Art And Other Things (jk it’s js art)

Sketching generic girl faces and figures, plus a lot of side comments. I’d like to think I’ve improved since the last dump, but if you don’t agree, be brutally honest in the comments. I mean it.

I recently reread comments under my posts and am wondering why I skimmed over the encouraging compliments some kind souls left. That’s odd of me. I’ll make a mental note to bask in that later.

But that’s not what you came here for. Behold!

A Subtle Improvement

I believe I was going for a baseball fit, like something cute you can wear to a baseball . . . viewing. (I have no idea what it’s called. Bear with me.) But fun fact: I know nothing about baseball, except that it has a song with something about four strikes, and apparently, neither do I possess knowledge about the human eyelashes since I sure did go out all with the those the of above girl.

But I like her lone star earring and capβ€”both of which I’m surprised I didn’t mess upβ€”and the fact that she looks genuinely happy. Good stuff.

Expect all my drawn characters to have a tooth-decaying joy on their faces.

And I still can’t draw men. PAIN.

Inspired by an Instagram post by a superb artist whose account name I forgot. I lost the link to where I got this, which is annoying.

I’m a bit irked that the details on her face are smudged, but that’s probably my camera’s fault. I wanna steal her jacket.

Did you notice where her headphones are connected? Yup. #stolenidea

An attempt at proportions. I cringed.
Baby fingers.

I’m not too proud of these, but I once heard bad drawings are part of the process, so there.

Aurora fanart

I love the stylized way Aurora was drawn in the 1959 movie. Sure, she didn’t get as much screen time as her fairy godmothers, but did she still slay?

All the way, peeps. All the way.

Anastasia fanart

She’s basically a Disney princess now! I love how the animated movie portrayed Anya. She isn’t quirky, but her character still jumped off the screen. She wasn’t a girlboss but was still confident and assured. And she’s voiced by Meg Ryan, so what more do you need, am I right?

Ignore the weird muck on her elbow.

This one was an experiment with a slight style change, and I’m pretty happy with it.

But a side note: ballerinas don’t touch the curtains like this. What was I thinking? 😭

Ta-da! The last one’s from Pinterest, by the way. Something about a dancing reference.

Inspired by a Pinterest thing.

That Writer Friendβ„’ told me this was how she imagined Odette, and I’m relatively flattered. I nailed the swoosh of her dress, but the lizard-long neck? Goodness no. I’m satisfied enough with her face, but the angle killed me. I had to erase and redraw that seventeen times. Er, ten. Twenty? Somewhere there.

Edit: Okay, looking at it again, that neck is . . . something else. It might have taken away from the rest of her body, which is why the parts below her shoulders look so cramped.

Unfinished Swan Lake art.

What do you think? Should I finish it? πŸ‘€

Moon girl on top; 2000s side character vibe girl on the bottom.

Inspired by Marilyn Monroe. If you squint your eyes, you might just see the resemblance.

codename: Cassandra

Round face represenatation! The revolver and hand are a yes for me. *chef’s kiss*

feat. my fingers

I got her proportions right on paper, but they didn’t translate. Tragic, I tell you. An absolute tragedy.

Her upper half, though.✨ But her hair looks a bit wonky. Let me fix thatβ€”

Perks of working with a pencil. 😎

Thank you for reading!

Imposter syndrome is more merciful in my art than my writing, which is reassuring and confuddling.

Share what you think, and [inserts what I usually say in these posts]. Yeah, I’m out of practice.

Ta ta! Have a lovely day, folks.

A Review of the Barbie Film (But Not by Me)

I watched the Barbie movie a few weeks ago. And the thing about that is, either you come out adoring it or detesting it.

How did I feel? Er, well…

I’m not sure. But I am sure that two of my favorite commentators also decided to see it in cinemas, and boy, are they on opposite sides of the spectrum.

Who are those knowledgeable commentators?

…Amala Ekpunobi of PragerU, who hosts her own series called “Unapologetic”…

You got to hand it to her: that thumbnail’s pretty creative. Perks of having a name starting with ‘B.’

…& Brett Cooper of The Daily Wire, who hosts two own series called “The Comments Section” and “Off the Clock.”

If you can’t tell by their blinding pink and sparkly thumbnails and video titles, Brett tolerated, dare I say liked, the movie, and Amala…thinks it could be better.

When held at gunpoint, I’d admit I side with Amala more, especially with her take on the insufferable and absurdly Western daughter of America Ferrera. I-It’s too much. And Amala gets two points up, considering she did a video before it was released in theaters that observed that Barbie has always been a feminist.

“You can do anything,” anyone?

