Journal- 4/30/2024: Look What I Did!

I started a story. No surprise there. But! I made a goal for said story and actuallyβ€”get thisβ€”reached it before the deadline. Celebrations! Confetti! Champagne (but it’s actually apple juice)! Let me ramble about that contemporary short-story-that-might-become-a-novella real quick . . .

Guys! I cheated!

I finished it yesterday with a final WC of 10,022, but the story’s not over yet.

Okay, perhaps not entirely. I wrote 7,980 words out of my supposed 10,000 this month, but I started with 2,042 already written. The sad part is that 10k is half the original goal, but I get this confetti-sprinkled pop-up and a bunch of celebratory GIFs at the journey’s end, so what does it matter?

What Story Did You Win with, You Ask?

Why, thank you for such pleasant nosiness! [Su*cide Trigger Warning] It centers on a pastor’s kid and a girl who tries to jump off from her windowsill to end her . . . self. Surprisingly, it’s not as dark as I thought it would turn out, and the contemporary vibes are AGH. Primarily featuring Christian messages, finding your identity in the rubble, doing the right thing when the boundaries are murky, and, of course, goofy Christian friends.

If I ever doubted that contemporary was my favorite genre, my reaction to the scenes that work has sealed the deal for me.

I conceded to the idea on October 16, 2023β€”the date the Doc claims I began clickity-clackity-ing toward some semblance of a goal. After two days of minor updates, I left it alone until a random December day. I vaguely remember my dad coming home after saving this couple. The wife and her husband had been fighting, and she tried to k*ll herself, but my dad stopped them before she could and counseled them for about four to six hours.

My sisters and I prayed for them, and my heart went out to the couple. Somehow, it felt like God calling me to return to the story. But my lazy self was hardly consistent in that month. A passable excuse could be the hecticness of the season and my priorities being with school, extracurriculars, and another larger work-in-progress.

Time passed, and when I could’ve forgotten about this, I didn’t. I’m taking that as a sign, small as it might be.

Anyway, though I hit the goal, I’ll keep working on this lump of ideas and see where it goes. I may or may not mention it here since it makes me so darn happy in upcoming posts. Who knows? I would if I planned stuff. I don’t and therefore am as clueless as you. Speaking of planning . . .

I Outlined?

According to recent studies, I’m a pantser. Whenever I put my ideas to parchment, I realize even I wouldn’t read a story with that premise and then promptly lose enthusiasm.

The two lessons I need to learn:

  1. Make better premises.
  2. Remember that it’s just a rough replica.
  3. Experiment!

Yes, I can count. I didn’t consciously take note of the third point of that two-point list, but I still applied it in the outlining process somehow, also unconsciously. I have four Letter-sized scrap pieces of paper to prove it. They might all be hardly a fourth filled, but that counts!

This video by Ana Neu inspired me to at least give it a shot.

As she said in the intro, her guide isn’t exhaustive. Take what may compliment your writing style, and apply it how you please. I used the “brain barf” outline style and place plotting; they’re neat and messy, and I love them. It’s also refreshing to see a young writer (with an extreme yet very authentic Australian accent) being relatable, sharing encouragement and tips openly, and building such a supportive community. She’s Christian, too, and her vlog videos are as aesthetic as they come.

But Back to the Main Topic . . .

Here’s proof, people.

It was inspired by Justin Bieber’s song “Hold On.” How does one translate electric guitar feels into a story? I have no clue, so I opted out of that the first chance I got.

A cool song, nonetheless.

Sure, it says “novella” in incoherent writing on the top-right corner of the page, but will it ever really reach that point? I say no, but we, as always, shall see.

The Place Plotting section looks empty and soulless, but the real one’s on the other page, ye of little faith.

Okay, That’s Basically It.

Nearly all my academic, extracurricular, and other-ish work is complete. I know, it’s a shock to me, too. I want to say the stress is easing out and making way for a more chill phase, but that would be a lie. A blatant lie.

How was your Camp NaNoWriMo? If you don’t know what that is or didn’t participate, how well did April treat you, and what’s up with writing?

An Interview with Myself

Do you ever feel the need to say something extremely cool about yourself, but no one is asking the right questions? I sure have. To remedy that, I decided who better to ask myself what I want than me? And so this came to existence.

image creds: this Reddit post

This is all in jest. You probably know a ton about me, but I’ve found another excuse to put the focus on me. I followed a random thought, chaos ensued, and this was born.

It’s all very unhinged, so excuse me. Behold, proof that not everything released into the blogosphere is professional and sensible.

I Meet Me from an Alternate Universe

(or something like that)

B: Hello there, Miss. [shakes interviewee’s hand] It’s a pleasure to interview you today.

