Journal- 6/22/2024 (feat. A Reveal . . . But Not of My Face)

This is a rushed post to compensate for . . . something that happened. I’m making excuses for my absence again, so that’s fun. I’m also stalling unabashedly, even though no one forced me to write this. Yay!

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The Sunshine Blogger Award

I’ve reached the peak of blogging: a nomination. I’m beyond grateful. To all those who believed in me, thank you immensely. To those who didn’t, you don’t matter. I answer questions; I give questions; I pressure people to answer them. Sunshine and rainbows all around.

Would you look at that! Finally, something I didn’t have to snurch. In all truth, I’ve been eyeing this one for far too long, but it would be an embarrassment to steal, so I kept my distance.

Voilà, my snurching buddy Natalie The Texas Lass, who I’ve linked to countless (or five) times on here, ever-so-kindly nominated me. Not for being a sunshine blogger, she clarified, but I’ll take it!

She claimed half of the five people she listed were on hiatus, and she’s absolutely right. Only 0.5 of me is inactive.

Now! Let’s get on with it; chop chop.

The Rules:

  • Display the award’s official logo somewhere on your blog. 
  • Thank the person who nominated you. (Thanks, Nat!)
  • Provide a link to your nominator’s blog. (Ahem.)
  • Answer your nominator’s questions. 
  • Nominate up to 11 bloggers. (Oof. Is it too late to back out?)
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions. 
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on at least one of their blog posts.

Nat’s Questions:

1. You’re stuck on a desert island with the main character of the last movie you watched. Are you two escaping, or inevitably getting eaten by crabs?

The last movie I watched would be—oh, I’m in for a treat—Top Gun: Maverick. The main character is obviously Hangman Maverick, so . . . it could go either way. There are two possibilities for this: 1) We’re scouring the island for an F-14 (basically an old-timey jet) and in Tom Cruise fashion, we find one. That, or 2) he makes a heroic, tear-jerking one-liner telling me to cook him before we both die of starvation. And then I don’t have to because a savior will come!

So, in short, yes.

2. What was your main reason for starting a blog?

I have no idea—Oh, wait, I know this one!


Whenever I blabbered to people about my life, their ears would detach and run in whatever direction I was not. Such a shame. The world needs more of my charismatic, intelligent, eloquent, hilariously funny self, you know? So, I thought, let’s bring it to them! And here we are.

3. What book absolutely deserves to be made into a movie?

Does any book deserve to have movie adapters blowtorching it to the ground? Well, yes. Because bad books exist, but to make my point, no.

If filmmakers needed a cash grab, they’d adapt a book that can stand its own—think: chart-topping, bestselling, has a loyal fanbase from international readers. And then they’d crush the book readers’ souls and pick their pockets while the loyal fans sob on the ground. But back to the question.

How about The Inheritance Games? There are so many trap-door, secret-compartment, and hidden-passageway technicalities that I couldn’t always follow, so maybe a visual representation would help. The thing’s famous enough, so they might as well adapt something just good enough that it couldn’t be worse.

4. What movie will you always rewatch?

Four words.





The scene where Maria guilt trips the children is savage in the tamest way ever. The songs will live on forever in history.

Well, that or The Princess Diaries, which both have the immortalized Julie Andrews in them, the absolute icon. I’ve watched it enough to memorize the story beats, but. But, but, but. You can’t tell me I can’t fast-forward every other scene to get to Mia Thermopolis transforming into the gorgeous Anne Hathaway. Oh, the makeup! The costume design! The angst afterward!

Can we all agree that Anne Hathaway’s acting was so unbelievably natural for her debut movie? Seriously.

5. Do you wear socks with sandals? If so, what is wrong with you?

I don’t remember doing it recently, but I will once the opportunity comes. Wait! Before you shun me, look at how this situation works and tell me my thinking is flawed.

I live in a tropical place. If you’re getting cooked in the heatwave wherever you are in the wide world, I’m getting fried. But this is the dry season. Fast forward to the wet season, and the cold can bite back. It comes and goes, so you never know what to prepare for.

Imagine you want to take a nightly stroll. You open the window, and a misty breeze spritzes you in the face. After you wipe your face, you slip on some socks for the journey and head on. A couple people pass you, hardly batting an eye at your footwear. It’s the classic socks and sneakers. No way that could go wrong.

And temperature said, “Psych!”

Twenty minutes in, sweat pools at the back of your neck. It’s hot all right, and your feet are bearing the brunt of it. Why did you put shoes and socks on? Now there’s no easy way out!

Aha! But there’s a cheat code. If you thought ahead and slipped on some chic sandals with those socks, just remove your marginally less smelly socks midstride, stuff them in your pockets, and be on your way.

And if you ain’t convinced, I’ll pull out the race card with the claim sandals are our go-to. They’re comfy, not that much work to put on, and fit with mostly anything. We can pack those for a trip and underestimate just how chilly it would be, so boom. Socks and sandals. Plus, you become a style icon, not caring what people think. The kids giggling and pointing their stubby fingers at your feet are oozing with jealousy.

6. You can go back in time for fifteen minutes. Where are you going and why?

Ha, you didn’t say how many times I can travel back in time in those fifteen minutes.

