Journal- 4/30/2024: Look What I Did!

I started a story. No surprise there. But! I made a goal for said story and actually—get this—reached it before the deadline. Celebrations! Confetti! Champagne (but it’s actually apple juice)! Let me ramble about that contemporary short-story-that-might-become-a-novella real quick . . .

Guys! I cheated!

I finished it yesterday with a final WC of 10,022, but the story’s not over yet.

Okay, perhaps not entirely. I wrote 7,980 words out of my supposed 10,000 this month, but I started with 2,042 already written. The sad part is that 10k is half the original goal, but I get this confetti-sprinkled pop-up and a bunch of celebratory GIFs at the journey’s end, so what does it matter?

What Story Did You Win with, You Ask?

Why, thank you for such pleasant nosiness! [Su*cide Trigger Warning] It centers on a pastor’s kid and a girl who tries to jump off from her windowsill to end her . . . self. Surprisingly, it’s not as dark as I thought it would turn out, and the contemporary vibes are AGH. Primarily featuring Christian messages, finding your identity in the rubble, doing the right thing when the boundaries are murky, and, of course, goofy Christian friends.

If I ever doubted that contemporary was my favorite genre, my reaction to the scenes that work has sealed the deal for me.

I conceded to the idea on October 16, 2023—the date the Doc claims I began clickity-clackity-ing toward some semblance of a goal. After two days of minor updates, I left it alone until a random December day. I vaguely remember my dad coming home after saving this couple. The wife and her husband had been fighting, and she tried to k*ll herself, but my dad stopped them before she could and counseled them for about four to six hours.

My sisters and I prayed for them, and my heart went out to the couple. Somehow, it felt like God calling me to return to the story. But my lazy self was hardly consistent in that month. A passable excuse could be the hecticness of the season and my priorities being with school, extracurriculars, and another larger work-in-progress.

Time passed, and when I could’ve forgotten about this, I didn’t. I’m taking that as a sign, small as it might be.

Anyway, though I hit the goal, I’ll keep working on this lump of ideas and see where it goes. I may or may not mention it here since it makes me so darn happy in upcoming posts. Who knows? I would if I planned stuff. I don’t and therefore am as clueless as you. Speaking of planning . . .

I Outlined?

According to recent studies, I’m a pantser. Whenever I put my ideas to parchment, I realize even I wouldn’t read a story with that premise and then promptly lose enthusiasm.

The two lessons I need to learn:

  1. Make better premises.
  2. Remember that it’s just a rough replica.
  3. Experiment!

Yes, I can count. I didn’t consciously take note of the third point of that two-point list, but I still applied it in the outlining process somehow, also unconsciously. I have four Letter-sized scrap pieces of paper to prove it. They might all be hardly a fourth filled, but that counts!

This video by Ana Neu inspired me to at least give it a shot.

As she said in the intro, her guide isn’t exhaustive. Take what may compliment your writing style, and apply it how you please. I used the “brain barf” outline style and place plotting; they’re neat and messy, and I love them. It’s also refreshing to see a young writer (with an extreme yet very authentic Australian accent) being relatable, sharing encouragement and tips openly, and building such a supportive community. She’s Christian, too, and her vlog videos are as aesthetic as they come.

But Back to the Main Topic . . .

Here’s proof, people.

It was inspired by Justin Bieber’s song “Hold On.” How does one translate electric guitar feels into a story? I have no clue, so I opted out of that the first chance I got.

A cool song, nonetheless.

Sure, it says “novella” in incoherent writing on the top-right corner of the page, but will it ever really reach that point? I say no, but we, as always, shall see.

The Place Plotting section looks empty and soulless, but the real one’s on the other page, ye of little faith.

Okay, That’s Basically It.

Nearly all my academic, extracurricular, and officer work is complete. I know, it’s a shock to me, too. I want to say the stress is easing out and making way for a more chill phase, but that would be a lie. A blatant lie.

How was your Camp NaNoWriMo? If you don’t know what that is or didn’t participate, how well did April treat you, and what’s up with writing?

