Merry Christmas!!!

๐ŸŽถ Its the most wonderful time of the yearrr ๐ŸŽต
Rambling. Nothing deep.

Merry Christmas! ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ„

Yep, thatโ€™s the whole post, you guys. You get nothing more.




















Watch me spam these emojis.



Jingle bells ๐Ÿ””

Jingle bells ๐Ÿ””

Jingle all the wayyyy~ ๐Ÿ””๐Ÿ””๐Ÿ””

Sadly, WordPress is set to my time zone, so if you check the calendar for the day I posted this, youโ€™ll know this was a day late.

Welp, you canโ€™t have it all.

Shh, you never knew that.

Oh, how am I? Why, thank you for asking!

I type this on my phone in the car on the way to visit a farm. My Christmas was not chill (nor chillyโ€”snow is nonexistent here, and I might have mentioned that three times on my blog already) but not jam-packed. Iโ€™m contented. God is good.

Of course, the need to update my draft will be looming over my head the whole trip. I definitely need to get the hang of the writing life. Do I have an hour to spare every day to work on my WIPs? Haha. Hahah- *cries*

*sniff* Of course, I do; everyone does. I just seem to have misplaced mine. Iโ€™ll go looking for it later, but until then, no more excuses. Face the problems head on!

Enough about me. Tell me, my dear readers: did you have a merry little Christmas? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

๐ŸŽถ Rockinโ€™ Around The Christmas Tree ๐ŸŽต

Ignore the typos. Merry Christmas again!

Now, listen to the Spotify playlist I made with my motherโ€™s account. Go.

Go spread Christmas cheer! Read A Christmas Carol! Shoo!
















Oh, youโ€™re still here. Okay, about that Caraval review thingyโ€”Iโ€™m delaying it. I have to get the second book, so itโ€™ll seem like I had a reason to push the date back so far. It is on its way. Definitely. For sure.

Now, itโ€™s over. ๐Ÿ˜€

Whaddya Know, We Hit 40 Followers!

A celebratory post! Featuring:
~an idea from a blogger friend. (I bet you can guess who! I’ve linked back to her at least 13 times.)
~answering random questions
~โœจ story time โœจ
~getting to know me better!

(If you hadn’t already noticed, my featured images are getting randomer and randomer. That’s due to my laziness.)

Wow, 40 followers! I didn’t think we’d get this far.

Thank you to the clickers and me for achieving such a feat. Give yourself a pat on the back. You made someone happy in your lifetime.

Being the dreadful person I am, I toyed with skipping another supposed time I had to post. Mind you, I did miss blogging. It felt wrong not preparing word barf for a whole week. But when you don’t have anything to offer…you don’t have anything to offer. (Pretend I said something profound.)

The lovely Miss Texan, however, the oh-so-magnanimous blogger friend she is, lent me an idea: random questions. Cue the facepalm. Why hadn’t I thought of that?!

Perhaps because millions of ideas circulate the internet, some of which include a topic to expound on, but we won’t mention that.

It’s the perfect avenue for you all to get a glimpse of my being and for me to show I’m not just a bot. I had an idea similar to this, but answering questions off the ever-reliable internet sounds much more fun. Spontaneous and all.

In related news, I’m afraid I’ve been lurching off of her ideas one too many times. I should be developing at least an ounce of creativity. Originality. “Google, what are some synonyms for ‘originality’?”

Ingenuity. Distinctiveness.

But for another day. I’m currently happy with my snurchment.

Blastit, I’ve done it again!

Ugh. Let’s just get on with it, shall we?

Embarrassing Myself

1. What’s your favorite holiday?

Fun fact: I can testify that 90% of indigenous Filipinos’ most anticipated holiday is Christmas. Er, or maybe the least, since we celebrate it starting September (which we label the start of the “-ber months.” Get it? September?). Putting your tree up in November is considered late, and keeping them up till February is recommended.

2. Who do you resemble?

My mother. Some say I’m her carbon copy. Huge compliment!

