Merry Christmas!!!

🎢 Its the most wonderful time of the yearrr 🎡
Rambling. Nothing deep.

Merry Christmas! πŸŽπŸŽ„

Yep, that’s the whole post, you guys. You get nothing more.




















Watch me spam these emojis.



Jingle bells πŸ””

Jingle bells πŸ””

Jingle all the wayyyy~ πŸ””πŸ””πŸ””

Sadly, WordPress is set to my time zone, so if you check the calendar for the day I posted this, you’ll know this was a day late.

Welp, you can’t have it all.

Shh, you never knew that.

Oh, how am I? Why, thank you for asking!

I type this on my phone in the car on the way to visit a farm. My Christmas was not chill (nor chillyβ€”snow is nonexistent here, and I might have mentioned that three times on my blog already) but not jam-packed. I’m contented. God is good.

Of course, the need to update my draft will be looming over my head the whole trip. I definitely need to get the hang of the writing life. Do I have an hour to spare every day to work on my WIPs? Haha. Hahah- *cries*

*sniff* Of course, I do; everyone does. I just seem to have misplaced mine. I’ll go looking for it later, but until then, no more excuses. Face the problems head on!

Enough about me. Tell me, my dear readers: did you have a merry little Christmas? πŸ˜ƒ

🎢 Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree 🎡

Ignore the typos. Merry Christmas again!

Now, listen to the Spotify playlist I made with my mother’s account. Go.

Go spread Christmas cheer! Read A Christmas Carol! Shoo!
















Oh, you’re still here. Okay, about that Caraval review thingyβ€”I’m delaying it. I have to get the second book, so it’ll seem like I had a reason to push the date back so far. It is on its way. Definitely. For sure.

Now, it’s over. πŸ˜€

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