Me: Thanks for the invite. What’s this for again? [sits at the chair; chains lock around wrists] Hey, wait a secondβ€”

B: I’ll ask you a series of questions you’ll need to answer honestly. If you don’t, a shock will electrocute you by my pressing this. [holds up a button and then points at chains with pen] Those chains push your wrists against a lie detector on the armrests, so choose carefully.

Me: [sigh] Of all the things to happen on a Thursday morning.

B: Now, for the first: How old are you?

Me: Why do you wanna know? Ow!

B: Questioning the questions also gets the shock.

Me: Couldn’t you have told me that before we started?!

B: Yes.

Me: Ow, stop that!

B: Answer.

Me: Somewhere between ten and twenty!

B: What’s your credit card number?

Me: Ha, ha. Nice try. I’m broke and a minor. What do you want from me?

B: Describe your your regular appearance.

Me: That’s not a question.

B: Darn it. [shuffles through cards] What’s your last name?

Me: That’s actually not much of a mystery. Do a little sleuthing and you’ll find it. [braces for shock] Oh, you didn’t press it.

B: Sadly, we didn’t account for those types of deviations.

Me: [laughs in interviewer’s face] Ha!

B: Your breath stinks. What’s your favorite food?

Me: It’s this sour Filipino soup called “sinigang.” My discord name has that word in it.

B: Care to share that discord user?

Me: Nah.

B: What grade are you?

Me: A grade level high enough to know 1 + 1 = 3 and that people who offer you free candy in exchange for a ride are the few good people on earth.

B: And that’s how you got here.

Me: And that’s how I got here, correct.

B: What was the candy?

Me: It was better: a McDonalds sundae cone.

B: I would’ve got into the van, too.

Me: As you should.

B: Let’s talk about the content you release onto your blog. Why do you say you have social anxiety when you’ve repeatedly emphasized being an extrovert? Isn’t that self-contradictory?

Me: Oof, let’s not get into my extrovertedness. I remember writing publicly about not knowing my proper MBTI, and it led to a rabbit hole into things I don’t want to remember. For now, yes, I am an extrovert because I find joy in interacting with people, but that doesn’t free me from social anxietyβ€”what humans face when we worry about how others perceive us. It doesn’t really matter your personality. Everyone goes through that.

B: But why do you write?

Me: I haven’t the faintest clue. I saw this quote about being unable to resist giving in to a story inside of you demanding to be told, and since I don’t know who said it, let’s pretend I thought of that.

B: So you admit you plagiarize.

Me: It was a joke!

B: Are you as much a blabbermouth as you portray yourself as?

Me: First of all, that isn’t very nice. Second of all, absolutely.

B: Do you talk this weirdly in real life?

Me: Yes, sadly. I’m more formal here than in text since I’m paying attention to punctuation and word choice, but to an extent, yes. If only I’d been spared the face-to-face misunderstandings.

B: What’s a fun fact about yourself?

Me: Dying young has always been a dream of mine.

B: What’s your biggest regret?

Me: Accepting that darn sundae cone. I should’ve asked for water, too. I am parched.

B: How old are you really?

Me: We’re doing this again?

B: [lifts shock button]

Me: Kidding! Ha, I wasβ€”that wasn’t a question. That was a statement with interrogative intonation. Ignore that. I can confirm that I’m above 13 years and below 18. But no more hints.

B: Have you ever lied to your readers?

Me: Yes. No. Unintentionally. Maybe, but I don’t recall. It would be great if I got my own life wrong, though. That’d make for one laughable autobiography.

B: Where do you live?

Me: I think I’ve said this before. In the population of 118,770,782 people in the Philippines, I am one of them. That’s if minors are counted, which I am. You’ve kidnapped a minor, missy.

B: Let’s see . . . [looks through cards] Your oddest TV or celebrity crush?

Me: Barney.

B: Oh, gosh. That is concerning.

Me: He confessed to me once. He told me, “I love you, you love me.”

B: I don’t think you’re okay.

Me: [tries prying chains open with her teeth]

B: [glances around the room for nearest exits] Ignoring that, er, how? [flips card] It just says how.

Me: Sometimes you can’t help it, and other times you’ve got to convince yourself first. But as long as you can, do.

B: [silence]

Me: [stares]

B: All right. Uh. How about something less personal? What’s your favorite subject?

Me: Economics. Knowing if the economy is crashing and burning is good. Knowing how it’s deteriorating and when to clutch your pearls close is much better. I’m not knowledgeable enough about it to be aware of that, but it’s fun to pretend.

B: Who’s your favorite author?

Me: That’s tough. I’ll say N/A for now, but check this out:

favorite-author (!)
Yup, That Writer Friendℒ️ again.

I didn’t even ask for the compliment, but she hit me with it when my immune system was down, so I got all giddy. I had to confirm if she was kidding because of the joking tone tag (/j). She meant it at the timeβ€”an accomplishment enough.

Then she took it back months later. πŸ₯²

B: Is being the middle child as bad as the media portrays it?