Not that I’m comparing them. Brett was right, though: if you go in expecting disappointment, you’ll get it. A look at Amala’s page would show her many takes on woke culture, so maybe she’s tired of it all. Recording this stuff daily and seeing our society’s lost predicament might’ve drained her, which affected her perspective on the hit-or-miss film.

Or maybe not, since her points are spot-on and helped me realize why some parts didn’t sit well with me. Who knows?

So, should you watch the Barbie movie?

Let’s check the criteria.

  • Are you older than 13? If not, parent supervision is advised. Adult jokes are sprinkled here and there; there’s some language and a landfill of wokeism.
  • Are you okay and/or better than okay to see a plethora of shirtless Ryan Gosling? If not, proceed with caution.
  • Do you adore pink and sparkles? How about 2005’s Pride and Prjeudice? Head on in!

But honestly, I’m not cut out to tell you whether you should or shouldn’t watch this movie. My best advice would be to come in impartial and take it lightly. Don’t copy Ben Shapiro. I wouldn’t, however, force you to laugh at Will Ferrel and his antics since it really can be too much sometimes. Ryan Goslingβ€”you may disagree with me on thisβ€”was downright silly to the point that the silliness could elicit some rogue chuckles.

And drink water.

That’s enough for today.

Follower Count Thanks & Answering Random Questions Numero Dos

In succession to Part 1, here I am again, answering questions I leeched from the internet. This is definitely one heck of a ride, and I didn’t install seatbelts.

Here we are again. Remember when I said there would be another post before this? That was a joke. Surprise! (Even I didn’t know until recently.)

Despite how disappointed I am with how my words are turning out, there’s nothing I can do about that. Progress over perfection.

Let’s get on with it.

Riddle Me This!

1. Which do you like better, hot or cold?

Funny how this isn’t specified. Perhaps hot as a temperature, accounting for the fact that both extremes could lead to your perilβ€”I’d prefer melting than freezingβ€”and hot again for food. Runny un-ice cream is the best kind of cream.

2. Have you ever cut someone else’s hair?

I’m so sorry, [name of younger sister]. I promise I didn’t mean to. I was just angling those scissors so close to your locks jokingly. It wasn’t me; it was the scissors that snipped itself!

Don’t kill me, please.

3. If you could learn one language, what would you choose?

Hebrew, if I wanted to look a smidge more religious.

Oh, who am I kidding? It’s most likely Korean.

I’ll let that sink in for a moment.

What can I say? It’s taking the world by storm, and my country dominates nearly all K-Pop fanbases. If I had the patience or skill, I would hop onto the bandwagon.

Related: Soldier, Poet, or King? (hopping onto the bandwagon)

4. What do you hope your deceased relative would say about you if they saw you now?

“She grew from the last time I saw her.” Spiritually and literally.

5. Do you care about reviews?

Too much for when it doesn’t matter and too little for when it does.

Book reviews? Yes. Abso-tutely. This is good, but they’re not the highest authority, so I mostly disregard them. (Exempting the reviews here on WP. Those are valuable.)

Movie reviews? I should care more, honestly. It might’ve helped me to brace myself. Looking at you, Barbie movie. Yet again, doing so would’ve made me susceptible to spoilers, so there’s some worth in that.

6. How can you tell if someone has a sense of humor?

The no-brainer answer would be, “I laugh at their jokes.” But my sense of humor is so irrevocably broken that I can lose myself crying over anything that tries to be funny, causing friends to look at me in concern and ask if I’m okay. No, I am not. It’s a disease, and it’s incurable.

My family’s immune to it by now, but it shocks them too at times.

So, obviously, the answer is a sixth sense. It takes a funny person to know one.

7. Which do you like better, ninjas or pirates?


We’re ignoring Google saying its target audience is “young kids” and “boys in elementary or pre-teen years,” none of which do I fit in.

8. Would you rather be able to control time or know what other people are thinking?

Know what other people are thinking, but realistically speaking, that would be too overwhelming. And the number of times people don’t say what they mean . . .

O second thought, how ’bout they don’t tell me what’s on their minds?

Besides, it’s a little invasive, but I’m sure we’ve wanted to know what goes on inside someone’s head at least twice.

And, let’s be honest, we’ve been severely disappointed by some.

For example . . .
































Control time it is, then.

9. What do characters do in movies that annoys you the most?

Oh, boy. We could make a whole list of these.

But, off the top of my head, it’s instantaneous forgiveness as if nothing ever happened without any relationship rebuilding, main characters criticizing others for being so unoriginal while being so doused in tropes themselves, and love at first sight (I’m sorry).

10. How would you want to be remembered?

As one who furthered the cause of Christ.

Thanks for reading!