For an uncharacteristically serious answer, I’d meet the grandparents I never saw. That is, my grandma (or “lola” in Tagalog) on my mom’s side and my grandpa (or “angkong” in Phokkien) on my dad’s side. I’d visit my mom’s brother and my dad’s brother’s wife and just . . . talk. I want to know what I missed. And then I’d relive the last moments I saw my relatives who passed away during the pandemic and record their last words to me.

Fifteen minutes would never feel longer, and the weight of it all would crash on me when I’m back in the present—losing them.

ðŸĪ§ *blows nose*

Sentimentality over.

7. Do you like to write while listening to music/ambience, or in blessed silence?

People who can work with music are legends. My attention span is about the size of a gerbil’s paw, so it’s “blessed silence” for me.

My type of “chill, ambient study music” tends to tell a story—Laufey, Taylor Swift, Lyn Lapid, sometimes beabadoobee—so I end up pausing to piece the parts of it together. Yes, I’ve tried Lofi, and the stubborn thing still doesn’t work. But even in silence, I find creative ways to distract myself, and the results end the same anyway.

I’m a hopeless case, people. It’s either laser-focus or nothing.

8. If you could wish for any one thing and have it come true, what would it be?

Darn it, that’s a good one.

Hm. World peace is clichÃĐ and unattainable, so that’s out of the question. Could it be a cure for cancer? A drug for HIV? Uncontaminated water accessible even to the far ends of the earth? Perfect fictional males to be real?!

No, no. Those are too huge for me to pry into. I might end up like Peter in No Way Home or some other movie that uses this concept. Bruce Almighty maybe.

I might as well tie this into my previous answer, which would mean laser focus . . . or actual laser-shooting eyes. Would the latter be of any use? No, and that’s exactly the point.

9. Have you gotten into any new fandoms lately? What are they?

Take a guess.

Currently on book 2, and I’m loving it.

I also began listening to Olivia Rodrigo, and despite my efforts to deny being an emo, you-don’t-understand-me teen, I’ve failed. Last year’s Spotify Wrapped compared my music taste to a vampire’s. Something about “emotional” songs and “being engulfed.” Pssh, like I know what that means.

10. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Night owl. I type this in my PJs. My Algebra book also lays open before my laptop, forgotten and abandoned, but that’s not what you’re asking.

There’s this lulling silence to the night. Everything’s at peace; it’s the time of the day you’d postponed your tasks to, and you’ve run out of excuses and will to fight against the inevitable future, so, y’know, you just do it.

This post was brought to you by Nike!

No, it wasn’t. You didn’t buy that for a second.

11. Do you prefer animated or live-action films and shows?

I’m but a simple child. Animated shows. They’re more colorful, pop off of the screen, and have greater attention to detail. Speaking of which, I started The Bad Guys today, and if the world’s come to the point animated films have better pacing and plot than live-action ones, so be it. I’d simp for a wolf any day. Wait, what? Who said that? I—I didn’t—

Then again, it’s a kid’s movie.

My Questions

  1. What rituals do you do to sleep at night?
  2. What’s something about yourself that somehow sneaks its way into your conversations?
  3. How are you so sure? (No wrong answers.)
  4. Who’s a book character you would swap lives with?
  5. Do you cringe at awkward moments while they’re happening or when you look back at them?
  6. What’s something you crave so badly that you’d trade your sibling/pet/friend to get right this moment?
  7. Should pineapples on pizza be legal? (No more of that “it’s a fruit!” arguments. Nuh-uh. Tomatoes are fruits, too, people.)
  8. Are you on the internet too much?
  9. Have you ever bought something that you realized later was a complete waste?
  10. Without referring to Google, what came first—orange the fruit or orange the color?
  11. Math is enjoyable. Is this statement true or false?

I Nominate . . .

Emily Charlotte @Emily Charlotte

Hannah @Faith, Fiction, & Fairytales

Maddie @Lightward Joy

Niv @Niv’s Nook

Reesa @The DollVille Blog

Regan @Adventures of AG Dolls

Thank you for reading!

And shout out to Natalie *cough hack cough* for remembering I existed and signing me up for this. It’s truly appreciated.

My, that’s much more word mumbo jumbo than I expected. I love how my lengthiest answer is for the “socks with sandals” question. I had to defend, er, explain myself.

You’re getting tired of me, aren’t you? Too bad! What would you have answered to Nat’s questions? Let me know. Frankly, they’re too clever to be used on only five people, so answer away.

Monthly Wrap-Up: November 2023

I’m back!!! November was pretty hectic. Between inconsistencies, sickness, partying, and an insane amount of ballet classes, I’d say this was a great month. Let’s recap it!

Back when I cared about my featured images. Good times…Not really.

Started: 12/10/2023

As I examine my calendar’s eleventh month of 2023, I realize…I should mark my calendar more. Perhaps [Little Sister] was right; my memory is little better than a goldfish’s.


Too bad!

If given the choice, I would’ve skipped this month’s wrap-up. A lot happened; I have something to write about, and heaven forbid that. Writing is supposed to be sporadic and inconsistent. You know, chaotic…right?