Me: No, but as with any child with siblings, it had lows. That reminds me: I was learning about the Law of Cosines in Algebra and realized side “b” only comes first in 1/3 equations while side “a” snags that spot for itself 2/3 of the time. Dismissing that “c” doesn’t get a chance, gosh, side “b”‘s got it tough, doesn’t it? Literally the second choice.

And then it dawned on me that from my sisterly trio, I’m point B. My sister’s names and mine are also in alphabetical order.

B: What is a reasonable starting price for a kidnapping ransom?

Me: What?

B: What?

Me: It might be me, but that sounds awfully personal.

B: It’s just you.

Me: Fair enough.

B: [stands] Enough of these shenanigans. [grabs and lifts chair to knock Me out]

Unfortunately, I am still alive.

I kid. I totally kid. What’s something you want people to know about you that you haven’t had the opportunity to brag about? I can’t be the only one, right?

The Sunshine Blogger Award

I’ve reached the peak of blogging: a nomination. I’m beyond grateful. To all those who believed in me, thank you immensely. To those who didn’t, you don’t matter. I answer questions; I give questions; I pressure people to answer them. Sunshine and rainbows all around.

Would you look at that! Finally, something I didn’t have to snurch. In all truth, I’ve been eyeing this one for far too long, but it would be an embarrassment to steal, so I kept my distance.

VoilΓ , my snurching buddy Natalie The Texas Lass, who I’ve linked to countless (or five) times on here, ever-so-kindly nominated me. Not for being a sunshine blogger, she clarified, but I’ll take it!

She claimed half of the five people she listed were on hiatus, and she’s absolutely right. Only 0.5 of me is inactive.

Now! Let’s get on with it; chop chop.

The Rules:

  • Display the award’s official logo somewhere on your blog. 
  • Thank the person who nominated you. (Thanks, Nat!)
  • Provide a link to your nominator’s blog. (Ahem.)
  • Answer your nominator’s questions. 
  • Nominate up to 11 bloggers. (Oof. Is it too late to back out?)
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions. 
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on at least one of their blog posts.

Nat’s Questions:

1. You’re stuck on a desert island with the main character of the last movie you watched. Are you two escaping, or inevitably getting eaten by crabs?

The last movie I watched would beβ€”oh, I’m in for a treatβ€”Top Gun: Maverick. The main character is obviously Hangman Maverick, so . . . it could go either way. There are two possibilities for this: 1) We’re scouring the island for an F-14 (basically an old-timey jet) and in Tom Cruise fashion, we find one. That, or 2) he makes a heroic, tear-jerking one-liner telling me to cook him before we both die of starvation. And then I don’t have to because a savior will come!

So, in short, yes.

2. What was your main reason for starting a blog?

I have no ideaβ€”Oh, wait, I know this one!


Whenever I blabbered to people about my life, their ears would detach and run in whatever direction I was not. Such a shame. The world needs more of my charismatic, intelligent, eloquent, hilariously funny self, you know? So, I thought, let’s bring it to them! And here we are.

3. What book absolutely deserves to be made into a movie?

Does any book deserve to have movie adapters blowtorching it to the ground? Well, yes. Because bad books exist, but to make my point, no.

If filmmakers needed a cash grab, they’d adapt a book that can stand its ownβ€”think: chart-topping, bestselling, has a loyal fanbase from international readers. And then they’d crush the book readers’ souls and pick their pockets while the loyal fans sob on the ground. But back to the question.

How about The Inheritance Games? There are so many trap-door, secret-compartment, and hidden-passageway technicalities that I couldn’t always follow, so maybe a visual representation would help. The thing’s famous enough, so they might as well adapt something just good enough that it couldn’t be worse.

4. What movie will you always rewatch?

Four words.





The scene where Maria guilt trips the children is savage in the tamest way ever. The songs will live on forever in history.

Well, that or The Princess Diaries, which both have the immortalized Julie Andrews in them, the absolute icon. I’ve watched it enough to memorize the story beats, but. But, but, but. You can’t tell me I can’t fast-forward every other scene to get to Mia Thermopolis transforming into the gorgeous Anne Hathaway. Oh, the makeup! The costume design! The angst afterward!

Can we all agree that Anne Hathaway’s acting was so unbelievably natural for her debut movie? Seriously.

5. Do you wear socks with sandals? If so, what is wrong with you?

I don’t remember doing it recently, but I will once the opportunity comes. Wait! Before you shun me, look at how this situation works and tell me my thinking is flawed.

I live in a tropical place. If you’re getting cooked in the heatwave wherever you are in the wide world, I’m getting fried. But this is the dry season. Fast forward to the wet season, and the cold can bite back. It comes and goes, so you never know what to prepare for.

