful Saraina’s novella. Without further ado, behold the details!


What happens when duty and love tear you in two opposite directions?

Full blurb coming soon.

A Noble Princess is an NA Christian fantasy Goose Girl retelling.

Book #5 in the Cornerstone Series


Release Date: November 5, 2024

Genre: nonmagical Christian fantasy fairytale retelling

Book Length: Novella

Publisher: Bellator de Lux Publishing

Cover designer: Mountain Peak Edits & Design


About the Author

A devoted Christian storyspinner, Saraina Whitney’s one weakness is poignant stories threaded with hope. That and the color olive green. Her passion is sharing stories of hope finding broken hearts, pointing back to the Greatest Love Story of all. Known as the quietest of her family of fourteen (…except when she’s singing), she’s a homeschool grad and lives in the windy Illinois countryside, blessed with a magical view of sunsets and stars. When not volleying around obscure inside jokes with siblings, she spends her free moments authoring, falling down research rabbit holes, reveling in the musical perfection of her favorite songs, and daydreaming about a wardrobe that could transport her to her characters’ worlds.



16 Christian fantasy fairy tale retellings filled with faith, clean romance, danger, and courage from authors Laurie Lucking, Kirsten Fichter, E. G. Bella, Jewel Windall, Saraina Whitney, Rachel Kovaciny, Abigail Kay Harris, Madisyn Carlin, Lucy Peterson, Anna Augustine, Olivia Godfrey, Kendall Hoxsey, K. R. Mattson, C. K. Heartwing,  Kendra E. Ardnek, and Katja H. LabontΓ©.

Pre-order the series! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPS7ZKXK?binding=kindle_edition


And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for.

Oh, the suspense! Oh, the agony!

Just show the cover already! you plead.

Now, now. Remember, good things come to those who wait.






























And wait.




























And wait some more.
















































I can now type consecutive periods and enter at lightning speed. Very fun. Highly recommend.























































All right, enough of the scrolling.






Doesn’t that look lovely?

All promising covers, don’t you think? πŸ‘€ We have much to look forward to in November through December.

Preorder A Noble Princesshttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQ3BH3CX

Add on Goodreadshttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/203694496-a-noble-princess-cornerstone-series


*clicks Want to Read on Goodreads*

I’m surprised I didn’t do that sooner. If you’ve been here a while, you know I worked on a fairytale-ish retelling of my own, so I can understand a teeny fraction of the diligence you’d need. I have much respect for the author. 😊

Stay on your toes for the upcoming blurb, and let me know what you think! I’ll catch you on the flip side. *salutes and does an Aladdin off the balcony*

*magic carpet whisks me away*

Hitting 25k When Your Life Is a Mess

Consistency is a fickle thing, so I’m taking whatever badge of accomplishment I can get. Good golly, 25,000 is a big number. Expect a writer-to-writer encouragement at the end and another post in conjunction to this one.

Drafted: 3/20/2024

We’ve come this far.

Thank you to my over-half-a-decade laptop for not giving out on me, Google Docs for not crashing, and NaNo for stressing me with my deadlines by simply existing.

To the slumps and bouts with doubting everything, you can eat my dust while you rot.

A Wild Ride Indeed

There are days and weeks when you feel like a machine, chugging through 4,908 words in 15 days, which is the best run in my book, bestowing upon myself generous extra points since it was the holidays. Then comes the subsequent period when you forget all about your draft because . . . life. And school. And extracurriculars. And committee work.

Sometimes, you get discouraged, comparing yourself to people who’ve “made it”β€”who finished their drafts in 60 days or less, who have been writing for years, and who can juggle three drafts and other responsibilities like a champ. Those who know what they’re doing lightyears better than you.

Who are lightyears better than you.

Oops, wait a second. Wrong post. Self-deprecation is scheduled for 30 minutes from now.

Ahem, sorry about that. There’s a but meant there. Let’s try that again.

Who are lightyears better than you, but, as my Pinterest board of writing quotes says . . .

“The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.”

Terry Pratchett

“You fail only if you stop writing.”

Rad Bradbury

“If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word.”

Margaret Atwood

You can be sure a heartbroken me pinned those to her board after an emotional drop from thinking her writing was flawless to rereading what she wrote. Why do I mention that a lot? I never learn my lesson.

But if you’re a writer, don’t you, too? Don’t you keep writing even when you don’t believe anything you say has value? Don’t you keep writing even when it seems impossible to get anywhere with it?

As far as I know, we all go through these mental obstacles (thanks, Pinterest!). If you feel alone or discouraged, maybe remember not every short story out there is Pulitzer-prize worthy. Not every piece will become critically acclaimed.

And whatever small step you take toward completing your goal is still one step closer to THE END. If anyone hasn’t told you yet, congratulations. You’ve reached whatever point you’re in on your writing journey without becoming bald from constant hair-pulling. (I hope.)

Ultimately, the world needs more writers. We’ve stuck with this masochistic road this long, so why stop now, right?

Thank you for reading!

Future-but-pretty-much-present me here. This post is pretty outdated since I made this decision recently that, well. . . Eh, we’ll talk about that later. (Later as in, 30 minutes from now.)

If I was too vague, the “hitting 25k” part was for my Swan Lake word count. I wanted to celebrate 20k at first but somehow postponed this post long enough to reach 25k before releasing this. This is nearly a month later than its original draft on March 20 last month and then again with the new milestone on March 31, but who’s keeping track? Ha. Haha.

Now, excuse me, I must make more content for you all.

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