But then I discovered people enjoy things they can look forward to, like monthly wrap-ups, so my people-pleasing skills kicked in. And would you look at that—it benefited all of us this time! Of course, I had to postpone this as long as my dignity permitted. But. In the end, I hauled my patootie in front of my laptop, and here we are. Isn’t it lovely how things come to play?

No? Okay.

Lessons, Tests, Quizzes, Exams, Repeat

Ah, school. That glorious thing that consumes your youthful years.

I’m not coming on here and pretending I’m a star student (Top honors since I’m the only one in my class! =D), but I have this 100% healthy habit of being extremely passionate and working as hard as possible. The downside is when I get burnt out—which is often, considering I work harder than shrewder—I sidestep the task until the risk reaches alarming levels. Ha, I’m writing this now to avoid studying for an exam.

So, obviously, I’m the role model you should follow.

But you know what? I procrastinated by watching videos on how to stop procrastinating and found the YouTuber Elizabeth Filips, who gives helpful tips for ADHD-type people. I started here and gasped halfway through because, wow, I wasn’t alone!

And the people I relate with have ADHD! Does that mean I have it, too? And that, dear friends, spiraled into a whole other distraction, which is unimportant.

What is important is that I left with applicable information that worked for about a week. Then my bad habits kicked in, and…I’m fixing it. I’m hanging a mental “Construction in Progress” beside my desk and using time with which I could be productive in finding out why I wasn’t.

Clap for me, you guys! I’m sho shmart!

Speaking of YouTubers…

Abbie Emmons.

*throws hands*

Why didn’t I encounter her videos sooner?!

To think, I’d heard people praising her around the blogosphere and never even searched her name on YouTube. Why? Why?!

Then again, my problem isn’t knowing how and what to write; Reedsy has educated me quite well. The problem is to, you know, write. Sitting down, setting a word or hour count, opening Google Docs, and typing away is what my schedule is sorely lacking.

But that’ll be a rabbit trail into why mindsets of having to write and being a writer are two separate ideas, one of which can tap into low self-esteem and trigger hidden doubt, but pssh. No one wants to read that.

Attending a pArTy

Against my will—

I went to a dress-up party as Enola Holmes. (Translation: I left my house!!!)

Mother went all out with my costume this year and even said I looked the “most elegant” among the rowdy kids that day. I wore heeled boots and make-up. My eyeliner melted a bit after the first 3 hours, which a friend so kindly (and publicly:’)) informed me. But it gave a more I’m-a-child-without-parental-supervision-roaming-the-polluted-streets-of-London-and-totally-crushing-this-creep-with-a-bowler-hat-by-kicking-his-butt-with-my-cool-martial-arts-skills vibe, anyway.

(Watch Enola Holmes on Netflix, you guys. 👌)

Like this, minus a corset and the wine-red shade. Mine was a more vibrant hue, which threw off most of those who guessed who I was.

2/5 of the people who approached me recognized my character, and the rest shot me random names that I cannot, for the life of me, remember, even if a friend who went as a Men-In-Black agent put her dart gun to my head.

And I met two Sherlocks.

My self-prepping was similar to what I’d done on *cough* a similar day *cough*, constituting soul-crushing dread. A great ball of nerves lodged in my chest vibrated with every breath, weighing down on my lungs (I don’t think that’s normal), and a million scenarios of how things could go wrong played on a loop in my imagination.

But in the end, a friend from the mentioned “a similar day” and a fellow ballerina friend I used to have theatre classes with stuck close, and I don’t have that many regrets. Hallelujah!

Er, right, there’s one regret of stalking a guy by the commission of my bestie, and I could never be a super spy because of sheer embarrassment. Who knew starting conversations just to pry information out of people could be awkward?

Note to self: Leave the Cruising to Tom.

I ate nothing but free ice cream (because I wasn’t hungry, and if I were, you can rest assured I’d have devoured and wiped out the buffet fit for 100 or so students in less than 20 minutes).

The beginning of the five hours was fun, but the end dragged on. But overall, I enjoyed it. 7/10. Would probably recommend, but it depends.

In Loving Memory of Breanna’s Toes (R.I.P, Rest In Pieces)

Four ballet classes a week = pain. Pain everywhere. Quads, calves, shoulders, ankles, lower back, metatarsals, core, shins, you name it.

My two sisters and I were the few consistent attendees, so when the day for the recital drew near, we had to double the class days to prepare. My legs have yet to recover. I was even hesitant about the party because it fell on a ballet day.

But you know, having amazing classmates has its benefits. It almost means being shushed by the teachers for making so much chismis, a Tagalog word for “gossip” but not quite gossip. That’s a terrible explanation, but sometimes things don’t translate directly. I’m doing my best here. ðŸĪ§

Thank you for reading!

Ended: Date of Publication

Goodness gracious, this is late. Hohoho, Merry (early) Christmas, guys!

Wouldn’t me making one unique post in favor of the season be cool? Wouldn’t it?

Oh, to dream.

How have y’all been? Did you forget about me? That’s a shame coz I’m popping back into the frame like a pimple breakout. Mwahaha.

‘Tis the season!

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