Imagine you want to take a nightly stroll. You open the window, and a misty breeze spritzes you in the face. After you wipe your face, you slip on some socks for the journey and head on. A couple people pass you, hardly batting an eye at your footwear. It’s the classic socks and sneakers. No way that could go wrong.

And temperature said, “Psych!”

Twenty minutes in, sweat pools at the back of your neck. It’s hot all right, and your feet are bearing the brunt of it. Why did you put shoes and socks on? Now there’s no easy way out!

Aha! But there’s a cheat code. If you thought ahead and slipped on some chic sandals with those socks, just remove your marginally less smelly socks midstride, stuff them in your pockets, and be on your way.

And if you ain’t convinced, I’ll pull out the race card with the claim sandals are our go-to. They’re comfy, not that much work to put on, and fit with mostly anything. We can pack those for a trip and underestimate just how chilly it would be, so boom. Socks and sandals. Plus, you become a style icon, not caring what people think. The kids giggling and pointing their stubby fingers at your feet are oozing with jealousy.

6. You can go back in time for fifteen minutes. Where are you going and why?

Ha, you didn’t say how many times I can travel back in time in those fifteen minutes.

For an uncharacteristically serious answer, I’d meet the grandparents I never saw. That is, my grandma (or “lola” in Tagalog) on my mom’s side and my grandpa (or “angkong” in Phokkien) on my dad’s side. I’d visit my mom’s brother and my dad’s brother’s wife and just . . . talk. I want to know what I missed. And then I’d relive the last moments I saw my relatives who passed away during the pandemic and record their last words to me.

Fifteen minutes would never feel longer, and the weight of it all would crash on me when I’m back in the presentβ€”losing them.

🀧 *blows nose*

Sentimentality over.

7. Do you like to write while listening to music/ambience, or in blessed silence?

People who can work with music are legends. My attention span is about the size of a gerbil’s paw, so it’s “blessed silence” for me.

My type of “chill, ambient study music” tends to tell a storyβ€”Laufey, Taylor Swift, Lyn Lapid, sometimes beabadoobeeβ€”so I end up pausing to piece the parts of it together. Yes, I’ve tried Lofi, and the stubborn thing still doesn’t work. But even in silence, I find creative ways to distract myself, and the results end the same anyway.

I’m a hopeless case, people. It’s either laser-focus or nothing.

8. If you could wish for any one thing and have it come true, what would it be?

Darn it, that’s a good one.

Hm. World peace is clichΓ© and unattainable, so that’s out of the question. Could it be a cure for cancer? A drug for HIV? Uncontaminated water accessible even to the far ends of the earth? Perfect fictional males to be real?!

No, no. Those are too huge for me to pry into. I might end up like Peter in No Way Home or some other movie that uses this concept. Bruce Almighty maybe.

I might as well tie this into my previous answer, which would mean laser focus . . . or actual laser-shooting eyes. Would the latter be of any use? No, and that’s exactly the point.

9. Have you gotten into any new fandoms lately? What are they?

Take a guess.

Currently on book 2, and I’m loving it.

I also began listening to Olivia Rodrigo, and despite my efforts to deny being an emo, you-don’t-understand-me teen, I’ve failed. Last year’s Spotify Wrapped compared my music taste to a vampire’s. Something about “emotional” songs and “being engulfed.” Pssh, like I know what that means.

10. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Night owl. I type this in my PJs. My Algebra book also lays open before my laptop, forgotten and abandoned, but that’s not what you’re asking.

There’s this lulling silence to the night. Everything’s at peace; it’s the time of the day you’d postponed your tasks to, and you’ve run out of excuses and will to fight against the inevitable future, so, y’know, you just do it.

This post was brought to you by Nike!

No, it wasn’t. You didn’t buy that for a second.

11. Do you prefer animated or live-action films and shows?

I’m but a simple child. Animated shows. They’re more colorful, pop off of the screen, and have greater attention to detail. Speaking of which, I started The Bad Guys today, and if the world’s come to the point animated films have better pacing and plot than live-action ones, so be it. I’d simp for a wolf any day. Wait, what? Who said that? Iβ€”I didn’tβ€”

Then again, it’s a kid’s movie.

My Questions

  1. What rituals do you do to sleep at night?
  2. What’s something about yourself that somehow sneaks its way into your conversations?
  3. How are you so sure? (No wrong answers.)
  4. Who’s a book character you would swap lives with?
  5. Do you cringe at awkward moments while they’re happening or when you look back at them?
  6. What’s something you crave so badly that you’d trade your sibling/pet/friend to get right this moment?
  7. Should pineapples on pizza be legal? (No more of that “it’s a fruit!” arguments. Nuh-uh. Tomatoes are fruits, too, people.)
  8. Are you on the internet too much?
  9. Have you ever bought something that you realized later was a complete waste?
  10. Without referring to Google, what came firstβ€”orange the fruit or orange the color?
  11. Math is enjoyable. Is this statement true or false?

