Really just me rambling. If you’re reading this, know that I AM GRATEFUL TO YOU. Thank you SO MUCH. You’re a gem. πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Check with me. (Or don’t if you think this is a ploy to get more views. If that’s what you’re thinking, you’re pretty pessimistic. I call it reader interaction. But your choice.)

Go to my homepage. Scroll down. No, no, no! Not to the bottom. That’s too much! Two scrolls of your mouse (or one flick of your finger if you’re reading from a phone) is just about enough. Do you see the small button? The one that says…



How is that even possible?

Wait, let me inspect it again…


Okay, inhale. Exhale.

My next question: Why?

Are this [censor]-year-old’s ramblings somehow comprehensible? And why would you be so kind-hearted as to embark on this journey with me?

Am I really that charismatic? (alt text: rizzful, girl vers.)

With a year of blogging on my back, I have (somewhat) sufficient experience to make this claim: There are a bunch of inaccurate blogging stereotypes out there.

Take it from me. If you search Google with, say, “how to start a blog” (which, by the way, is what got me going, so no hate to the results) and see a featured image of two people being productive and a title similar to “10 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog,” don’t get caught up with following that number by number.

I’m sure somewhere in the abyss of the internet, there’s a statement that advises against asking too many questions in one post or being self-deprecative. Kinda like, “Why are you guys following me?!” And you probably can tell that not everyone follows those.

As something I used to view as complex, blogging has become something akin to a hobby. If, of course, you consider stressing about posting twice a week a hobby.

(I’m kidding.)

I never would’ve guessed my writing could improve like this. Heck, I like writing blog posts better than stories. But have you seen my stories? *shudders* Not even a month later, and my flash fiction’s already making me cringe.

Wait…what was I saying?

Oh, yeah. Thank you all so much for 53 followers! The support is a marvelous encouragement and my fuel for pressing on. Juggling school, this, extracurriculars, and life in general isn’t easy, but God provides us with strength. And, as always, all praise and glory to Him alone!

(Huh, when’d I start talking about blogging advice? That’s weird.)

And Lastly…

I have a new blog opening on September 9th titled A Christian Kid’s RANT Page, whose idea I got from a classmate. If you’re interested, submit a confession/rant through this form. Worry not; aside from your pseudonym, I won’t know who you are. Mysterious, right?

Once the blog opens, I’ll post one confession every Saturday. Honestly, I don’t expect the blog to amass a following or anything close to it. I’ll probably run it for a month or two and see what happens. Perhaps it’ll just be something that exists. But I don’t want to underestimate what a confession page can do, so who knows?

…I’m double-guessing myself. Is this a good idea? I’m not sure anymore.


Thanks for Reading (And Following)!

You guys are amazing. Toodles!

Until next time.

Follower Count Thanks & Answering Random Questions Numero Dos

In succession to Part 1, here I am again, answering questions I leeched from the internet. This is definitely one heck of a ride, and I didn’t install seatbelts.

Here we are again. Remember when I said there would be another post before this? That was a joke. Surprise! (Even I didn’t know until recently.)

Despite how disappointed I am with how my words are turning out, there’s nothing I can do about that. Progress over perfection.

Let’s get on with it.

Riddle Me This!

1. Which do you like better, hot or cold?

Funny how this isn’t specified. Perhaps hot as a temperature, accounting for the fact that both extremes could lead to your perilβ€”I’d prefer melting than freezingβ€”and hot again for food. Runny un-ice cream is the best kind of cream.

2. Have you ever cut someone else’s hair?

I’m so sorry, [name of younger sister]. I promise I didn’t mean to. I was just angling those scissors so close to your locks jokingly. It wasn’t me; it was the scissors that snipped itself!

Don’t kill me, please.

3. If you could learn one language, what would you choose?

Hebrew, if I wanted to look a smidge more religious.

Oh, who am I kidding? It’s most likely Korean.

I’ll let that sink in for a moment.

What can I say? It’s taking the world by storm, and my country dominates nearly all K-Pop fanbases. If I had the patience or skill, I would hop onto the bandwagon.

Related: Soldier, Poet, or King? (hopping onto the bandwagon)

4. What do you hope your deceased relative would say about you if they saw you now?

“She grew from the last time I saw her.” Spiritually and literally.

5. Do you care about reviews?

Too much for when it doesn’t matter and too little for when it does.

Book reviews? Yes. Abso-tutely. This is good, but they’re not the highest authority, so I mostly disregard them. (Exempting the reviews here on WP. Those are valuable.)

Movie reviews? I should care more, honestly. It might’ve helped me to brace myself. Looking at you, Barbie movie. Yet again, doing so would’ve made me susceptible to spoilers, so there’s some worth in that.

6. How can you tell if someone has a sense of humor?

The no-brainer answer would be, “I laugh at their jokes.” But my sense of humor is so irrevocably broken that I can lose myself crying over anything that tries to be funny, causing friends to look at me in concern and ask if I’m okay. No, I am not. It’s a disease, and it’s incurable.

My family’s immune to it by now, but it shocks them too at times.

So, obviously, the answer is a sixth sense. It takes a funny person to know one.

7. Which do you like better, ninjas or pirates?


We’re ignoring Google saying its target audience is “young kids” and “boys in elementary or pre-teen years,” none of which do I fit in.

8. Would you rather be able to control time or know what other people are thinking?

Know what other people are thinking, but realistically speaking, that would be too overwhelming. And the number of times people don’t say what they mean . . .

O second thought, how ’bout they don’t tell me what’s on their minds?

Besides, it’s a little invasive, but I’m sure we’ve wanted to know what goes on inside someone’s head at least twice.

And, let’s be honest, we’ve been severely disappointed by some.

For example . . .
































Control time it is, then.

9. What do characters do in movies that annoys you the most?

Oh, boy. We could make a whole list of these.

But, off the top of my head, it’s instantaneous forgiveness as if nothing ever happened without any relationship rebuilding, main characters criticizing others for being so unoriginal while being so doused in tropes themselves, and love at first sight (I’m sorry).

10. How would you want to be remembered?

As one who furthered the cause of Christ.

Thanks for reading!

I revoke what I said earlier in this post: I’m happy with how this one turned out. But what do you think? Did I use one too many GIFs? Do you relate to my answers, or would you have had a different reply? Were you rolled? (And is it getting old? Of course, it isn’t, but I’d still like to know.)


Aliens, we’re at it again. Breanna burns out and needs to disappear for school’s sake. Let’s be honest this timeβ€”I will be reading posts and commenting, most likely, but the content creating will halt.

Life’s been throwing dirty jabs at me. I need to re-evaluate my moves and see what I did wrong.

I feel terrible leaving like this, but I don’t see what else there is to do. I’ve filled my plate, and, though I plan to chew and down as much as I can, some things have to be shelved. Not forgotten. Just put on hold.

I need to stop making bad decisions. Pray for me, will you? A 10-word or 10-second prayer ought to do it. I know I’m practically a stranger, but I would really appreciate it. I’m swinging on my last string of hope here.

I’ve left some things pending, so apologies for that. I’ll be back, erm…fresherβ€”the freshness I expected last hiatus. Sorry if this jumble of a post evokes your sympathy. I didn’t mean that.

Well, until next time, then.

See you by May 15! May 18 is the one-year blogging anniversary, so I’ll be here for that.

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