Author: ☁ Breanna ☁

(If I commented on your post at a suspiciously early/late time, it's because I live far, far away.) Greetings and salutations. 'Tis I, Breanna! I am a homeschooled Christian teen whose heart is bursting with praises to her almighty King. I hope your day is going fine and dandy. If it is or isn't, I'd recommend visiting my blog for a laugh or possible new learnings. But beware, no grouches allowed! I love art, books, baking and cooking, school (who doesn't?!), family, Jesus, and meeting new people (hint hint!). Please stop by. In reading this, you know me but not I to you! THE CURIOSITY IS TORTURE!

14 thoughts on “Journal- 4/30/2024: Look What I Did!”

  1. Whooo, I’m so proud of you!!🤩😍 I loved this idea so much on that day and it was fun to get a backstory. It’s no easy feat to cross 10k, and I’m in awe of your determination. (My 3k stays the same🤓🤫)
    After that one day of writing, I have this new found respect towards people who work towards their writing goals. It’s surely satisfying but painfully slow😅😭 and most of the times I get bored by the story I’m trying to tell after the initial chapters.
    I’m waiting to hear more from this amazing writing project!💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re officially the first person to have heard of it. 👀 Credit where credits due, lol. Aw, thank you, but I still admire you for hitting 3k in one day. Absolutely inhuman, if you ask me. 😂😆

      Same here! Oof, the getting bored after getting the first chapters out is so real. But that’s why I’m aiming for a safe short story word count goal for this one. Not everything has to be at a clean-cut novel length, amirite? ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (Oof, I just realized my story’s initials are HOO like the actual HoO. 🤣)

      Yay! Can’t wait to share more about it! 🥰

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, I’m honoured 😭💕
        A teeny surge of inspiration, that’s it. I wish it was more consistent 😂
        Yeahh, that makes sense! HOO initials are so cool!! 😎

        Liked by 1 person

  2. As somebody who may or may not have written a short-story-that-definitely-became-a-novella, I can say with confident authority that those are the best kind. I always find the inspiration behind a story as fascinating as the story itself, and this is no different. That’s a respectable word count, too! So when is this masterpiece going to be available in libraries?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you may have definitely written that, but hey, that’s just a guess. Even with my limited knowledge, I agree; they have this charm to them. They’re also a cheeky testament to how powerless an author is against the first draft. You always say it’ll be a certain length, that one character will do the thing that’ll lead to the other thing, that a scene will communicate a feeling to a tee. It’s a lie you tell yourself, of course, but the idea of such authority is a cool thought, ain’t it? Thank you! My eyeballs burn reading my own sentences, and I wouldn’t want to subject anyone to that sort of torture. I’m kind like that.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Since we both might remember it, we’ll say it did happen. It’s funny you should say that, about drafts dragging authors around by their noses. I was going through the old notes of a WIP the other day and found one I’d left myself that said, paraphrased, “I don’t need to write down X details because they don’t matter, since this is only going to be a short story.” Now it’s the first novel in a painfully long trilogy, and I have to write down those details anyway. 🙃 Joke’s on you, burning my own eyeballs is a recreational pastime of mine. Still, I guess I’ll just wait until the movie comes out.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. A painfully long trilogy, you say? 👀Why are we talking about my measly short story when you have a trilogy in the works?! Doubt they’ll ever make a movie about an unknown story never told. That is, unless I take up film writing, open my own indie film studio, and grow a beard to hide my secrets in. None of that is happening anytime soon, so might as well keep my head bowed and chug along.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Because I stopped writing it sometime in 2022 to research my guts out about radiation poisoning and it’s still in literary limbo, that’s why. 😂 I mean, that sounds like an epic plan to me. If you ever need a beard-growing buddy to make indie movies with, let me know.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. yesss congrats! It’s so satisfying to reach that goal no matter what it is

    that story sounds so amazing! I would totally read it if you ever want to publish it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eek, thank you!

      Is than an offer I hear? 👀 I kid, I kid. I’ll probably write about it whether or not anyone wants to know, which is selfish of me, but oh, well. 😂


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