I Nominate . . .

Emily Charlotte @Emily Charlotte

Hannah @Faith, Fiction, & Fairytales

Maddie @Lightward Joy

Niv @Niv’s Nook

Reesa @The DollVille Blog

Regan @Adventures of AG Dolls

Thank you for reading!

And shout out to Natalie *cough hack cough* for remembering I existed and signing me up for this. It’s truly appreciated.

My, that’s much more word mumbo jumbo than I expected. I love how my lengthiest answer is for the “socks with sandals” question. I had to defend, er, explain myself.

You’re getting tired of me, aren’t you? Too bad! What would you have answered to Nat’s questions? Let me know. Frankly, they’re too clever to be used on only five people, so answer away.

The Sporadic Bursts of Motivation That GOVERN MY LIFE (Send Help)

What is this? A post out of schedule? That can’t be right. You might have to get your eyes checked.


I took a leave. Ahem, unannounced. Sorry about that.

But you see, this isn’t an actual post. See here:

The above pictures feature the title at workβ€”a project done by some magic boost of energy, with backgrounds of…

  1. stray wires from my laptop;
  2. school books I was supposed to be studying at the time I made it; and
  3. CKJ stats (Don’t ask me why).

If I could control it, I’d channel the motivation to school, writing, exercising, or baking, at the very least, but no. It always has to contribute to a talent or hobby that isn’t useful now or in the future.

Stay positive. Stay positive. Stay positive. Stay. Positive.

Well, at least I used recyclable materials. Look closely and see that the parts of the miniature corner bedroom were made from a used Baskin Robbins carton. Innovative, right?

Then again, I still haven’t done that chemistry assignment. The periodic table haunts me in my dreams.

I’ll be back soon!

Don’t miss me too much.

The Strike-Out Challenge

Heidi’s such a dear. I asked permission this time, and she agreed. As you can see, no one can resist my charm.

Huh, interesting. No rules for this one. I believe that’s my cue to take liberty in going haywire.

Without further ado, have I ever…

Kissed someone – On the lips? And not as a threat to my younger sister? *police car noises blaring* [through megaphone] Absolutely not.

Gone to a rock concert β€“ Hm. No.

Helped someone β€“ β€¦I want to say yes. No trick question here?

Gone fishing β€“ Rue the day. Days? I did it thrice, but the most recent one was not fruitful, to say the least. A trio of rowdy kids don’t attract dem fishies.

Watched four movies in one night – Is that even possible?!

Lied to someone β€“ No, I am an utterly flawless human being.

Failed a subject – A test, yes, but an entire string of them? My inner perfectionist could never.

Been in a car accident β€“ My baby sister, who was a baby then but not anymore, did experience that in a minor sense. She came out with no injuries, so no worries there. The last time I checked, she was (is?) still alive.

Convo Insert:

Me (Breanna): “Hey, Chrisha, are you alive?”

Baby Sister: *stands and grabs a pillow with dramatic flair; walks over to me, stands ominously* “Did you just ask me if I’m alive? Huh?!” *raises pillow* “Hmmm?!”

Me: “But are you alive?” *grabs the pillow and hits her with it*

Baby Sister: *falls and dies*

Apparently not.

Or something like that. It’s hard to communicate without making it into its own story.

Been in a tsunami – No, but it’s only a matter of time, considering where I live.

It was a joke, Mom.

Me averting problems in life:

Watched someone die (including pets) – How depressing. No to that.

Been to a funeral – Yep.

Burned yourself β€“ Yes, again. Clumsiness for the win.

Run a marathon – Nah.

Spend over 10,000 bucks in one day – In dollars? Who’s got that kind of cash?! Definitely not this jobless minor. Nope.

Flown on an airplane β€“ Oh, do you mean…✨”aErOpLaNe”✨? Flashback to Peppa Pig days, when we all had British accents. But in response to the question, yup, I have.

Written an 18-page letter (front & back) – I don’t quite see why one would do that. So, no.

Gone skiing – Nuh-uh. Have you seen the number of headlines of people dying from skiing accidents over the past 20 years? Me neither. But I’m pretty sure there were some. I’ll just stay in the comfort of my home, typing way and providing content for you all.

Lost someone you loved – Yep. Sadly. But we’ll meet again one day.

Got into trouble for something you didn’t do β€“ Willingly or involuntarily? If so, yes.

Stolen a book from a library – The answer is no, not even if I wanted to. I don’t have libraries to steal from.

Gone to a different country – Mhm. Japan, Hong Kong, America, and Canada, in reverse order. I believe I’ve been to America and Canada twice each, but my memory fails me.

Gambled in a casino – EXCUSE ME, MA’AM. *police car noises return* My underage self could never.