3. Have you ever been on TV?

Well, I mean. Pretty sure the fact that I included this question gave the answer away…

Haha, it’s a no.

But there’s a story behind that! Around 6 years ago, I attended a different ballet studio. The head instructor knew a guy who saw my photo in the yearbook and invited me through my mom to audition for commercials. Young me hadn’t the faintest idea of what was happening when she was on the road to go the place where you do the thing, but she went with it.

Apparently, I was perfect. Or somewhere close to it. The guy liked my acting, however. I was too tall. My partner was shorter than me, making me ineligible for my presumed role. Which makes total sense! A girl taller than a guy? Pssh, who ever heard of that? I mean…


…come on.

Long story short, though I could have been on TV, I was not. Man, that was a rabbit trail.

4. Do you know any jokes?

Do I?! You bet your sweet patootie I do!

But for your sanity and my reputation, I won’t share one. I don’t know if you’ve caught on, but I have been commended for my sense of humor in the past. So, the real question is, “Do I still got it?”

You tell me.

5. Can you play an instrument?

I do! The piano! I can play “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,” “Baa Baa, Black Sheep,” and “The ABC Song!” And if any professional pianist tells you those songs are the exact same thing without lyrics, don’t believe ’em. Lies, I tell you. LIES!

And maybe I have completed two books/courses on piano. Maybe.

And do not, I repeat, do not ask me to play a piece for you. I can’t get notes out of thin air! Besides, I’m a traditionalist. Classical music all the way.

6. What’s your favorite cheese?

Brie, which, by the way, is how you pronounce the first syllable of my name. /brie โ€ข YEAH โ€ข nah/

Nah, just kidding. It’s mozzarella.

7. Are you religious?

Me? Religious? Why would The Christian Kidโ„ข of A Christian Kid’s Journal be…that?

Jokes aside, one can say they love God and not actually do so. It’s definitely more convenient when nearly no one knows who you are. You could be lying to my face through the screen! Or vice versa! But I assure you: yes, Jesus dwells inside of me, and no, my face isn’t synthesized. We good? Good.

8. What are your favorite songs?

Yes! A segue into my Spotify playlist. Don’t mind if I do.

As promoted in the CoJo podcast (Sorry, I know the link back is pretty random. Coby’s just so darn good at impressions.)
Another Michael Bublรฉ song coz his voice is heavenly.

These aren’t my No.1 songs of all time, but they are the newest additions to my lonely little playlist of secular music, which are still fresh in my eardrums. If 1 hr and 40 minutes can be considered short.


9. What is your favorite food to cook? Er, bake?

Cooking is mac and cheese.

Baking is cookies.

{I’ll insert a cookie photo here soon.}

10. If you could time travel, what would you do?

Stay where I am, of course. I am well-versed in my sci-fi movies. Tinker with anything, and the continuum would not continue. Space and time would go splat.

Look into the horror-filled eyes of the show-stealing Doc Brown and tell me nothing went wrong. That all was dandy after they altered the fabric of the universe.

I rest my case.

Okay, but so what if Back to the Future had three movies, and they never truly learned their lesson?

That’s enough word-pressing for one day.

*taps screen* Are you still there?

Ah, you are! Thanks for sticking around. You have a reward for that: part 2, coming out…sometime the following week. You can expect a post squished between this one and the coming one.

Have a great day!

The Get to Know Me Tag (Writer Edition)

I know, I know, the sky thumbnail is entirely out of context. But, like the pic, a lot of random things are, well, random. This tag is the perfect clump of things you might not know and probably don’t need to know about me. But not all things have to be taken too seriously, right?

There’s more to me?

Who would’ve thought?

I’m doing a tag because it’s been a hot second since I last did. I harmlessly borrowed this from Rissy @Sisters Three, whose post you can find here.

The rules:

  • link back to the tag creator, Savannah Grace
  • thank the person who tagged you (*cough*)
  • share the tag graphic (optional)
  • tag 11 bloggers (Ha, funny!)

