Let’s Try This Daily Prompt Thingy

Popping back in with a late daily prompt. My well of ideas is bone-dry, so forgive me. πŸ™

What’s your dream job?

Hmm, I have been thinking about this recently.

My answer is a full-time fiction author. Shocking, isn’t it?

Then again, dreaming and taking initiative are two things altogether, and just thinking about the work to get there makes me want to curl up into a ball and fall asleep until December 2024.

But I’ll hold my horses and focus on putting one foot ahead of the other. And finishing school.

Anyway, with my family background and the job-related normality in my country, I expect writing will become a side job or a hobby when I grow older, paired with a career in the office. Or medicine, perhaps? I have no idea, and I’m eagerly waiting to see where God will open doors of opportunity.

Okay, that was super short.

But I must write something brief to let you all know I’m alive while not getting burned out with starting a post but never pushing through to posting it. Repeatedly.

I know I disappointed you, but it’s better than nothing, right? <:D

How have you all been?

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