Been in a school play – I’m homeschooled, so…we might not have the same idea for that one. I had a separate organization for theatre, though, so if that’s what you mean, I give a fat thumbs up. Even as a sideline character, viewers said I stole the show. Viewers, as in the moms of my friends and the friends of my mom. Still counts.

Taken a lie detector test – Those things are fake. No, nor do I have plans to.

Voted for someone on a reality TV show – I’m so dull. Another resounding no.

Read more than 20 books a year β€“ No, but this year I will! Five books left to finish before I can say I did this.

I’m getting in the groove. School’s been rocky, and I only picked up on reading because of blogging.

Update (10/9/2023): 23 books, and going strong!

Gone to Europe – Perhaps one day. πŸ₯

Had surgery – Uh-huh. I had one for some vascular tumor on my head. I fell asleep halfway through.

Had stitches – Ooh! Yeah, I did, for that benign tumor I mentioned. It left a ghastly hole, so they had to close that up. Don’t ask me why I’m excited to share this.

Ridden a tuk-tuk (autorickshaw) – My country has its own version of this. We call ’em tricycles. I don’t know if that counts, but yes.

Had more than 5 IM conversations at once – Come on, guys. I’m not that famous.

Been in a fistfight – No, but I can be unintentionally aggressive, so it’s for the best.

Had a pet β€“ Have a pet. πŸ•πŸ‘ˆπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

Petted a wild animal β€“ Yup. Do lions count? He was part of a safari (caged, sadly), and I fed him milk. I didn’t touch him otherwise, but I’ll still say I did.

Had your own credit card & bought something with it – Haha! *cries in broke coz I don’t have my own money*

Dyed your hair β€“ Nope. My hair color? Oh, it’s ✨natural✨.

Got a Tattoo – How Old Do You Have to Be to Get a Tattoo?

“…the minimum age requirement in the United States is 18…” US, as in YOU-S (as in, I’m not a US citizen), but I’ll take what I can get.

Had something pierced β€“ Weird way to put it, but I have ear piercings and no recollection of how I got them.

Got a straight A β€“ As one does.

Taken pictures with a webcam – Nerp.

Gone to sleep with music on β€“ I find silence a better companion.

Isn’t it funny? When required to tag, I don’t, but when I don’t need to, I do. The power of lack of pressure.

Tag, You’re It!


Natalie @The Texas Lass

Corrie S.P. @Mirculus Homeschool

Niv @Niv’s Nook

Liesl @Quote, Unquote

…consider yourselves tagged! And if you’ve done it before, you have no choice but to do it again. Or ignore this. That’s fine, too.

For Copy-Paste Purposes:

Kissed someone – 

Gone to a rock concert β€“ 

Helped someone β€“ 

Gone fishing β€“ 

Watched four movies in one night – 

Lied to someone β€“ 

Failed a subject – 

Been in a car accident β€“ 

Been in a tsunami – 

Watched someone die (including pets) – 

Been to a funeral – 

Burned yourself β€“ 

Run a marathon – 

Spend over 10,000 bucks in one day – 

Flown on an airplane β€“ 

Written an 18-page letter (front & back) – 

Gone skiing – 

Lost someone you loved –

Got into trouble for something you didn’t do β€“ 

Stolen a book from a library – 

Gone to a different country – 

Gambled in a casino – 

Been in a school play – 

Taken a lie detector test – 

Voted for someone on a reality TV show – 

Read more than 20 books a year β€“ 

Gone to Europe – 

Had a surgery –

Had stitches –

Ridden a tuk-tuk (autorickshaw) – 

Had more than 5 IM conversations going on at once – 

Been in a fistfight – 

Had a pet β€“ 

Petted a wild animal β€“ 

Had your own credit card & bought something with it – 

Dyed your hair β€“ 

Got a tattoo – 

Had something pierced β€“ 

Got a straight A β€“ 

Taken pictures with a webcam – 

Gone to sleep with music on β€“

That’s all for me.

Man, I opted for silly today, didn’t I?

Follower Count Thanks & Answering Random Questions Numero Dos

In succession to Part 1, here I am again, answering questions I leeched from the internet. This is definitely one heck of a ride, and I didn’t install seatbelts.

Here we are again. Remember when I said there would be another post before this? That was a joke. Surprise! (Even I didn’t know until recently.)

Despite how disappointed I am with how my words are turning out, there’s nothing I can do about that. Progress over perfection.

Let’s get on with it.

Riddle Me This!

1. Which do you like better, hot or cold?

Funny how this isn’t specified. Perhaps hot as a temperature, accounting for the fact that both extremes could lead to your perilβ€”I’d prefer melting than freezingβ€”and hot again for food. Runny un-ice cream is the best kind of cream.

2. Have you ever cut someone else’s hair?

I’m so sorry, [name of younger sister]. I promise I didn’t mean to. I was just angling those scissors so close to your locks jokingly. It wasn’t me; it was the scissors that snipped itself!

Don’t kill me, please.