Vital stats & appearance:

(Pen) Name:ย Breanna, which isn’t a pseudonym but is still slightly alien to me, considering no one really calls me by it.

Birthday: It happened this month and will likely continue in the following years.

Hair color and length:ย Black with a considerable amount going under my shoulders, though I’d like it more if it were shorter. Short hair gives the illusion my thin locks are…not what they are. But I can’t chop it off since tying a ballet bun is challenging enough.

Eye Color: I’ll copy what I said in my comment on Rissy’s post: A “comforting, deep dark chocolate hue. Or, in less colorful words, brown.” Don’t you just love reused creativity?

Braces/Piercings/Tattoos: I had braces, an experience I’d very much like to forget, and I have ear piercings. Getting a tattoo at my age is not legal. ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Righty or Lefty:ย Lefty. Like Jennifer Lawrence. And Barack Obama. I used to feel left out (pun unintended) by the fact, so my dad searched for “famous people who are lefties” to make me feel better. But I have found being a lefty never became a prominent part of my personality.

Ethnicity: Chinoyโ€”Chinese-Filipino with a dash of Spanish.


We’re going to ignore this entire section. But if you’re going to do this tag, I’ll leave it here for copy-paste reference.

First Novel Written: 

First Novel Completed: 

Award for Writing: 





Genre:ย Anything clean, really. I never thought I’d like mystery, but I did, and I didn’t even think I’d read zombie-related books, but, you know, some are worth it. But I prefer fantasy and sci-fi, which is totally definitely very original.

Author:ย Pseudonymous Bosch, C.S. Lewis, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Dawn L. Watkins, Roahl Dahl. But I’m up for anyone with a good book. Sure, “author” is singular, but not all rules are meant to be followed. It’s fine.

Writing Music: Pixar classical, but the things I’m not too familiar with. I don’t want to bawl my eyes out to “Married Life” or “When She Loved Me” in the middle of a draft. Beware; even without the lyrics, they hold power.

Time to Write: N/A

Writing Snack/Drink: Brain juice. Very energizing.

Movie:ย Little Women (2019), Pride and Prejudice (2005)โ€”the controversial stuff. Shrek 1, 2, & 3, Despicable Me 1 & 2, and Kung Fu Panda 1 &, because I’m picky.

Writing Memory:ย Do horrid ones count? I remember being so excited when writing this story about a princess and her butt-kicking group sometime in 2019. I reread it recently and realized a level does come before puke-worthy awfulness.

Childhood Book:ย The Day the Crayons Quit and Dragons Love Tacos are those I remember and still have, albeit read later. I’m still a kid, by the way. Just for future reference.


Reading: This Isn’t What It Looks Like (Secret Series #4) by Pseudonymous, Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roahl Dahl, and Shield by Dawn L. Watkins. Also, reading multiple books at once: smash or pass? (ew, internet lingo)

Writing: You’ll get tired of hearing me say this soon, so I won’t. But you can find it quite easily.

Listening to:ย The fulfilling sound of nothing. You know your ears are young when you still hear that ring in the silence.

But I’d never pass an opportunity for some Spotify recommendations.

(And there are two subtle Christian songs in there just so you know.)

Watching: The new Ninjago season! Sadly, I probably won’t get time to finish with life’s hecticness.

Learning: How to calm down. No need to show everyone how you’re feeling all the time.


Want to be Published: Yes, but it’s leaning more toward worry. Will I get published? Can I get published?

Indie or Traditional:ย Traditional for me, if God wills it. The publishing houses in my country are limited, and I wish to support them.

Wildest Goal:ย Magically sprout wings and live in the Barbie kingdom of fairies. Second is getting involved in my school organization, which involved a lot of…socializing with humans.

Tag, You’re It!

Feel free to snurch this.

Thank you for reading!

Any Spotify, movie/TV show, or book recommendations? How’s your writing? Do you listen to music when you write? Does munching on something make writing easier or harder?

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