I revoke what I said earlier in this post: I’m happy with how this one turned out. But what do you think? Did I use one too many GIFs? Do you relate to my answers, or would you have had a different reply? Were you rolled? (And is it getting old? Of course, it isn’t, but I’d still like to know.)

The Get to Know Me Tag (Writer Edition)

I know, I know, the sky thumbnail is entirely out of context. But, like the pic, a lot of random things are, well, random. This tag is the perfect clump of things you might not know and probably don’t need to know about me. But not all things have to be taken too seriously, right?

There’s more to me?

Who would’ve thought?

I’m doing a tag because it’s been a hot second since I last did. I harmlessly borrowed this from Rissy @Sisters Three, whose post you can find here.

The rules:

  • link back to the tag creator, Savannah Grace
  • thank the person who tagged you (*cough*)
  • share the tag graphic (optional)
  • tag 11 bloggers (Ha, funny!)

Vital stats & appearance:

(Pen) Name:Β Breanna, which isn’t a pseudonym but is still slightly alien to me, considering no one really calls me by it.

Birthday: It happened this month and will likely continue in the following years.

Hair color and length:Β Black with a considerable amount going under my shoulders, though I’d like it more if it were shorter. Short hair gives the illusion my thin locks are…not what they are. But I can’t chop it off since tying a ballet bun is challenging enough.

Eye Color: I’ll copy what I said in my comment on Rissy’s post: A “comforting, deep dark chocolate hue. Or, in less colorful words, brown.” Don’t you just love reused creativity?

Braces/Piercings/Tattoos: I had braces, an experience I’d very much like to forget, and I have ear piercings. Getting a tattoo at my age is not legal. πŸ‘Œ

Righty or Lefty:Β Lefty. Like Jennifer Lawrence. And Barack Obama. I used to feel left out (pun unintended) by the fact, so my dad searched for “famous people who are lefties” to make me feel better. But I have found being a lefty never became a prominent part of my personality.

Ethnicity: Chinoyβ€”Chinese-Filipino with a dash of Spanish.


We’re going to ignore this entire section. But if you’re going to do this tag, I’ll leave it here for copy-paste reference.

First Novel Written: 

First Novel Completed: 

Award for Writing: 





Genre:Β Anything clean, really. I never thought I’d like mystery, but I did, and I didn’t even think I’d read zombie-related books, but, you know, some are worth it. But I prefer fantasy and sci-fi, which is totally definitely very original.

Author:Β Pseudonymous Bosch, C.S. Lewis, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Dawn L. Watkins, Roahl Dahl. But I’m up for anyone with a good book. Sure, “author” is singular, but not all rules are meant to be followed. It’s fine.

Writing Music: Pixar classical, but the things I’m not too familiar with. I don’t want to bawl my eyes out to “Married Life” or “When She Loved Me” in the middle of a draft. Beware; even without the lyrics, they hold power.

Time to Write: N/A

Writing Snack/Drink: Brain juice. Very energizing.

Movie:Β Little Women (2019), Pride and Prejudice (2005)β€”the controversial stuff. Shrek 1, 2, & 3, Despicable Me 1 & 2, and Kung Fu Panda 1 &, because I’m picky.

Writing Memory:Β Do horrid ones count? I remember being so excited when writing this story about a princess and her butt-kicking group sometime in 2019. I reread it recently and realized a level does come before puke-worthy awfulness.

Childhood Book:Β The Day the Crayons Quit and Dragons Love Tacos are those I remember and still have, albeit read later. I’m still a kid, by the way. Just for future reference.


Reading: This Isn’t What It Looks Like (Secret Series #4) by Pseudonymous, Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roahl Dahl, and Shield by Dawn L. Watkins. Also, reading multiple books at once: smash or pass? (ew, internet lingo)

Writing: You’ll get tired of hearing me say this soon, so I won’t. But you can find it quite easily.

Listening to:Β The fulfilling sound of nothing. You know your ears are young when you still hear that ring in the silence.

But I’d never pass an opportunity for some Spotify recommendations.

(And there are two subtle Christian songs in there just so you know.)

Watching: The new Ninjago season! Sadly, I probably won’t get time to finish with life’s hecticness.

Learning: How to calm down. No need to show everyone how you’re feeling all the time.


Want to be Published: Yes, but it’s leaning more toward worry. Will I get published? Can I get published?

Indie or Traditional:Β Traditional for me, if God wills it. The publishing houses in my country are limited, and I wish to support them.

Wildest Goal:Β Magically sprout wings and live in the Barbie kingdom of fairies. Second is getting involved in my school organization, which involved a lot of…socializing with humans.

Tag, You’re It!

Feel free to snurch this.

Thank you for reading!

Any Spotify, movie/TV show, or book recommendations? How’s your writing? Do you listen to music when you write? Does munching on something make writing easier or harder?

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