3. If you could learn one language, what would you choose?

Hebrew, if I wanted to look a smidge more religious.

Oh, who am I kidding? It’s most likely Korean.

I’ll let that sink in for a moment.

What can I say? It’s taking the world by storm, and my country dominates nearly all K-Pop fanbases. If I had the patience or skill, I would hop onto the bandwagon.

Related: Soldier, Poet, or King? (hopping onto the bandwagon)

4. What do you hope your deceased relative would say about you if they saw you now?

“She grew from the last time I saw her.” Spiritually and literally.

5. Do you care about reviews?

Too much for when it doesn’t matter and too little for when it does.

Book reviews? Yes. Abso-tutely. This is good, but they’re not the highest authority, so I mostly disregard them. (Exempting the reviews here on WP. Those are valuable.)

Movie reviews? I should care more, honestly. It might’ve helped me to brace myself. Looking at you, Barbie movie. Yet again, doing so would’ve made me susceptible to spoilers, so there’s some worth in that.

6. How can you tell if someone has a sense of humor?

The no-brainer answer would be, “I laugh at their jokes.” But my sense of humor is so irrevocably broken that I can lose myself crying over anything that tries to be funny, causing friends to look at me in concern and ask if I’m okay. No, I am not. It’s a disease, and it’s incurable.

My family’s immune to it by now, but it shocks them too at times.

So, obviously, the answer is a sixth sense. It takes a funny person to know one.

7. Which do you like better, ninjas or pirates?


We’re ignoring Google saying its target audience is “young kids” and “boys in elementary or pre-teen years,” none of which do I fit in.

8. Would you rather be able to control time or know what other people are thinking?

Know what other people are thinking, but realistically speaking, that would be too overwhelming. And the number of times people don’t say what they mean . . .

O second thought, how ’bout they don’t tell me what’s on their minds?

Besides, it’s a little invasive, but I’m sure we’ve wanted to know what goes on inside someone’s head at least twice.

And, let’s be honest, we’ve been severely disappointed by some.

For example . . .
































Control time it is, then.

9. What do characters do in movies that annoys you the most?

Oh, boy. We could make a whole list of these.

But, off the top of my head, it’s instantaneous forgiveness as if nothing ever happened without any relationship rebuilding, main characters criticizing others for being so unoriginal while being so doused in tropes themselves, and love at first sight (I’m sorry).

10. How would you want to be remembered?

As one who furthered the cause of Christ.

Thanks for reading!

I revoke what I said earlier in this post: I’m happy with how this one turned out. But what do you think? Did I use one too many GIFs? Do you relate to my answers, or would you have had a different reply? Were you rolled? (And is it getting old? Of course, it isn’t, but I’d still like to know.)

Check These Stuff Out!~A Purely Promotional Post~

Hear ye! Hear ye! I am… fresh out of creative ideas.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t advertise other people’s works under the guise that I’m helping them. Ta-da! Fun, right?

This is an advertisement. I had to let you know before you continued.

And yet, you still proceeded to read this. What a shame.

Actually, no. No, it is not, merely because what I have to feature is self-promotional, sure, but also other-people-promotional. Isn’t humility and selflessness such a lovely thing?

I wouldn’t know.

What do you mean it’s still July?!

The pandemic stole two years from my life. Yes, I am using that as an excuse for my immaturity. But come on, nobody told me this year would be like the Earth outlet was switched back on. It was slow at first, but then it all came crashing down as if time were nipping you in the heels.

Just me? ‘Kay.

In simpler terms, July was a busy month.

My ideas well had run dry, so what better time to substitute some original stuff with unoriginal stuff, right?


For Ye Mystery Lovers

Chaos We Unravel centers on the close-knit lookalike sisters whose personalities couldn’t clash more. It’s Independence Day, and Chelsea and Michelle expected a stress-free hang-out. With their older brother, Justin, and Jenna, the plan was 1) snacks and 2) enjoying the show. But when a fire and a gunshot ring out, another mystery finds them yet again. Now they just have to follow it.

synopsis by moi

Amanda and Anita, the writers behind this excellent work, share the clues email-by-email and encourage you to interact, sniffing out the clues and revealing your hunches. It tested my deductive skills, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Plus, the best friends are incredibly, well, friendly.

The mysteries aren’t murder-levelβ€”a relief for me, who has difficulty finding clean onesβ€”and lean more toward being realistic. As a relatively jumpy person, they have not kept me up at night, thank goodness, and will probably not haunt you whenever you’re alone with your thoughts.

Note: I probably discovered Hours We Regret, the predecessor of Chaos We Unravel, and the main book by Amanda and Anita, from Virginia @Books by Virginia, but I’m not quite sure since I can’t find the post where she promoted it. But visit her blog, you guys.

For Christian Teens

I’m so blessed to have discovered The Rebelution.

Being a teen in this day and age is hard. It’s always been. But with temptations amplified by the widespread impact of the internet, it’s even more challenging. People look down on us, judging us as inadequate and not skilled enough before we even prove ourselves. Sometimes, even we see ourselves that way.

But it’s not about us. It’s about God, and He can use teenagers where we are. We can learn about Him and know Him during this confusing stage. Developing Christlike character isn’t just for adults. We can start now, and the Reb will help you grow.

The link leads you to their site, where articles that benefit you as a writer and a young Christian are published weekly. And I highly recommend joining their weekly newsletter, from which you get 27 book recommendations…for free. Now, that’s a good deal.

Thank you for reading!

Out of curiosity…

And if you’re wondering why that was so incredibly short, then…

*runs away but with 100x more dramatic flair*

Monthly Wrap-Up (February 2023)

Good day, lovely aliens! Belated Happy Valentine’s.

Let’s take a moment to admire the featured image. It never does turn out how I intend it to; nevertheless, I spent too much time on it. When will she learn?

Before you correct me, yes, I know it’s not the end of the month yet. But I’m afraid of all my learnings liquifying and slipping between my fingers.

What did I learn, you ask?

What I Learned

LOTS. At 10 years, you think you know everythingβ€”a decade of knowledge stored in one person. Invaluable!

Soon you find you never really were that intellectual. You Math skills were so-so; your vocabulary was small; your scientific knowledge fell short. Someone was always more intelligent than you. Your best was not the best. That, my friend, is the blues of aging.

Thank God I’m going through it! When you realize how inadequate you are, He opens your eyes to how He can use you despite your shortcomings. “You be you” works in the Christian lifeβ€”but only to a minimum. Your skills and what you’re naturally good at don’t change, but nearly everything else does, such as your conduct, speech, thoughts, mindset, beliefs, desires, et cetera.

It’s mind-boggling how God can work in and through you. This doesn’t, however, happen at the flip of a switch. Think sanctificationβ€”the process of God changing you to become more like Him.

I, along with Christians, am currently on that road. Stumbling and tripping are the norm, but Jesus reaches out a hand, pulls us up, brushes us off, and guides us continuously. One step at a time. You start with baby steps, then, by God’s grace, upgrade to strides and skips, rejoicing in one voice to our Father God.

Now, I tend to forget how God works in my life. He does great things. I’d have a list of them, I’m sure!

…If only I remembered.

I’m trying to say I must document how God is working through meβ€”written evidence I can wave in the enemy’s face whenever he whispers doubts in my ear. (Take that, PUNK!) And it begins now. Every month I plan on writing what I’m thankful for, what I’m learned, and what the HECK IS GOING ON WITH MY LIFE. Ehem, enjoy.

Oh, and I forgot to add: There will be points at which I just jot down random info, primarily about nutrition and health.

Let’s get TO IT!

(WARNING: Do not expect seriousness.)

About Myself

Let’s start off on a sour note: I’m a big ol’ meanie. I’m selfish, I’m prideful, and I’m insensitive. I have this horrid habit of justifying my disrespectful, mean actions. Then God orchestrates something in your life, and it clicksβ€”it’s not everyone else on the wrong page of the sheet music. You’re the one off-key. A worthy face-slap moment. But what good does that knowledge do if you don’t check your notes and try again? Let me rephrase that: what good is knowing you’re wrong if you don’t work toward improvement?

[Cue the conviction.] Yes, yes, God, I’m working on it. [God slaps me on the back of my head] I-I MEANT WE’RE WORKING ON IT, GOD! I’m sorry.

Onto the next subtopic: I like to write. (The blogger enjoys writing?! Preposterous!) Teachers and dear ma claim that I have an undeniable knack for writing. Give me some paper, a pencil, or a keyboard, and my creativity flows seamlessly. To say the least, that statement is biased.

Nevertheless, my fire burns bright! Watch out, dear aliens, for soon, so soon you could taste it, I will reveal a storyβ€”a novella, hopefullyβ€”taking place in a faraway place. Well, er, maybe not too soon, actually. You can count on me sharing a snippet, but I’m not planning on releasing it before I’m satisfied.

Publish? No. I’m afraid. It haunts me. I can’t. Or just won’t. On second thought…no, thank you. It’ll-it’ll just be on here, on dear old WordPress.

Keep your eyes peeled for some short stories, though! After getting inspired by several blogs, I’ll post brief stories on diverse topics. (I’m thinking of writing one on Medieval Europe soon!)

{the several blogs}

Thank you for reading!

*checks time* Guys, I offer you my humblest apologies, but it’s 15 minutes to 12 a.m. in my time. I rushed this post wishing I wouldn’t let you poor aliens down.

This is just 1 part of the Monthly Wrap-Up. Feeling shortchanged? Stick around till the second part!

See ya, aliens! I seriously need to sleep.

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